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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 43: 

Uncles are White-Eyed Wolves[1] 

Ouyang Nuan hurriedly went over and held her hand. Old Madam Ning looked at her, a faint smile appearing at the corners of her mouth. 

Seeing that Old Madam Ning had already awakened, Doctor Liu went to the outer room to write down the prescription and sent someone to boil the medicine. He also instructed to let Old Madam Ning rest more and to remember to make her eat something before leaving. 

Old Madam Ning tightly grasped the hand in her palm, feeling the warmth of Ouyang Nuan's hand, carefully examining her face. Ouyang Nuan had a pair of delicate willow-leaf eyebrows and a straight, delicate nose.

Straight, with bright and clear eyes, her face was incredibly serene and tranquil... She couldn't help but softly call out, "Qing'er, my dear..."

Knowing that the Old Madam was calling her own mother's name, Ouyang Nuan felt a trace of sadness in her heart and softly replied, "It's me, grandmother."

The Old Madam was taken aback, forced a smile, but tears fell first...

After a while, Old Madam Ning sat up, leaning against the bed. Ouyang Nuan fed her water, whispering softly, "Grandmother, be careful while drinking, don't choke."

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Old Madam Ning smiled gently, her expression very soft, "Why did you come?"

Ouyang Nuan's face carried a gentle and peaceful smile, "I came to see my grandmother."

The Old Madam felt her clothes and frowned, saying, "Why are you dressed so lightly? Du Mama, go fetch the crane cloak from the large red feather veil and white fox fur."

Du Mama complied, and Ouyang Nuan's heart stirred. Her grandmother never wore bright colors. She guessed it must be something her mother wore before she got married. Tears shimmered in her eyes involuntarily as she said, "Grandmother, you're the best to me in this world."

The Old Madam's expression softened even more as she said, "Silly child."

At that moment, they heard commotion from outside the room.

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The maid Lu'e came in to report, her face somber. "Old Madam, both the Second Master and the Third Master, as well as their wives, and several young ladies and young masters have arrived outside. They said they want to visit the Old Madam!"


Second Uncle Lin Wenyuan is the elder brother of the Lin family, currently serving as Minister of War. His wife, Second Aunt Jiang, hails from a prominent household in Shanxi and is a concubine-born daughter of the former Prime Minister's family. 

Third Uncle Lin Wenpei holds no official position and is known for his love of leisure. His wife comes from one of the four great merchant families of Jiangnan and is particularly shrewd with finances. These uncles are not directly related to the Old Madam and usually aren't particularly filial. 

Now, hearing that the eldest son of the eldest uncle has passed away, they unexpectedly come eagerly. Although the eldest uncle is upright, he is also very weak-willed. Lin Wenyuan has coveted the title of Marquis for many years. This household has always relied on the Old Madam's support. If they see her fall ill, they will certainly take action! 

Ouyang Nuan thought to herself, a smile forming on her face as she said to the Old Madam, who was frowning, "Grandmother, I haven't seen Uncle and Aunt for a long time. Let me go out and greet them."

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Old Madam Ning shook her head, saying, "Silly girl, they've come for me. They won't leave without seeing me! Furong, help me up!" Furong hurriedly came over to assist the Old Madam, but before she could lift her up, the Old Madam started coughing violently. Ouyang Nuan rushed to intervene, saying, "Grandmother, let me do it!"

The Old Madam glanced into her eyes and saw a determination and coldness she had never seen in Nuan's eyes before. She was taken aback, but Ouyang Nuan had already soothingly patted her hand and said to Furong, "Take good care of Grandmother!"

After speaking, Ouyang Nuan walked slowly outside with Fang Mama and Hongyu. Just as they stepped out of the main hall, they saw a group of people approaching. Second Uncle Lin Wenyuan, looking hurried, led the way, with Third Uncle following closely behind, and the rest of the group trailing behind them.

"Both uncles, aunt, Nuan is here to greet you." Ouyang Nuan said with the gentlest smile, raising her voice.

Lin Wenyuan was indeed surprised, but quickly put on an affectionate expression, saying, "Nuan, how did you come? No one informed us!"

Second Aunt Jiang, who was very elegant and noble, approached at this moment, saying, "Nuan must have heard the news and came to visit the Old Madam. She must be very sad right now. Let's go in quickly to comfort her."

'Comfort? You know that the eldest son of the main branch has passed away, and the Old Madam is grieving. You're just here to rub salt in her wounds and completely knock her down!' Ouyang Nuan sneered inwardly, but her smile grew sweeter on her face. "No wonder Mother often says that Uncle and Aunt are the most filial. You've come to visit the Old Madam knowing she's upset. It's just unfortunate that the Old Madam has just fallen asleep. Why don't you all come back another day?"

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Ouyang Nuan stood firmly at the doorway, blocking the only entrance. Lin Wenyuan, afraid of losing his dignity, hesitated to force his way through. 

He scrutinized Ouyang Nuan and said, "We also want to comfort the Old Madam. Perhaps she's already awake. Yuanrou, why don't you go in and check?"

Lin Yuanrou stepped out from the crowd. She was wearing a long silver-white dress with a rose-red brocade jacket. A circle of snow-white fox fur adorned her neck, highlighting her petite face. She was the daughter of Lin Wenyuan and Jiang, older than Ouyang Nuan by a year. 

She gracefully approached Ouyang Nuan, who was standing on the steps, and said, "Cousin Nuan, I want to go in and see grandmother. I'm sure she'll be very happy to see me at this moment. Please move aside."

Ouyang Nuan smiled calmly and said, "Yuanrou, you're absolutely right. Since you're so favored by the Old Madam, you should understand the rules of Rongxi Hall even better!" 

Ouyang Nuan gestured towards the large plaque adorned with nine golden dragons on a green background hanging above, continuing, "This plaque in Rongxi Hall was bestowed by the former emperor. It's not allowed for anyone to barge in without the Old Madam's permission. Perhaps you could advise Uncle and Aunt. With the recent loss of the fifth cousin, the Old Madam is not in a good mood. Insisting on entering might only worsen her state of mind. Filial piety is of the utmost importance, and you should understand that."

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Upon hearing Ouyang Nuan's words, Lin Yuanrou felt as if she had been unfairly labeled. Her smile froze for a moment as she glanced back at her parents. Seeing her mother desperately signaling to her, she understood that as elders, her parents didn't want to engage in further argument with Ouyang Nuan, a younger relative. 

So, she continued, "Cousin Nuan, how can you say that? When grandmother is ill, it's only natural for her children to come and visit. We'll just stay for a short while, say a few words to comfort her, and then leave. We won't disturb grandmother's rest."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan lowered her head ruefully and said, "Yuanrou is indeed right. However, today when we received the news about the fifth cousin, the Old Madam immediately flew into a rage, blaming the servants for not taking good care of him. She was about to vent her anger on them, and it took me and Du Mama quite some time to calm her down. She just fell asleep, and waking her now might provoke her anger again. Not only would the servants suffer, but Uncle and Aunt might also bear the brunt of her wrath. Is it really necessary?"

Though the Old Madam was clearly ill, she was portrayed as merely sleeping. Fang Mama, hearing her young mistress fabricate such tales with her eyes wide open, couldn't help but suppress a laugh, keeping her eyes downcast.

"This is impossible! We are all the Old Madam's closest relatives. She knows we're here. How could she avoid seeing us? Stop blocking us and let us in!" Third Master Lin Wenpei, who never cared much about the authority of elders, shouted disregarding any decorum.

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Second Master Lin Wenyuan gave Ouyang Nuan a meaningful look and nodded in agreement, "Regardless, since we're here, we must go in to see her. Nuan wouldn't block us outside, would she?"

With that said, Lin Wenyuan approached, seemingly about to push past Ouyang Nuan and barge inside!

"You're overestimating me. I wouldn't dare. You all are elders. If you insist on going in, I naturally can't stop you. However, this is ultimately grandmother's courtyard. It wouldn't be appropriate for everyone to just barge in like this. Let me go in first to inform her. Please wait outside for a moment." After Ouyang Nuan finished speaking, she waved to Hongyu, and Hongyu, understanding her signal, turned and entered the house.

After a while, Du Mama walked out from inside, her expression stern. "Both masters, madam, and all the young masters and misses, please go back for now. The Old Madam said she won't see anyone today."

"I don't believe it. How could the Old Madam say such a thing?" Madame Jiang frowned.

"Second Sister-in-law is right. You must not want us to see the Old Madam. Is something happening inside? Move aside!" Lin Wenpei shouted first.

After Du Mama spoke, Ouyang Nuan stood in front of the main gate again. Although she was just a delicate girl, her eyes exuded an indescribable calmness and composure, showing no intention of yielding.

Lin Wenyuan sneered, "Nuan, don't think that just because the Old Madam favors you, you can stop us here?"

"I certainly wouldn't dare stop Second Uncle, but Du Mama's words convey the Old Madam's intention," Ouyang Nuan replied with a steady smile on her face.

Lin Wenyuan's smile finally faded. He hadn't expected his niece, who he always thought of as timid, to be so bold. "Are you asking me to let the servants pull you away? You won't look good if that happens."

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Ouyang Nuan remained unmoved, her smile becoming even more sincere and touching. "Second Uncle, you're mistaken. Everything I do is for your consideration. Firstly, although the Old Madam is saddened by the loss of the fifth cousin, she still has Aunt and me by her side to console her. Secondly, Second Uncle, you have official duties to attend to, and we couldn't bear to trouble you with this matter. Thirdly, the Old Madam has always had poor health. If you and Aunt insist on going in against her wishes and provoke her anger, causing her to fall ill again, what will happen then? 

She continued; "Furthermore, I often heard my father mention that the Left Prime Minister of the Zongren Mansion was impeached by the imperial censors for offending his stepmother with a single remark. Even his first-grade official position was revoked by the Emperor. Second Uncle, you are aware that the plaque in Rongxi Hall was bestowed by the former Emperor, as was just mentioned. Those imperial censors are always looking for something to impeach officials with, even if there's nothing. Why give them the opportunity to accuse you of disrespecting the former Emperor or disregarding your stepmother?"

After these words were spoken, not only Lin Wenyuan, but everyone present was silenced, and the whole scene fell silent. 

Only Third Master Lin Wenpei, who held no official position and was known for his audacious behavior, spoke loudly, "His Majesty is wise. He surely wouldn't blame my brother for such a trivial matter."

Ouyang Nuan smiled gracefully and calmly, saying, "Third Uncle is right. However, though I am young, I understand the importance of family harmony and national stability. If His Majesty misunderstands and thinks that the marquisate is in turmoil, who could bear such a heavy accusation?"

Lin Wenpei was still unwilling to give up and wanted to speak again, but Ouyang Nuan whispered softly, "Third Uncle, the Old Madam was just angry a moment ago. She said that a madwoman came to the back gate of the marquisate a few days ago, claiming to be my Third Aunt. I was puzzled because my Third Aunt is standing right here. How could there be another one? I sincerely have your best interests at heart. It's best not to provoke the Old Madam at this time."

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The expression of Third Madame Meng, who had been watching the scene unfold, immediately changed. Lin Wenpei seemed to have been silenced, unable to utter a single word.

Lin Wenyuan once again carefully scrutinized Ouyang Nuan. He couldn't believe that he had always been most wary of Old Madam Ning, yet unknowingly, the daughter of his deceased younger sister had such courage. Wasn't it said that he had firmly controlled this girl in the palm of his hand? How did she become like this? He took a deep breath and said, "Forget it. Since the Old Madam refuses to see us, let's go back first."

Ouyang Nuan smiled as she watched the group leave angrily. However, when she turned around, she saw Du Mama looking at her with a surprised expression. "What's wrong?" Ouyang Nuan asked.

Du Mama smiled and replied, "Nothing. The Old Madam is still waiting for you. Hurry and go in."

Entering the bedroom, Ouyang Nuan noticed that the Old Madam seemed much better in spirits. After scrutinizing Ouyang Nuan from head to toe for a while, the Old Madam smiled and said to Du Mama, "When did this child become so eloquent? Today, you've left your uncles stumbling over their words."

Ouyang Nuan smiled and sat down beside the Old Madam. "Grandmother, it's not that I am eloquent; it's just that they are in the wrong," she said.

Du Mama looked puzzled. "But Miss, how did you know that there was a woman causing trouble at the back gate of the marquisate?"

Ouyang Nuan tilted her head, glanced at the Old Madam, and then at Du Mama. "Because I have special abilities. With just a snap of my fingers, I can foresee everything!" she joked. In a city as small as the capital, rumors spread quickly. Who didn't know that the Third Master of the Marquisate had a concubine outside and that she had caused trouble? Moreover, Ouyang Nuan had always kept an eye on the situation here through her servants, so she was well aware of what was happening.

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The Old Madam chuckled, then coughed twice. Ouyang Nuan gently patted her back and said, "They left today, but they'll come back tomorrow. Where are Uncle and Aunt?"

Du Mama's expression turned hesitant as she said, "The Master has always had poor health, unable to tolerate even the slightest breeze. He's confined to bed for recuperation. It's always been the Old Madam and the Eldest Madam holding things together in this household. However, with the Eldest Madam deeply grieving the loss of her beloved son, she has been inconsolable since last night and refuses to attend to any matters. Otherwise, it wouldn't tolerate the Second and Third Masters being so assertive!"

Although Uncle Lin Wenlong inherited the title, he was frail, often ill, and had a weak personality. Compared to the physically robust and deeply scheming Second Uncle Lin Wenyuan, he was indeed lacking. 

In the previous life, Uncle Lin Wenlong lingered on the sickbed for many years before eventually passing away prematurely. Naturally, the title was inherited by Lin Wenyuan, who was well-regarded in the court. 

However, Lin Wenlong was her true uncle, while Lin Wenyuan was the elder brother of her stepmother, Madam Lin Wanru. Just for this reason, Ouyang Nuan wouldn't let him easily and comfortably inherit the title. 

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After some thought, she said to the Old Madam, "Grandmother, you must be tired. Rest well for now. I'll go check on Aunt Lin and come back to accompany you later."

"Go then, try to persuade her for me," the Old Madam sighed deeply, her expression clouded with concern.

Ouyang Nuan watched as Du Mama attended to the Old Madam until she fell asleep before turning to leave.


The upper chambers of the Rongxi Hall consisted of five rooms, with a rear door leading to the backyard. Ouyang Nuan exited through the rear door into the backyard, then passed through the east-west corridor, and finally arrived at Aunt Lin's courtyard.

After the maid had informed her, Ouyang Nuan walked in. 

She saw Madam Shen dressed in a stone-blue embroidered satin jacket with white magnolia flowers, paired with a mint embroidered long skirt. Madame Shen looked tired as she leaned against the bed. Her complexion was extremely pale, with traces of tears on her face. Madam Shen's maid, Xu Mama, stood beside her with a grieving expression, silently shedding tears.

Upon seeing Ouyang Nuan, Madam Shen forced herself to perk up and said, "Nuan'er, you're here. Come and sit down quickly."

In Ouyang Nuan's memory, Madam Shen was always kind and generous. When her own mother passed away, she would come along with the Old Madam to offer comfort, patiently holding her in her arms. Compared to the insincere attitudes of her second uncle and others, Madam Shen was the only one whom Ouyang Nuan considered a true relative. Ouyang Nuan walked over with a smile and sat beside Madam Shen, saying, "Aunt Lin, it's been a while. The little girl you once knew has grown into a graceful young lady!"

Madam Shen smiled faintly, but there was a hint of bitterness in her expression that she couldn't conceal.

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With the fifth cousin passing away, only his close relatives were genuinely mourning for him. Others might shed tears, but they weren't heartfelt. Ouyang Nuan deeply understood Madam Shen's current feelings and gently advised, "Aunt Lin, you've been crying all day. Be careful not to strain your eyes from crying too much. Your elder brother, nephews, and nieces need your care, and there are household matters to attend to... Moreover, if you continue like this, it will only add to the sorrow of the Old Madam."

Continuing, Ouyang Nuan whispered, "Madam, I have something to discuss with you privately."

Xu Mama nodded, instructing all the maids and servants to leave the room. They waited in the courtyard, keeping a respectful distance. After ensuring the door was securely closed, she turned back.

Unable to contain her tears any longer, Madam Shen began sobbing softly. Xu Mama hurriedly offered her a handkerchief. Madam Shen took it, still crying, and whispered, "Nuan, you don't know... Hua'er was fine initially. He was... he was harmed by someone..."

As soon as Xu Mama heard this, she immediately interrupted, "Madam, you're getting flustered. How can you say such things to Miss? Please, stop these nonsensical words."

Ouyang Nuan's expression turned serious as she said, "Xu Mama, Uncle is my biological uncle, and I grew up under Aunt's care. I won't side with those outsiders. Please, if there's something to be said, let Aunt finish."

Xu Mama had always thought that this young lady was a confused person deceived by her stepmother. At this moment, hearing her speak like this was indeed surprising. 

Madam Shen had long wanted to say this, but she didn't dare to speak to her frail husband or her elderly mother-in-law. She urgently needed someone to confide in and had already started speaking: "Your uncle's health has been poor, and I have been taking care of him these days, neglecting Hua'er. He originally just had a stomach problem, and as long as his stomach was cleared, he would be fine. Who would have thought that the quack doctor would claim it was dysentery and actually use such aggressive medicine..."

Ouyang Nuan slowly asked, "Aunt, is that doctor..."

Xu Mama sighed and said, "Except for Madam's physician, Doctor Liu, all the masters in our other households have been treated by Doctor Zhou for many years. However, six months ago, Doctor Zhou and his family moved to the south. Second Master then specially invited a physician named Xu."

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"The famous physician? Lin Wenyuan probably invited a quack!" Unfortunately, Fifth Young Master is already gone, so investigating this matter further might not yield anything. While thinking this, Ouyang Nuan said softly, "I understand everything Madam Shen said, and I can sympathize. It's just unfortunate for Grandmother and Eldest Cousin. One fell ill due to anger, while the other can only watch his mother grieve helplessly..." 

Madam Shen was suddenly stunned, not understanding what Ouyang Nuan meant.

Ouyang Nuan spoke gently, saying, "Fifth Young Master was Grandmother's beloved grandson, so she is deeply saddened too. While Aunt can hide away to weep, Grandmother doesn't have a moment's rest. Just now, when Second Uncle and his entourage came to seek an audience with such vigor, with them present, even if Grandmother is in great pain, she wouldn't be able to voice it."

Madam Shen looked extremely surprised, and Ouyang Nuan continued, "Second Uncle has always had his eyes on inheriting the title. Aunt is well aware of this. However, with the Eldest Son of the main branch and with Grandmother still alive, the title will never fall to him. But forgive my impertinence, if Second Uncle and Grandmother can't stop him, once he inherits the title, has Aunt considered how Eldest Cousin will fare then?"

Lin Zhiran is the eldest legitimate son of Lin Wenlong and Madam Shen. 

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If Lin Wenlong remains healthy, he is certain to inherit the title in the future. However, Madam Shen knows her husband's health better than anyone else; she fears he may not last much longer. 

Zhiran is still a young boy, how could he possibly contend with the wolves of the second branch? If Lin Wenyuan were to inherit the title, even if their branch wasn't driven out, Zhiran's future would be completely ruined!

"Madam Shen, think about it. If you continue to grieve like this and allow those people to pressure Grandmother step by step, if Grandmother falls, so will Eldest Uncle. Who will truly benefit? Cousin Huaran is your youngest son, we all know how much you cherish him. But Cousin Zhiran is your eldest son. When you gave birth to him, you almost didn't make it through the delivery. When the midwife asked if you wanted to save the mother or the child, you didn't hesitate to choose to let Cousin Zhiran live. You love him so much. Can you bear to see him in the future with no one to rely on, bullied by others?"

These words, which Xu Mama wanted to say but was unable to due to her status, were all spoken by Ouyang Nuan. Madam's excessive grief, refusing to take charge, only benefits those from the second household. 

Once they pressure Grandmother to death, how long can the main household hold on? At that time, it's likely that the one whose future will be ruined is Eldest Young Master Lin Zhiran. 

Seeing Madam Shen's thoughtful expression, she quickly urged, "Madam, Miss Ouyang is right. For the sake of Eldest Young Master, you must pull yourself together!"

Madam Shen remained silent for a long time, and Ouyang Nuan didn't rush her, just waited patiently. It wasn't until Madam Shen nodded gently and said, "I understand," that her eyes and nose were both red, but her expression had cleared up.

Ouyang Nuan knew she had come to terms with it, so she said to Xu Mama, "Please go and bring a basin of water for Madam Shen to wash her face."

Xu Mama responded and left, while Ouyang Nuan held Madam Shen's hand and whispered softly, "Aunt Shen, there's no need to feel resigned. Patience is a virtue, and there will be plenty of opportunities for revenge and redemption in the future."

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Madam Shen stared at her young niece in astonishment. She never expected such words from the twelve-year-old. She had only been in the Marquis Mansion for two years when her eldest sister-in-law, Lin Wanqing, got married. Although they had limited time together, they got along well. Madam Shen was genuinely saddened by Lin Wanqing's passing and had worried about the upbringing of her young niece. Now, seeing how clever Ouyang Nuan had become, even surpassing Lin Wanqing, and understanding the wisdom of patience and seizing opportunities, Madam Shen nodded solemnly, impressed by her niece's maturity.

After Ouyang Nuan left, a figure emerged from behind the semi-transparent ink painting screen in the inner room. Seeing him, Madam Shen smiled faintly. "Zhiran, Nuan'er is family, and she's young. There's no need for you to avoid her like this."

Lin Zhiran was dressed in a light purple cloud brocade robe with narrow sleeves and a high collar, adorned with embroidered flowers. He had deep, piercing eyes like cold stars, a high nose, and distinct features. Despite being only fourteen years old, he stood tall and had a noble bearing. However, at this moment, his proud brows slightly furrowed as he responded to Madam Shen, "Mother, you know I've never liked this cousin Nuan'er."

Madam Shen smiled lightly. "That's just your bias. Mother sees Nuan'er as exceptionally well-bred, with eloquence and graceful demeanor. In the entire capital, there are few young ladies as outstanding as her. If your elder aunt were still alive, she would be pleased to see her."

Lin Zhiran involuntarily glanced out the window, where Ouyang Nuan was bidding farewell to Xu Mama with a smile in the courtyard. He pondered for a moment before saying, "I can't help but feel that this cousin Nuan'er is different now. Her words today had hidden meanings, quite cryptic. It's nothing like her previous clueless demeanor."

"That's because Nuan'er has matured!" Madam Shen chided. "Before, she always followed your second aunt around, obeying her every word. She grew tired of hearing anything from Grandmother or me. But look at her behavior today; it's completely different. I suspect something must have happened to make her realize."

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Lin Zhiran nodded, thinking to himself that perhaps he wasn't mistaken; it was just that Ouyang Nuan was too adept at protecting herself. She even seemed to lack trust in her maternal relatives. Maybe... her environment was just too complicated. Thinking of his scheming second aunt, Lin Zhiran gained some insight into Ouyang Nuan's transformation.

Accepting the tea handed to him by Xu Mama, Madam Shen relaxed a bit and said, "Nevertheless, everything she said today was reasonable. Despite my pain, I should pull myself together and plan for your future in the face of those scheming wolves."

Lin Zhiran watched as his mother, who had been in despair just moments ago, suddenly pulled herself together. He felt a glimmer of relief in his heart and nodded. "It's best that you're feeling this way, Mother. Grandmother still relies on you for care. As for Fifth Brother's matter..."

Madam Shen's eyes still glistened with tears, but her face now held a resolute expression. "Don't dwell on it too much. With such an incident, they are all watching our every move, hoping that Grandmother and I will fall. Xu Mama," she turned her gaze to Xu Mama, "you must manage the household affairs well, especially ensuring that no improper words are spoken. If you hear any idle gossip, you should know how to handle it."

Xu Mama immediately responded, "Naturally, Madam. Please rest assured."

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[1] White-eyed wolf: a Chinese idiom (白眼狼 - báiyǎnláng) that refers to someone who is ungrateful or treacherous, often used to describe a person who bites the hand that feeds them or betrays their benefactor. It implies a sense of ingratitude and disloyalty.

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