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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 47: 

 Grandmother's Birthday Banquet

Madam Lin paused, observing the smiling face of Ouyang Nuan, and couldn't help but associate it with the pastries sent by Hongyu. In an instant, her expression turned even uglier. She guessed that everything was related to Ouyang Nuan. 

Despite feeling her anger boiling inside, Madam Lin refrained from acting out in front of so many people. She forced herself to suppress her rage and said, "Nuan'er, you're still young and don't understand. I won't argue with you. Jiaoxing's actions have clearly embarrassed the Madam. If there weren't someone backing her up, she wouldn't dare to act like this!" Pointing her finger at Jiaoxing, she continued coldly, "If you're not satisfied with my arrangements and find this household beneath you, then go back to the Marquis Mansion! I'll go and inform Second Sister-in-law, so she can arrange a better future for you!"

Madam Wang immediately exclaimed, "Are you all dead? Why haven't you dragged her out yet?" 

Some maids rushed forward to grab her, but Jiaoxing was incredibly strong. Before they could even lay hands on her, she pushed one of the maids, causing her to stumble and fall embarrassingly to the ground. 

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Then, four more maids surrounded her, but Jiaoxing glared at them fiercely and shouted, "You spineless slaves! Do you even know who I am? How dare you mistreat me like this?" With that, she forcefully shoved one of the maids away, causing her to fall to the ground as well. 

With a face full of grievance, Jiaoxing continued, "Madam, it's fine if you vent your anger on me. I'm just a lowly servant. You can treat me however you want. But I came here under the orders of my former Madam. If you drive me away like this, I won't be able to explain to Second Madam. She'll blame me, and I'll be caught in the middle. Madam, if you keep treating me like this, I'll have nowhere to go!"

Upon witnessing this scene, the onlookers were speechless and stunned. While they knew Jiaoxing was spirited, they had not expected her to be this audacious. Even though Jiaoxing's behavior was fierce, surprisingly, there was no hint of schadenfreude on Madam Wang's face. 

Instead, she appeared slightly astonished, as if genuinely surprised. Only Hongyu and Fang Mama knew the full story. They knew that Jiaoxing had been a prominent figure at the Hou Mansion, serving as the chief maid to Madam Jiang, the second mistress. 

With her striking appearance and fiery temperament, Jiaoxing had garnered much attention and had helped Madam Jiang assert dominance over the other concubines. However, rumors had it that she had also caught the eye of Lin Wenyuan, Madam Jiang's husband. Madam Jiang, feeling displeased by this, couldn't openly deal with Jiaoxing and hence found an excuse to send her to Madam Lin's residence. 

By doing so, she not only rid herself of a troublesome subordinate but also had someone keeping an eye on Madam Lin's affairs. It was for this reason that Ouyang Nuan, through Hongyu's mouth, had exposed Jiaoxing's unruliness with just a few words, revealing her true nature.

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Amidst the chaos caused by Jiaoxing's outburst, she took advantage of the confusion to cry out, "I've toiled so hard for Madam, endured so much, yet today I'm met with such humiliation. Instead of enduring this disgrace, I'd rather end it all now!" With these words, she made to hurl herself into the nearby wall. The maidservants rushed to restrain her, but her violent struggle only added to the pandemonium in the room. In the midst of the commotion, Jiaoxing's clothes were torn, her hair disheveled. She lunged towards the table, grabbed a pair of scissors from a nearby embroidery basket, and hurled them towards one of the maids. The maid screamed as the scissors pierced her arm, and the ensuing struggle resulted in a pile-up of bodies on the floor.

Seeing this, Madam Lin angrily smashed her teacup against the wall. Unfortunately, Jiaoxing couldn't avoid it, and the cup struck her forehead, causing a gash from which blood began to flow. As others rushed to restrain her, the room descended into further chaos. 

Amidst the tumult, the voice of Ouyang Zhi rang out, "What's going on here?"

He entered without anyone noticing. The room fell silent all of a sudden. The maids hurriedly stopped what they were doing and knelt down, their expressions somewhat flustered. Rising to her feet, Ouyang Nuan's lips curled slightly as she said, "Father has arrived." Ouyang Zhe nodded, his gaze sweeping over the chaotic room, and asked coldly, "What's going on here?"

Jiaoxing's face turned somewhat pale upon seeing Ouyang Zhe, and she lowered her head to wipe away her tears with a handkerchief, presenting a delicate and tearful appearance. Ouyang Zhe was accustomed to seeing her smiling, and he had found it peculiar when he first learned of her confrontation with Aunt Li. How could such a sweet and lovely girl be so fierce? Now, seeing her in distress, she seemed like someone who had been bullied. Glancing at the fierce-looking maidservants surrounding her, he couldn't help but draw a conclusion.

"Alright, let's not dwell on this now. Everyone, please leave," hastily interjected Madam Lin, her voice quickening.

Madam Lin was anxious, fearing that Jiaoxing might reveal something untoward. However, Jiaoxing immediately knelt down at Ouyang Zhe's feet and confessed, "It's all my fault. When Madam became pregnant, the Second Madam of the Marquis Mansion knew that Master needed someone to care for him, so she wanted to send me over to serve him."

"Jiaoxing!" Madam Lin's face turned pale with anger, her whole body trembling with rage. She interrupted Jiaoxing's words in a frantic manner, "I will discuss this matter with Master. You, leave immediately!"

Wang Mama had already rushed over and, together with another maid, lifted Jiaoxing up and dragged her out, grasping her arms firmly.

However, Ouyang Zhe suddenly shouted, "Let her finish!"

Wang Mama was taken aback, her grip loosening involuntarily. 

Jiaoxing fell to her knees at Ouyang Zhe's feet, weeping bitterly as she spoke, "If I can see Master again today, even if it costs me my life, it's worth it! When I came to the Ouyang Residence, it was all thanks to the Second Madam's kindness. She promised to have Master accept me. But how could I dare to hope for such a thing? I am just a lowly servant girl, tasked with serving Master tea and water, performing chores. As long as I can see Master from time to time, I am content. Now that Master rejects me, I have nothing to say. I will leave immediately. Why does Madam Lin want to marry me off to someone else? Could it be that Master is so disgusted with me?"

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Jiaoxing trembled like a fragile bird as she spoke, her body quivering uncontrollably, crying softly like a helpless child. Her tears shook Ouyang Zhe's heart, leaving him unsettled.

Ouyang Nuan stood nearby, observing how Jiaoxing's tears had soaked a large portion of Ouyang Zhe's robe. Although her face remained calm, her eyes shimmered with an inexplicable radiance. She took a few steps closer, speaking softly, "Father, Jiaoxing was sent here by Second Aunt. It's indeed inappropriate to dispose of her arbitrarily. This situation has escalated beyond what's acceptable. Perhaps it's best for everyone else to leave. If there's anything to discuss..."

Ouyang Zhe snapped out of his daze, immediately regaining clarity. He sternly scolded the maidservants who had been observing the scene, "Get out, all of you!"

Everyone obediently left the room, leaving behind Madam Lin, Ouyang Zhe, Ouyang Nuan, Wang Mama, and the sobbing Jiaoxing.

Madam Lin's anger flared up inside her. Disregarding Ouyang Zhe's presence, she sneered and said, "You speak so prettily. Talking about being sent here by your former mistress. Who can't see through your intentions? You just want to climb the social ladder, but have you ever considered your own status?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Mama became anxious. She thought to herself that Madam Lin was letting her anger cloud her judgment. How could she say such things in front of Master? Wasn't this playing right into Miss's hands? 

As expected, Ouyang Nuan sighed softly and said, "Mother, Jiaoxing is just young and inexperienced. Father is handsome and holds a high position, so it's not surprising for young women to admire him. You should show magnanimity and forgive her this time. Jiaoxing, the son of Manager Miao is also a decent man. It wouldn't be unfair to agree to marry him. Mother is doing this for your own good, so you should be grateful."

As these words were spoken, it seemed as if Madam Lin was jealous of the maids around her, intending to push her onto a path of no return. Ouyang Zhe deeply furrowed his brows in response.

Jiaoxing let out a sorrowful cry, rushing to the edge of the kang where Madam Lin was seated. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her lips trembling, her voice filled with infinite sorrow. "Madam, please don't be angry. Your health is precious, and it's my fault for not knowing my place. Everything is my fault, but please don't promise me to someone else!"

Madam Lin's eyes burned with fury, wishing to strangle this wretched girl then and there. She shouted angrily, "How dare you! How dare you! Wang Mama, have her dragged out, quickly!"

Jiaoxing paid no attention, continuously apologizing, "Madam is right, it's all my fault! I know my status is lowly compared to yours. Even if I have to work like an ox or a horse for you, I'm willing. I just hope Madam won't be angry with me!"

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Wang Mama hurriedly went up to pull Jiaoxing away, attempting to silence her. But Jiaoxing grabbed onto Madam Lin's skirt, still pleading, "Madam, look at me, I'm not worthy of comparison to you in any way. Please have pity on me! Let me stay by Master's side. I don't ask for anything else, just to remain in the mansion as a little maid! I beg you, please… I beg you…"

Her voice was incredibly humble, filled with endless sorrow and despair. Looking back at Ouyang Zhe, her eyes seemed to overflow with admiration. Ouyang Zhe, who always hated to see beautiful women cry, couldn't bear it. He couldn't imagine that a maid would harbor such deep feelings for him. No wonder every time he visited the Madam's Courtyard, this maid's eyes were so affectionate. His eyes couldn't help but moisten as he glanced at Madam Lin with a hint of severity in his gaze. "Madam…"

Madam Lin's chest heaved with turbulent emotions. The current situation seemed to leave her with no choice. How ruthless she must appear!

"No! I'd rather die here than go back!" The Second Madam of the Marquis Mansion was not someone easy to get along with. Even if she returned to the mansion, she would never become the master's concubine. For now, her only option was to cling tightly to Ouyang Zhe. Even if it meant offending Madam Lin, as long as she had Master's favor, she could still live a good life. With these thoughts in mind, Jiaoxing tightly grasped Madam Lin's skirt, sobbing softly, her body trembling gently.

"Madam, people outside often praise you, saying you're kind-hearted and generous. You're known as a living Bodhisattva, a living Guanyin. Please have mercy on me! I swear to the heavens, as long as you let me stay, I won't compete with you for anything. I'm just a beggar on the roadside in front of you. Please pity me! I promise not to cause any trouble. My status is not worthy. I just hope to see Master often…"

Her naturally delicate beauty, coupled with the tears streaming down her face, made her look even more fragile. Seeing this, Madam Lin's anger reached its peak. Without saying another word, she lifted her foot and viciously kicked Jiaoxing in the chest. Jiaoxing let out a cry and fell backward, her eyes tightly shut as if she were about to faint.

Ouyang Zhe was shocked. He hurriedly rushed forward and tightly embraced Jiaoxing in his arms, glaring angrily at Madam Lin. "She's just a maid, she poses no threat to your position. Yet you dare to act so ruthlessly in front of me! You are truly cruel!"

Madam Lin was stunned, unable to believe what she had just done in front of Ouyang Zhe. How could she have acted so recklessly in front of him? As she lifted her head, she caught sight of Ouyang Nuan standing nearby, quietly observing. Her eyes were dark and deep, seemingly filled with unfathomable mockery. It was her! She had been watching all along! Everything was orchestrated by her behind the scenes! Madam Lin understood everything now, but it was too late.

Ouyang Nuan walked over to Ouyang Zhe's side, her face filled with infinite sympathy and her tone full of regret. "Father, Jiaoxing is so devoted to you. I'm afraid forcing her to marry someone else would only make her unable to live. Why not do a good deed and send her back to Aunt Lin's side?"

"Nuan'er, your father will handle this matter. You should go back first," Ouyang Zhe held Jiaoxing tightly, unwilling to let go. Ouyang Nuan gave a slight smile, bowed respectfully, and said, "Yes, father. I will take my leave." With that, she turned around and courteously bid farewell to Madam Lin, "Mother, take care of yourself. Your daughter will come to visit again tomorrow."

Madam Lin stared at her, her eyes filled with resentment as if she wanted to burn her alive with fiery snakes. Ouyang Nuan's eyes sparkled like gemstones as she smiled gently and gracefully departed, drifting away like a cloud.

Two days later, news spread that Ouyang Zhe had accepted Jiaoxing as a concubine. She had gone from being a mere servant girl to becoming a concubine, skipping several ranks in the process. Jiaoxing was truly capable. However, with this development, she had completely fallen out with Madam Lin. People always prioritize their own interests, and even though Madam Lin had powerful connections, nothing was more important than one's own future.

Ouyang Nuan smiled and wrote a small character for "longevity" on the paper, then asked Ouyang Jue beside her softly, "Jue'er, what do you think of this character?"

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Ouyang Jue glanced at it, his eyes widening in surprise. "Sister, what kind of script is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

Ouyang Nuan coughed lightly and said seriously, "This is Ouyang Script, which I created myself."


February 5th, the birthday banquet of the Li family. 

Ouyang Nuan, accompanied by Hongyu, had just arrived at the entrance of the flower hall when they heard the sounds of laughter and chatter coming from inside. It seemed like countless voices were bustling about. 

Li Yiniang was guarding the door and, upon seeing Ouyang Nuan approaching, she hurriedly greeted her with a smile and said, "Relatives and colleagues' wives and daughters have come to wish Old Madam Li a happy birthday. Miss, please go in quickly."

Inside the flower hall, eight black lacquered square tables were arranged, each adorned with white porcelain fruit plates containing fruits, pastries, and other delicacies. Old Madam Li was dressed in a red-gold embroidered robe with auspicious patterns, sitting gracefully at the main seat with a smile on her face. Many women dressed in brocade robes were seated around her, chatting and laughing. Among them, the maidservants, dressed in silver-red jackets, cyan satin vests, and white pleated skirts, shuttled back and forth, busy serving snacks and tea, creating a lively atmosphere. 

As soon as someone entered, the room fell silent, and all eyes turned to Ouyang Nuan. She smiled gracefully and confidently approached Old Madam Li to pay her respects, saying, "Grandmother, Nuan wishes you good health, longevity, and everything goes smoothly!"

"Come, Nuan'er, come and greet your aunts, sisters-in-law, and sisters," Madam Li smiled and waved at her.

People looked at her with astonishment. In their impression, the eldest daughter of the Minister of Personnel, who was also the granddaughter of the Grand Madam of Zhenguo Marquis Mansion, always seemed to be obediently following behind Madam Lin, the mistress of the house. She appeared timid and reserved, often keeping her head low when in the presence of others. Her appearance was often obscured, making it difficult to get a clear view of her. Therefore, seeing her standing alone in front of everyone like this, allowing them to scrutinize her, was a first for many.

She was dressed in a light red flowing cloud-patterned gown, adorned with a tilted Biyu seven treasures linglong headdress and emerald-green teardrop earrings. The combination exuded a sense of spring and elegance, coupled with an indescribable sense of luxury. Her face was as delicate and white as porcelain, with a pointed chin, large almond-shaped eyes, and curved eyebrows.

Upon hearing Old Madam Li's call, she smiled gently, her eyes sparkling as she gracefully greeted everyone. The flowing sleeves of her dress accentuated her snow-white, translucent skin. The festive yet understated attire complemented her natural beauty, adding to her charm and grace.

Witnessing her transformation, people couldn't help but marvel at the resemblance between her and the late eldest daughter of the Marquis Mansion, Lin Wanqing. She was truly a natural beauty, and with such elegance and demeanor, they couldn't imagine how much more captivating she would become in the future. Many couldn't help but admit that they had underestimated her before.

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Smiling, Old Madam Li took Ouyang Nuan's hand and introduced her to the several ladies present. Then she said, "Not to boast, but my granddaughter here is truly gentle and kind-hearted, thoughtful and gentle. It's just that she doesn't like to be in the limelight too much, she's too introverted."

Madam Shi, the wife of Liao Yuan, the Minister of Personnel, was a woman in her thirties with a striking appearance. She was dressed in a colorful silk robe with a silver marten fur lining, exuding an elegant demeanor. Upon hearing the remarks, she smiled and said, "Miss Ouyang is already so beautiful. I wonder how captivating she'll be in a few more years. Old Madam Li, you might not be able to hide her away!" 

Ouyang Nuan smiled and lowered her head shyly. Old Madam Li affectionately patted her hand and remarked, "This child is shy." 

Everyone laughed at her words. Among those present were Madam Shi, the wife of the Minister of Personnel, Madam Wen, the wife of the minister's secretary, and Madam He, the wife of the Ministry of Personnel's deputy. Most of them were relatives of the Ouyang family and were familiar with each other, so the atmosphere became lively for a while.

At that moment, Zhang Mama entered and reported, "Old Madam, Second Miss Ouyang Ke has arrived." They saw Ouyang Ke walking in with a smile, gracefully greeting everyone. She was wearing a long golden brocade coat with intertwined floral patterns, adorned with gray squirrel fur on the collar and cuffs. Underneath, she wore a pale silver-lined skirt. A dazzling golden lock hung on her chest, emitting a radiant glow, and she had a pair of splendid seven-treasure golden hairpins adorning her hair.

Old Madam Li nodded slightly and said, "It's good that you're here. Please have a seat." Her attitude was entirely different from her warmth towards Ouyang Nuan, which led the other ladies to secretly speculate about the reasons behind it.

The wife of the Minister of Personnel, Madam Wen, smiled and asked, "Old Madam, why isn't Madam present at such an occasion?"

Madam Wen and Madam Lin had always been on good terms, so it wasn't surprising for her to ask. Old Madam Li's expression remained calm as she replied, "She's not feeling well whenever the weather turns cold. These days, she has been insisting on personally organizing the birthday banquet for me. However, I really don't want her to overexert herself, so I asked her to rest."

Madam Wen furrowed her brow, wondering why the mistress of the Ouyang household, who had always been in good health, seemed so fragile these past few days. Could something have happened recently in the household? Her gaze involuntarily shifted towards Li Yiniang, who was standing in the courtyard, smiling as she greeted the guests. In an instant, many thoughts raced through Madam Wen's mind.

The people sitting in the hall were all astute observers, and they each had their own speculations about the situation. Despite the attention on her, Ouyang Nuan remained composed, sitting quietly beside Old Madam Li. She wore a gentle smile, exuding warmth and grace. Only when spoken to did she respond, maintaining a polite and gentle demeanor. Regardless of how others scrutinized her, she remained as calm and unwavering as a mountain.

In the past, when receiving guests, Ouyang Nuan would often respond with just one sentence after being asked three questions, showing a reluctance to engage with others. 

In contrast, Ouyang Ke was lively and enjoyed being the center of attention, accustomed to the adulation of others. Seeing that the guests seemed more enthusiastic towards Ouyang Nuan than herself, Ouyang Ke felt a deep sense of resentment. Moreover, recalling how Madam Li had been coldly rejected by their grandmother when offering to help organize the birthday banquet, she felt even more distressed. 

She felt that her own position was subtly threatened. Turning to Miss Liao, from the household of the Minister of Personnel, who was sitting beside her, she whispered softly, "Don't be fooled by my elder sister's smiling face. She's the most formidable one here." 

Miss Liao carefully observed the smiling Ouyang Nuan and whispered back, "She looks very amiable though."

"Hmph, my sister is indeed skilled at navigating social situations and adept at winning people's favor. She's praised by everyone in the household. We should learn from her," Ouyang Ke sneered. Ouyang Nuan noticed the whispered conversation happening nearby. She cast a gentle glance at them, wearing a serene smile on her face. Miss Liao was taken aback for a moment, her cheeks not as thick-skinned as Ouyang Ke's. She blushed and lowered her head, no longer responding.

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At that moment, Zhang Mama entered with a delighted expression and said, "Old Madam, Old Madam Ning herself has arrived! The Madams of the Zhenguo Marquis Manor, both the First and Second Madams, are here as well." 

Old Madam Li's face lit up with joy upon hearing this. She quickly stood up, and Ouyang Nuan hastened to support her. The other Madams also rose from their seats and followed Old Madam Li to greet the guests.

Old Madam Li was just the mother of an official from the Ministry of Personnel, so it was customary for colleagues to send representatives to offer congratulations. However, it was unprecedented for Madam Ning, a first-ranked noblewoman, to visit in person. As everyone expressed their surprise, their gaze couldn't help but focus on the arriving guests.

Old Madam Li, surprised but also puzzled, contemplated the situation. Meanwhile, Old Madam Ning had already taken her hand, expressing her surprise, "Dear In-law, how could you forget to invite me to such an important celebration!"

Old Madam Li quickly apologized.

Old Madam Ning chuckled and patted her hand, then noticed Ouyang Nuan standing behind her. With a smile, she said, "It was Nuan'er who personally informed me about the celebration, daughter-in-law. One shouldn't overlook such significant occasions."

Ouyang Nuan stepped forward gracefully and greeted Madam Ning, "Grandmother!"

Suddenly, everyone understood. It was the young miss who had invited Old Madam Ning. Outsiders had assumed that since Old Madam Ning's biological daughter had passed away, the relationship with the Zhenguo Marquis Manor, despite the marriage of a concubine-born daughter, remained distant. However, Old Madam Ning's personal visit today was indeed intriguing.

Madam Ning nodded with a warm smile. Behind her, the Marquis of Zhenguo's wife, First Madam Shen, and the wife of the Minister of War, Second Madam Jiang, also greeted Old Madam Li with smiles. Old Madam Li then introduced the other ladies present. The room was filled with lively chatter and the tinkling of jewelry.

Old Madam Li graciously offered her seat to Old Madam Ning, who politely declined a few times before finally accepting. As Old Madam Ning settled in, Ouyang Nuan noticed that her aunt, Madam Shen, no longer wore the sorrowful expression she had seen during their last meeting. It seemed she had regained her composure. Ouyang Nuan smiled and accompanied her aunt attentively. 

Then, she heard a gentle voice addressing her, "Nuan, my dear cousin."

She glanced sideways and saw her companion, dressed in a bright purple straight robe embroidered with symmetrical peony patterns, with eyebrows like distant mountains and skin as fair as snow. Her lustrous black hair was arranged in a curved moon-shaped bun, adorned with a golden hairpin embedded with pearls. 

It was none other than the eldest daughter of Madam Shen, Lin Yuanxin, the second young lady of the Marquis of Zhenguo's residence. She smiled as she approached and took the other person's hand, saying, "Sister Xin, we didn't get a chance to meet last time I visited your residence. It's wonderful to see you here today." Feeling the warmth of the hand in hers, Lin Yuanxin's smile was exceptionally gentle as she replied, "Little sister Nuan, thank you for personally comforting my mother. Your efforts have greatly contributed to her swift recovery. I must thank you in person for that."

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Ouyang Nuan nodded in acknowledgment and looked towards Madam Shen, who was chatting with a smile. She said, "It's most important that Aunt Shen has come to terms with things on her own. Sister Xin, you needn't worry too much."

"What are you two whispering about? Why not let the rest of us sisters hear?" came a voice, injected with a hint of sarcasm.

Ouyang Nuan looked over with a cold gaze, but her face quickly blossomed into a warm smile. She said, "So Sister Ruo is here too. Ke'er has been eagerly awaiting your arrival! Last time I was at the Marquis's residence, I didn't have the chance to exchange a few words. This time, we must have a good chat!"

"Sister Nuan, you're being too modest. You had plenty to say last time!" Lin Yuanruo chuckled, her demeanor graceful.

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and exchanged a glance with Lin Yuanxin. Seeing Lin Yuanxin involuntarily furrow her brows, she reached out and patted her hand. "Both sisters, please don't stand and talk. Let's go sit over there first." Lin Yuanxin naturally sat beside Ouyang Nuan, while Ouyang Ke, upon seeing Lin Yuanruo, immediately changed her previously gloomy expression, grinned, and pulled her hand to sit down, engaging in quiet conversation.

Everyone smiled and took their seats, though their gazes couldn't help but linger on the Marquis's Old Madam and her two daughters-in-law. The Marquis of Zhenguo, Lin Wenlong, was the Marquis's Old Madam's eldest son. Unfortunately, he had a very mild temperament and wasn't in the best of health. 

On the other hand, Lin Wenyuan, the Minister of War, was assertive and ambitious, with a promising future, despite being an illegitimate son. Ouyang Zhi had married two daughters from the Marquis's family, giving birth to Ouyang Nuan and Ouyang Ke, making the relationships quite complex. 

As they observed the elders gracefully maneuvering and the younger generation bonding warmly, onlookers couldn't discern the intense rivalry between the two factions. Indeed, the current situation was marvelously intricate.

Just as they were conversing, Ouyang Ke stood up and faced Old Madam Li said, "Grandmother, your granddaughter has a gift to present to you." Everyone couldn't help but glance over.

Old Madam Li smiled slightly and said, "Oh? Then, Ke'er, please bring it out."

"Of course." Ouyang Ke glanced at Ouyang Nuan and walked forward to retrieve a large red sandalwood box adorned with a gold-plated longevity character. As she opened it in front of everyone's eyes, they beheld a natural white jade Guanyin statue. 

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The Guanyin's eyebrows were like crescent moons, her nose delicate, her expression serene and peaceful. She was dressed in simple yet elegant robes, holding a wish-granting treasure, seated atop a lotus flower. Her demeanor was dignified and graceful, and her presence was both solemn and lifelike. Ouyang Ke wore a sincere smile as she said, "Grandmother, for your birthday, your granddaughter has specially commissioned this natural white jade Guanyin from Yunzhou. May it bring you blessings as boundless as the Eastern Sea and a longevity as enduring as the Southern Mountains."

Old Madam Li merely nodded with a slight smile, indicating for Madam Zhang beside her to accept the gift. However, at that moment, Madam Jiang, the wife of the Minister of War, stood up, walked over, and admired the statue with expressions of admiration. 

She exclaimed, "Old Madam Li is truly blessed! This white jade Guanyin has such pure material, with a warm and lustrous color and rich patina. Not to mention its elegant and graceful craftsmanship, just the exquisite carving and skilled technique alone make it a rare treasure in the world. It's probably priceless!"

The onlookers gazed at the jade Guanyin, and indeed found it to be as exquisite as Madam Jiang had described. They nodded in agreement, praising Old Madam Li's good fortune to have such a filial granddaughter.

Ouyang Ke glanced at Ouyang Nuan and smiled, saying, "Today is Grandmother's auspicious day. I wonder what kind of birthday gift my sister has prepared?" She had learned from her mother that Ouyang Nuan's birthday gift was merely a hand-written longevity character. 

While such a gift showed some sincerity, it seemed rather stingy. How could it be presented for these noble ladies to admire? Others might mock the Ouyang family's eldest daughter for being petty. That's why Madam Lin had spared no expense to commission a skilled craftsman and sought out natural white jade according to Old Madam Li's preferences. Tomorrow, everyone in the capital would know how filial she was. This time, they would thoroughly suppress Ouyang Nuan!

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and said, "My gift is just a token of my affection, nothing compared to my sister's jade Guanyin."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Ke's smirk deepened, her expression becoming even more triumphant. She pressed on, saying, "Sister, you're too modest. I'm sure your gift must be exquisite. Why not let me have a look?"

Lin Yuanrou chimed in, "Indeed, we've heard of Nuan'er's exceptional wit. I'm curious to see what surprising gift she has prepared. Why not share it with everyone?"

Lin Yuanxin has never been fond of the cunning and unruly Ouyang Ke. Hearing this, she couldn't help but furrow her brow at Lin Yuanrou. She was worried that Ouyang Nuan might be put in a difficult position and was about to speak up for her. However, Ouyang Nuan gently pressed Lin Yuanxin's hand, lowered her gaze to conceal the brilliance in her eyes, and calmly said, "Sister, my gift has already been presented to grandmother. There's no need to bring it out. Are you afraid of embarrassing yourself?"

With Ouyang Nuan's words in mind, Ouyang Ke deliberately raised her voice and said, "Then I'll go ask grandmother to bring it out." She immediately ran to Old Madam Li and coquettishly pleaded, "Grandmother, sister said she already gave you the gift, but she refuses to show it to everyone. Ke'er really wants to see it!"

Old Madam Li cast a mocking glance at Ouyang Ke, her eyes tinged with sarcasm, but her face bore a faint smile as she said, "Since Ke'er wants to see, Zhang Mama, bring Miss's birthday gift over."

Ouyang Ke looked smugly at Ouyang Nuan, anticipating that she would be unable to hold her head high in front of everyone.

Zhang Mama promptly left and returned after a moment with an exquisitely carved antique sandalwood box. She was about to open the box when Old Madam Li shook her head and said, "Bring it here."

Curiosity flickered in the eyes of the onlookers.

Old Madam Li's smile carried a hint of self-satisfaction as she said, "Not to boast, but this gift was handcrafted by Nuan'er herself. There won't be another like it in all of Dali." With that, she personally opened the box and unfurled the scroll inside, revealing it to everyone present.

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The scroll was over a meter long. As it slowly unfolded, the initially casual onlookers widened their eyes in surprise. The scroll depicted a giant "寿" character, meticulously crafted with densely packed strokes, displaying strength and perfection, flawless and impeccable!

"This character is solemn and majestic, with a simple and round style. The strokes resemble dewdrops and the dots are like peaches of immortality. It conveys the auspicious meaning of longevity. Truly remarkable!" praised Madam Shen.

The others nodded in agreement, acknowledging that they had never seen such a style before. It was neither regular script nor cursive, neither clerical nor running, nor even grass script, but it carried a unique charm and elegance.

While outwardly expressing disappointment, Ouyang Ke inwardly sneered, "Oh, it's just a character!" She then covered her mouth as if she had spoken out of turn and glanced apologetically at Ouyang Nuan, saying, "Sister, my apologies. The character is indeed well-written." However, she couldn't help but feel that compared to the priceless white jade Guanyin statue, the character paled in comparison.

Although others also praised the work, secretly they all felt the same way. It was just a character, not even the work of a renowned calligrapher. No matter how extraordinary it appeared, it couldn't compete with the priceless white jade Guanyin statue.

Old Madam Li smiled and shook her head. "Everyone, take a closer look at this character."

Old Madam Ning stared at it, and after a moment, she too exclaimed in surprise, "This is—!" Madam Shen, seeing her mother-in-law's astonishment, widened her eyes and examined the scroll closely. Soon, she exclaimed, "This isn't just one character. It's a hundred characters!"

People couldn't help but stand up and gather around to examine the scroll. From a distance, it indeed appeared to be a giant "寿" character, but upon closer inspection, it revealed a hundred intricately crafted "寿" characters, each unique and distinct, featuring various script styles such as regular script, clerical script, seal script, running script, and cursive script.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't just one character. It's a scroll of a hundred longevity characters," Old Madam Li exclaimed with unprecedented pride, smiling as she explained to the crowd.

Lin Yuanxin also approached to observe, marveling, "Younger Sister Nuan has such a clever mind. Each of these hundred characters is annotated with the style and era it represents. Look, there's Shang Dynasty bronze script, Zhou Dynasty bronze script, Han Dynasty bronze script... as well as Qin Li, Yan Zhenqing, Minnan Taishu, and even Yi Zhuan, ancient clerical script, ancient dòu jīn wén, and feibai script..."

During the Great Li Dynasty, emphasis was placed on literary pursuits. Not only men, but also women, were often literate. 

Among the ladies present, there were many who were well-versed in poetry and literature, possessing notable talents. Especially, Madam Shen, the wife of the Marquis of Zhengguo, hailed from a prestigious family and was the eldest daughter of the Minister of Rites. 

She had a profound understanding of poetry, calligraphy, and literature. Upon seeing the painting, she was truly amazed and couldn't help but marvel at it. Addressing the others, she explained, "Indeed, from a distance, this painting appears to be a single character for 'longevity.' However, upon closer inspection, each small character varies in style. Inside, we not only find works by renowned calligraphers from antiquity such as Wang Xizhi, Huaisu, Yushu, Xiangshan, and Xiaowang, but also examples of symbolic scripts like Yuanliao, Xingdou, Huowen, Cunwen, Longwen, Fengwen, and Jubao. It truly is awe-inspiring."

Many listeners found themselves in a state of bewildered fascination, feeling somewhat lost amidst the intricacies of the discussion. 

Madam Shi, the wife of the Minister of Personnel, though somewhat literate, was not well-versed in these matters. She spoke on behalf of the others, asking, "I've heard of the others, but '聚宝文' (ju bao wen), I've never come across that term before!?"

Madam Shen pointed to the small character in the lower right corner of the northwest direction and said, "Madam Liao, please take a look. Each stroke resembles coral, ivory, rhinoceros horn, pearl, bear paw, and jade gua. This is what we call '聚宝文' (ju bao wen), which translates to 'gathering treasure script'."

As the crowd continued to admire the painting, those knowledgeable in the subject matter were left speechless, filled with awe and admiration. Even those who couldn't fully understand the intricacies of the script found it fascinating and visually captivating. When they glanced back at Ouyang Nuan, a hint of surprise appeared on their faces involuntarily.

Madam Shen glanced at the grim-faced Madam Jiang and Ouyang Nuan, smiling as she remarked, "Nuan'er's thoughtfulness is truly unparalleled in the entire capital."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, her expression devoid of any hint of pride. She spoke slowly, "Aunt, you overpraise me. Our dynasty values filial piety above all else. His Majesty himself once painted a picture of the Southern Pole Immortal for the Empress Dowager. I believe His Majesty's act has already demonstrated that no matter how valuable a gift may be, it can be bought with money, but nothing can replace filial piety. Therefore, I decided to create this gift myself. Unfortunately, being confined to the depths of the inner chambers, I have limited knowledge and experience. It was thanks to Jue'er's efforts, traveling throughout the capital and seeking out renowned calligraphers and ancient texts, that we were able to gather the hundred styles of script needed for this gift, just in time to present it to Grandmother at the birthday banquet."

The crowd nodded in agreement. Creating such a hundred-character longevity scroll was undoubtedly a laborious task that required meticulous planning and considerable effort. Despite this, the Ouyang family's young lady did not claim credit for herself but instead attributed it all to her younger brother. Moreover, she did not present the gift publicly but discreetly gave it to Old Madam Li. In comparison, Ouyang Ke, who sought attention by showcasing her gift in front of everyone, now seemed ostentatious and superficial.

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Ouyang Ke appeared to realize this too, standing there with a frozen smile on her face.

Madam Shen held the scroll lovingly, but there were some things she did not mention to them. This hundred-character longevity scroll was not valuable solely because of its uniqueness; its significance lay in the diverse cultures it represented. 

Ouyang Nuan incorporated various fonts such as "Jade Emperor Astrology" and "Ancient Seals," which carried mythological connotations, "Yaochi Treasure" and "Buddhist Scriptures" representing Buddhist philosophy, and "Southern Platform Script" derived from foreign cultures. Fonts like "Flying Chapter Talisman," "Imperial Seal Script," "Qinghuang Ruler Script," "Mysterious Clerical Script," and "Emperor's Butterfly" conveyed the essence of Taoism. 

The fact that such a work of art came from the hands of a twelve-year-old girl was truly astonishing.

Everyone was amazed by Ou Yangnuan's ingenious craftsmanship, but Old Madam Ning nodded and smiled at her with softness and satisfaction evident in her eyes. 

She knew where Ou Yangnuan's creativity came from. It was because the late Marquis had once mentioned to her about completing such a hundred-character longevity scroll. Although she had not mentioned it to Ou Yangnuan, she remembered it in her heart and put it into practice. 

If the late Marquis knew about it, he would feel extremely gratified. What Ou Yangnuan did today was not only to present her respects to Lady Li but also to fulfill the late Marquis's wish. Old Madam Ning deeply understood this point, so she couldn't help but hold Ou Yangnuan in higher regard.

Meanwhile, Ouyang Ke's jealousy grew stronger, and she whispered a few words to a nearby maid, her lips curling into a cold smile...

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**A Note from the Author**

The hundred-character longevity scroll is composed of longevity characters from various calligraphic styles throughout history, used for celebrating birthdays. Everyone seems to be fond of the cold, restrained style and the scheming, demonic style!

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