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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 223: 

Return To The Capital 

"Yunyi isn't coming?" Qi Lingheng was somewhat surprised. Yunyi had expressed his desire to see his nephew in previous correspondence. If he couldn't make it, there must have been a significant reason.

Putting down the family letter, Lin Yunwan replied, "He mentioned in his letter that he plans to take the imperial examination next year and wants to focus on studying. He'll come after the exam."

Qi Lingheng, sensing her disappointment, consoled her, "It's good that he's focused on his studies."

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly, "Indeed. The journey from the capital is long, and he shouldn't delay his studies just to see me."

As the only legitimate son of the Lin family's main branch, Yunyi carried the weight of the family's expectations. His studies were already strenuous, and Lin Yunwan didn't want to burden him further.

She wrote a letter to Yunyi, not mentioning her longing, only reminding him to take care of himself and his mother.

"I'll give this to Afu," Qi Lingheng volunteered to deliver the letter for Lin Yunwan.

Lin Yunwan trusted him and handed over the letter.

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In the study, Qi Lingheng quietly instructed Afu, "Find out why Yunyi suddenly changed his mind about coming."

He sensed something was amiss but didn't want Lin Yunwan to worry, so he hadn't brought it up in front of her.


Half a month later...

Lin Yunwan sang a few songs to Qi Zaijun, but he couldn't sit still.

"Mother, I want to play... ball," the child said, just starting to string together words.

Seeing that it was time, Lin Yunwan asked the nurse to take the child out to play.

She heard that Qi Lingheng had already returned and was in the study.

"Has His Highness brought anyone back?" she asked, concerned that Qi Lingheng might be with guests, and it wouldn't be appropriate for her to barge in.

"No, only A'Fu is with His Highness," Cuiqin replied.

Since A'Fu was trustworthy, Lin Yunwan decided not to be cautious.

Carrying a cup of warm soup, Lin Yunwan went to the study. Cuiqin brought an umbrella, but it started snowing as soon as they arrived at Qi Lingheng's study, so the umbrella was unnecessary.

Before Lin Yunwan could knock on the door, she heard voices inside and stopped at the door.

"Is Yunyi talking about engagement?" Qi Lingheng was still somewhat surprised, but considering Yunyi's age, he chuckled, "It's about time he talks about engagement."

"Young Master Yunyi said that since the engagement isn't confirmed yet, he didn't want to mention it to you or Her Highness," A'Fu chuckled. "In recent years, Master Yi has taken a liking to two young ladies."

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Qi Lingheng asked, "Has he succeeded with either of them?"

A'Fu replied, "Arranging a marriage isn't like picking vegetables; it doesn't happen with just one look."

"True," Qi Lingheng agreed. "Since Yunyi wants to focus on his studies and consider marriage, he must be extremely busy. When he has good news, we'll invite him to Jiangqian."

In any case, it was best if there were no problems with the Lin family.

Qi Lingheng calmly added, "Let's not inform Her Highness for now."


Quietly, Lin Yunwan left Qi Lingheng's study. She eagerly looked forward to August, the days of the provincial examination, when she would go to the Temple to pray. For the people of Jiangqian, and also for her own brother.


The provincial examination results were announced in September, and A'Fu personally went to the capital. Lin Yunwan eagerly awaited the news.

Qi Lingheng patted her shoulder and said with a smile, "A'Fu is traveling day and night; it will take him until sunset to arrive."

"I haven't seen Yunyi and my mother in so long," Lin Yunwan said wistfully.

Qi Lingheng hugged her tightly.

Qi Zaijun ran in; he was nearly two years old now. Squeezing between them, he held onto Lin Yunwan's thigh and said, "Mother, hug."

Qi Lingheng lifted his son up and said, "Mother is waiting for news from your uncle. Don't bother her."

"Uncle?" Qi Zaijun asked curiously. "What's an uncle?"

Qi Lingheng explained that Zhao Jingyi was his uncle, and Qi Zaijun really liked Zhao Jingyi. He grinned and said to Lin Yunwan, "Uncle, I want my uncle." Knowing that an uncle was someone from his mother's side, he asked his own mother for his uncle.

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The couple laughed for a while, taking turns playing with Qi Zaijun.

As expected, A'Fu arrived at the mansion at sunset, but he brought bad news.

"Yunyi didn't pass the provincial examination?" Lin Yunwan looked at A'Fu's expression and knew the outcome.

A'Fu nodded. "He didn't pass."

Qi Lingheng comforted Lin Yunwan, saying, "Yunyi is still young; it's normal not to pass."

Lin Yunwan smiled. "I understand." She didn't wish for her brother to succeed too easily in his studies and career; it wouldn't necessarily be a good thing.

"Did he pass the preliminary examination?" Lin Yunwan asked.

A'Fu's expression turned slightly strange, but he calmly replied, "No, he didn't."

"But Young Master Yunyi passed the household examination!" Afu hurriedly added.

Lin Yunwan furrowed her brows slightly. Given her brother's academic abilities, it was normal for him not to pass the imperial examination, but failing the preliminary examination... that was a bit hard to accept.

She wondered if her own situation had affected her brother's performance.

Qi Lingheng remained silent for a moment, then heard Lin Yunwan ask A'Fu, "How about Yunyi's marriage?"

A'Fu was taken aback.

Qi Lingheng also looked at Lin Yunwan. He hadn't expected her to know about this matter.

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Lin Yunwan calmly said, "A'Fu, just say whatever you have to say."

A'Fu lowered his head and replied, "Master Yunyi's marriage... there's no news."

Lin Yunwan didn't say anything else.

Qi Lingheng instructed A'Fu, "You may leave."


Qi Zaijun sat on the couch, trying to solve a five-link ring puzzle. He was very clever and focused, trying a few times before finally untangling one of the rings.

He clapped his hands in delight, holding up the solved puzzle to show Lin Yunwan.

Lin Yunwan smiled, patting Qi Zaijun's head. When her son grew tired in the evening, she sent him off to bed with the nursemaid.

Sitting on the couch, she fell into thought.

"Yunwan," Qi Lingheng walked over to her.

Lin Yunwan leaned against him, closing her eyes. "Your Highness, Yunyi is the type to only share good news and keep the worries to himself. I can't trust his words anymore."

"Do you want to return to the capital?" Qi Lingheng gently stroked her cheek.

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Lin Yunwan shook her head sensibly. "Not yet. The person I'm looking for, haven't I still not found them? You should help me find out why Yunyi didn't pass the preliminary examination."

"We need to be fully prepared before going back," Qi Lingheng said.

"Agreed," Lin Yunwan replied.


Half a month later, Lin Yunwan received a letter from Lin Yunyi.

At the same time, the people Qi Lingheng had sent out also returned.

After reading the letter, Lin Yunwan smiled faintly. "Take a look. Yunyi says everything is fine, he always claims that nothing is happening at home. But in reality, what do the people you sent out say?"

Her smile grew fainter, but her anger intensified, and her hands trembled slightly.

She thought that she was "dead," and the debt with the Marquis of Wuding's Mansion would be over. She even wanted to let them go, but the people from the Lu family were still bothering her!

Qi Lingheng squeezed Lin Yunwan's cold hand and said, "Yunwan, don't be afraid..."

"Afraid?" Lin Yunwan smiled faintly. "With you here, the ones who should be afraid are them."

How could she possibly fear them!

Qi Lingheng tightened his grip on her hand.

Lin Yunwan sighed and said, "Let Yunyi focus on his studies first."

With her gone, her brother would be distracted again.

Returning to the capital was not something they could do at will. They needed an imperial decree before the prince and his family could leave their fiefdom.


The year Qi Zaijun was about to turn five was also a year of imperial examinations.

A decree arrived in the capital summoning the Prince of Huan and the Wangfei of Huan back to the capital.

"When the Prince and Wangfei leave this time, who knows when they will return..."

Under the rule of the Prince of Huan in recent years, governance had been smooth and the people flourished.

The Wangfei of Huan was renowned for her virtue and kindness. Though she participated in politics, she did not interfere recklessly or seek power. In the hearts of the people of Jiangqian, her position was highly revered.

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The people of Jiangqian were very reluctant to see them leave.

Meanwhile, Lin Yunwan was troubled by the etiquette for Qi Zaijun's entry into the palace.

"Mother, can't I get close to Grandfather and Grandmother?" he asked innocently.

Growing up far away in Jiangqian, he was unaware of the strict palace rules and was overly lively in nature.

Knowing her son well, Lin Yunwan understood that his idea of getting close might not align with conventional understanding.

Lin Yunwan replied sternly, "No."

Qi Zaijun blinked his eyes, looking very disappointed.

"What about Uncle?" he asked excitedly.

Lin Yunwan sighed, "Figure it out yourself! If your uncle scolds you, I won't interfere."

This child seemed to be born with such liveliness. Despite reprimands and teachings, he simply wouldn't listen to what he didn't want to hear.

Hearing the conversation between mother and son, Qi Lingheng intervened, "Your grandparents won't bear to scold you."

Lin Yunwan glanced at him, "You're just adding fuel to the fire."

"I'm just telling the truth to our son," Qi Lingheng said as he picked up Qi Zaijun and whispered something in his ear.

Qi Zaijun listened with a grin on his face.

Lin Yunwan didn't know what father and son were whispering about. There were still many things waiting for her to handle. Moreover, she was about to see her brother and mother soon, and she wouldn't let her brother make the same mistakes again!

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