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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 222: 


"Why hasn't the baby been born yet?" 

Qi Lingheng heard Lin Yunwan's painful cries, his heart burning with anxiety. 

Furrowing his brow, he exclaimed, "Wasn't labor already induced? Why hasn't the baby been born yet?" Qi Lingheng rarely displayed such intense anger. 

Lu Mama approached and said, "Your Highness, labor progresses smoothly, but it still takes two to three hours..." 

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Qi Lingheng's expression remained unsettled. He asked Lu Mama, "How long has it been?" 

"Half an hour..." Seeing the worry on His Highness's face, Lu Mama dared not say more. 

Qi Lingheng, impatient, ignored all advice and entered the delivery room. 

Fearful of startling the midwife and the female doctor, he stood behind the screen like a tall pine tree. 

"Is... is it Your Highness?" Lin Yunwan was sweating profusely from the pain, and she saw a shadow behind the screen. 

Cuiqin was trembling with fear, nodding vigorously. "Yes... yes..." 

Lin Yunwan suddenly felt a sense of calm. 

When she was too exhausted to move, she turned her head and saw Qi Lingheng standing there motionless behind the screen. She noticed that he had his hands hidden behind his back, likely clenched into fists. It felt as though she was drawing strength from his hands. 

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Throughout her life, she always had someone by her side. 

"Wangfei Lin, push harder! The baby's head is already out!" 

Lin Yunwan's vision blurred, and she didn't know how much time had passed. Then, she heard the cry of a baby, and she wearily closed her eyes. 

The midwife exclaimed, "Congratulations, Wangfei Lin, congratulations, Your Highness, it's a little prince!" The rewards and treatment for helping deliver a prince and a county princess were certainly different! The midwives and serving maids were all overjoyed.

Lin Yunwan listened to their laughter, and suddenly, a low, gentle voice sounded in her ears. "Yunwan, you've worked hard."

She couldn't open her eyes, but she felt her hair being gently brushed by Qi Lingheng from behind.

Lin Yunwan's childbirth went very smoothly. 

By the third day, she was feeling much better. Dong Shuangshuang came to visit her, and the wet nurse brought the baby over.

"The little prince looks so handsome."

Dong Shuangshuang cuddled the baby and smiled at Lin Yunwan. "Your Highness, look at the prince's fair skin."

Lin Yunwan hadn't seen many newborn babies before, so she curiously asked Dong Shuangshuang, "Wasn't your son like this when he was just born?"

"Of course not. My son had wrinkles all over his face when he was born."

Lin Yunwan held the baby and took a look. Indeed, he was quite fair-skinned. But both she and Qi Lingheng were fair, so it made sense that their son would be fair too.

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"Your Highness, has the little prince been named yet?"

Lin Yunwan smiled as she held the baby in the swaddle. "Not yet. His Highness said that the Emperor would bestow the name."

Qi Lingheng returned. 

He had been coming back quite frequently these past few days, and Dong Shuangshuang had been here for a while now. Lin Yunwan wanted to avoid suspicion, so she said, "Your Highness, perhaps I will come back another day to see you."


Lin Yunwan called for the maid to see off the guest.

After Dong Shuangshuang left, Qi Lingheng finally came in to see Lin Yunwan and the baby.

"Your Highness, when will the Emperor bestow the name? We still don't know what to call this little guy."

Qi Lingheng held her in his arms, looking at their son. After a pause, he said meaningfully, "The journey is long, but it's almost over."

Lin Yunwan felt that this was more than just about naming their son. She didn't know why His Highness was being so mysterious.

A month later, officials from the palace arrived in Jiangqian. Along with the imperial decree, there were rewards that shocked the entire region - tens of thousands of bolts of silk, thousands of fine horses, and several estates granted under Lin Yunwan's name.

"Wangfei Lin, so much silk!" 

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Even Cuiqin was stunned by the sheer quantity, so much so that the palace couldn't accommodate it all, and they had to find additional storage space.

Lin Yunwan looked at the thick ledger filled with items bestowed by the palace, feeling amazed.

"Your Highness, isn't this too much?" Lin Yunwan asked Qi Lingheng in confusion.

But Qi Lingheng just smiled. "If you knew how much the Emperor and Empress adore you and our child, you wouldn't think it's too much."

Lin Yunwan couldn't help but smile wryly.

Previously, a lot of money was spent on disaster relief, and some was secretly repaid to the Su family, leaving Lin Yunwan feeling somewhat financially strained. Then, the palace sent such generous rewards.

"Cuiqin, take some people and manage the storage!"


The servants were busy for several days at first, but eventually, everything was sorted out, which took several months.

On the night when everything was finally settled, Lin Yunwan couldn't help but marvel at the generosity of the Emperor and Empress Dowager.

With Qi Lingheng's face buried in her neck, his voice husky, he said, "For the sake of Qi Zaijun, you almost lost your life."

"Yunwan, you deserve this."

With Lin Yunwan's health restored, the couple resumed their intimate activities at night.

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