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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 221: 


"Your Highness, you're back," Lin Yunwan heard some movement outside as she rested her eyes for a moment.

She didn't expect Qi Lingheng to return so soon! 

Bending down, he helped Lin Yunwan sit up without a word, speaking gently, "I'm back."

"There was a bit of trouble in the county town's side courtyard, a few people were killed... so it delayed me," Qi Lingheng wanted to explain why he returned so late, but he didn't want to mention the bloody affair in front of her.

Lin Yunwan understood. 

After all, there was nearly loss of life at the city gates, too. 

"You've worked hard these days, Yunwan. I'll escort you back," Qi Lingheng said.

Lin Yunwan still felt a bit uneasy. She hurriedly said, "When you were away, I used your private seal. Now there are some matters in the Jiangqian Prefecture Yamen..."

"I know," Qi Lingheng interrupted.

Taking a thick cloak Lin Yunwan wore, he draped it over her and fastened it securely, then lowered his gaze, "I've already heard some things on the way back. Don't worry, I'll handle some matters first."

"It's not yet time to handle everything one by one. Let's wait until the victims are settled..." There was a cold glint in his eyes.

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly and grasped his hand.

Qi Lingheng spoke softly, "I'll escort you back."

Lin Yunwan didn't want to be a burden and said, "Your Highness, you should stay here to oversee things. I can go back on my own."

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But Qi Lingheng insisted on accompanying her.

"There are enough people here to manage the situation. But I... I'm your husband, the father of our child." He couldn't leave his wife and child behind.

Lin Yunwan felt reassured. She nodded and had the maids pack up their things before they returned to the Prince Huan Mansion together.

She was really exhausted. After taking a bath, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep, not waking up until noon the next day.

Seeing her awake, Cuiqin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You finally woke up! You really scared me!"

Lin Yunwan asked about the time and realized she had slept for quite a while.

She rubbed her belly and said, "It's rare that this child didn't kick me."

With about two months left before giving birth, she often had trouble sleeping, but she enjoyed a good night's sleep last night.

As Cuiqin fetched water to assist Lin Yunwan with washing up, she smiled and said, "Even the little prince knows how hard you've been working and feels sorry for you."

Lin Yunwan chuckled, "How do you know it's a prince? What if it's a girl?"

Cuiqin replied, "I dreamt about it, and it was a little prince."

She was overjoyed, convinced that her mistress would indeed give birth to a little prince.

Feeling extremely hungry, Lin Yunwan quickly went to have lunch. She intended to ask Cuiqin to find out if Qi Lingheng would return in the evening.

However, Cuiqin informed her, "The Prince came back this morning to check on you. When he saw you were still asleep, he left without even having tea. He said he probably won't be able to come back tonight."

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Lin Yunwan then assumed that Qi Lingheng wouldn't return.

Thinking about the people outside the city gate and the relief efforts, she no longer felt worried. With Qi Lingheng's abilities and status, the situation could only get better, not worse.

In the middle of the night, Lin Yunwan was already asleep when His Highness Qi Lingheng returned.

Quietly, he came back and glanced at Lin Yunwan, noticing that her arm was outside the blanket. Gently, he tucked it back in before leaving.

Before his departure, he instructed Cuiqin, "No need to inform Her Highness."

Cuiqin softly replied, "Understood."

The next day, Lin Yunwan felt someone come in during the night, but she had instructed Cuiqin not to disturb her at night unless she specifically asked. Therefore, there were no maids attending to her during the night.

Lin Yunwan furrowed her brow and asked, "Did His Highness come back last night?"

Cuiqin smiled and replied, "His Highness came back in the middle of the night to check on you and then left."

She brought Lin Yunwan some tonic medicine.

Lin Yunwan pursed her lips and smiled faintly as she leisurely drank the medicine.

When Qi Lingheng returned to rest, Lin Yunwan joined him for meals and walks. She knew about his return in the middle of the night.

Qi Lingheng held her hand and said, "If I don't come back, some people won't even bother to cover themselves with a blanket."

"Did I kick the blanket?" Lin Yunwan asked, puzzled.

Lin Yunwan didn't believe it. She smiled and said, "I don't have that habit. Don't tease me."

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"You don't kick the blanket, you sleep quite soundly. But your arm always likes to be outside," Qi Lingheng replied.


Lin Yunwan chuckled, "Even though you were raised in luxury, you still know how to take care of people?"

Qi Lingheng looked at her and asked, "When did you learn to take care of people?"

"Of course, it started from taking care of my parents and younger brother."

The year her father fell ill was when Lin Yunwan first shouldered the responsibilities of an eldest daughter.

Qi Lingheng smiled, "I also have parents and relatives."

Lin Yunwan drifted off for a moment.

As long as one has the heart, even those from royal and noble families can be caring.

Lin Yunwan's due date was in September. The palace had sent several imperial physicians in advance, including two renowned specialists in obstetrics and gynecology.

She had the physicians check Xiruo's pulse too.

"It's the pulse of pregnancy," they confirmed.

Xiruo was expecting too.

Lin Yunwan's body was too heavy, making it inconvenient for her to get up, so she asked Cuiqin to escort the imperial physicians out and gave them some rewards.

She urged Xiruo, "Aren't you in a hurry to go back and tell your husband?"

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Xiruo pursed her lips and smiled, "His Highness summoned the officials from Jiangqian and the provincial government today to discuss rewards and punishments. My husband won't be back so soon."

Lin Yunwan pondered for a moment. She hadn't heard Qi Lingheng mention anything about rewarding and punishing officials. She wondered what he would do.


At the government office of Jiangqian.

Civil and military officials sat in the hall.

Qi Lingheng presided over the trial, with the assistant officials being the Chief Minister of Justice and the Chief Justice of the Inspectorate of Criminal Cases.

The cases reviewed by the prince and the two ministries were very complex, and after nine days of trial, the initial judgment was reached.

The officials discussed the matter one after another.

Of course, here's the revised translation with "Wangfei Lin":

"This is more than just rewarding for merits; it's clearly... it's clearly..."

It's about defending Wangfei Lin!

Those who followed orders were rewarded, while those who went against Wangfei Lin's orders and spread rumors were punished.

"Don't talk nonsense. The rewards were given to those who deserved them, and the punishments were justified."

Overall, the initial trial didn't reveal any major faults.

But those with keen eyes could see that His Highness was clearly protecting Wangfei Lin.

"I don't think His Highness is biased; otherwise, he wouldn't have dealt with Wangfei Lin's father either."

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The Qingshoui Prefecture, where Lin Huabin serves, didn't fulfill its duties and received punishment. His chances of receiving accolades for the next three years are slim.

After the initial trial, he wanted to discuss matters with Qi Lingheng.

Qi Lingheng was accompanied by high-ranking officials from the provincial level, making it impossible for Lin Huabin to intervene.

Although he's Wangfei Lin's "father-in-law," in the officialdom, he's just an insignificant official, watching as His Highness Qi Lingheng strides farther and farther away, feeling dejected.

How did this father-in-law end up like this...

"There's only loss, no gain.

"Your Highness, the documents from the initial trial have been delivered to the capital," said the provincial official with utmost respect.

Qi Lingheng nodded in acknowledgment. Though his expression remained gentle, there was a hint of concern, as if he was preoccupied with something.

The two provincial officials exchanged a glance, unsure of what His Highness meant... Was there still some dissatisfaction?

An attendant approached, whispered something into Qi Lingheng's ear, and his expression suddenly changed. He hastily bid farewell to the two officials before rushing off.

The two officials looked at each other in confusion.

"What's happening with His Highness?"

The attendant informed them, "Her Highness has gone into labor!" He hurried to catch up, adding, "Gentlemen, please excuse me. I must return to the palace."

The two officials courteously replied, "Of course, go ahead."

As the attendant disappeared, the officials breathed a sigh of relief.

"I told you, when His Highness nodded at the conclusion of the final trial, it was a sign," remarked the provincial official, wiping his brow.

"It turns out he was concerned about the Wangfei's childbirth," remarked the other provincial official, giving his colleague's shoulder a reassuring pat. "It was a false alarm, just a false alarm."

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