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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 224: 

 To The Capital

"Your Highness, Wangfei, Second Master Lin has arrived," the maid announced.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yunwan instructed Cuiqing, "Ask him to wait in the hallway. We'll be there shortly."

Cuiqing, now married and with a mature demeanor, arranged her hair and brought out two young maids to assist Lin Yunwan. Despite her new status, she still assisted Lin Yunwan with important matters within the household.

"I'll go and see him," Cuiqing said, her demeanor exuding the grace and dignity of a senior household servant.

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After a brief conversation with Lin Huabin, Cuiqing returned to relay his message to Lin Yunwan.

"The Master asks if you and His Majesty would be willing to visit the mansion to bid farewell before your departure," she reported.

Lin Yunwan changed into suitable attire and tidied herself in front of the mirror. With a calm demeanor, she asked, "Is there anything else?"

Cuiqing hesitated before continuing, "It seems that Second Master Lin... was quite urgent in his inquiries. It appears he wishes to know whether you and His Majesty will return from this trip."

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly. "It seems he wants to accompany us to the capital," she remarked.

Qi Lingheng had someone take their son away as he approached Lin Yunwan to help her with her hairpin.

Bending down, he whispered, "After the flood incident, his days in Jiangqian haven't been easy."

"It seems he can't contain his ambitions and has set his sights on the capital," Lin Yunwan remarked as she adjusted her hairpin, feeling satisfied with her appearance. She smiled and continued, "He doesn't even consider whether he has the ability. Despite having the Lin family as his backing in Jiang Qian, if he can't make a name for himself here, how does he expect to do so in the capital?"

Qi Lingheng smiled knowingly. Foolish people often remain oblivious to their own folly.

After dressing up, Lin Yunwan and Qi Lingheng went to meet Lin Huabin.

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"Master Lin," Lin Yunwan greeted him upon entering, dispelling the need for formalities. Lin Huabin hesitated to bow, unsure of his position, and Lin Huabin continued, "Your Highness, Wangfei."

Qi Lingheng gestured for him to sit.

Lin Huabin sat down nervously, his demeanor reflecting his inner turmoil. The past few years in the political arena had been difficult, and life in the Lin mansion was no better. He struggled to maintain a facade of amiability and was becoming increasingly unpredictable in his moods. However, he dared not display any temper in front of the Prince and Princess Huan.

With a forced smile, Lin Huabin began, "I've heard that Wangfei and Your Highness will soon be leaving Jiangqian and returning to the capital."

Lin Yunwan had already anticipated his intentions and responded, "The imperial decree came suddenly, and it wouldn't be appropriate for the Duke and me to delay. We won't trouble Master Lin to see us off."

Lin Huabin found it difficult to press further upon hearing her words. However, if he couldn't accompany them to the capital now, he might never get another chance.

For years, he had never tried to curry favor with the Prince. With the Prince and Wangfei leaving, he hoped they could help him out a bit. After all, it wasn't too much to ask.

Unable to beat around the bush, Lin Huabin spoke plainly, "Your Highness, in recent years, I have been unable to achieve anything substantial in the government office. I feel ashamed that despite my intentions to benefit the people, I have not been successful. It seems that the office is not suitable for me."

"Since you two are leaving, could you please arrange for my transfer from Jiangqian before you go?"

He feared they might refuse, but he gathered his courage and continued, "Your Highness, I have never come to you seeking help before, and this will be the last time!"

Princess Huan owed a debt to the Lin family, and he hoped she would honor it.

Qi Lingheng reassured him, "Rest assured, Master Lin, I understand your situation."

Lin Huabin couldn't believe how smoothly everything had gone. He looked at Qi Lingheng with surprise and said, "Your Highness, is this for real?"

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Qi Lingheng smiled gently and replied, "Indeed. You've been in obscurity in Jiangqian for several years, and it's time for a promotion. However, there are still many matters to attend to at home. Master Lin, you should return first and await further instructions."

After a moment of contemplation, he provided a specific date, "At the latest, on the day we leave Jiangqian, your transfer order will be issued."

"Your Highness, I...I..." Lin Huabin was astonished. Was he really going to be promoted right away?

Lin Huabin was a bit incoherent. "Please don't get too excited," Qi Lingheng advised him.

With trembling voice, Lin Huabin said, "I take my leave, Your Excellency."

After they left, Lin Yunwan asked Qi Lingheng, "Your Excellency, are you really planning to take him to the capital?"

The capital was bustling, but it was also more dangerous.

Qi Lingheng replied, "Lin Huabin's character is troublesome. He's been riding on the reputation of being the Prince's relative."

Frowning, Lin Yunwan asked, "You don't really intend to take him to the capital, do you?"

Having been married for several years, she had begun to understand his character.

Qi Lingheng chuckled. "He only said he wanted to leave Jiangqian; he didn't specify going to the capital."

With a puzzled expression, Lin Yunwan watched him leave to find their sweet boy.

She sighed softly. Lin Yunwan shook her head and sighed for Lin Huabin's carelessness.

The Huan Prince's Mansion hastily organized a farewell banquet. Carrying their luggage and accompanied by their servants, Lin Yunwan and Qi Lingheng first traveled by boat along the waterway, then switched to land travel before returning to the waterway on their journey to the capital.

Many people went to the pier to see them off. Lin Huabin was among them. Upon returning to his carriage, he excitedly told Concubine Man: "I'm going to the yamen later. My transfer order should have arrived. I'm about to be promoted to an official in the capital!"

Concubine Man was skeptical. She saw through it; over the years, Master Lin held little importance in the eyes of the princess.

"Let's go to the Yamen," Lin Huabin said.

After the departure of the three boats, Lin Huabin took Concubine Man to the Yamen. After waiting in the carriage for a long time, when Lin Huabin finally emerged, his face was dark with anger.

Concubine Man cautiously asked, "Master, what's wrong? Weren't you supposed to become an official in the capital? Is the position too small, or..."

Lin Huabin returned home in silence. It was said that he had taken sick leave and didn't leave the house for three days and nights.

Meanwhile, Concubine Man's mood improved considerably.


"Mother, I want to go fishing," Qi Zaijun said excitedly. He had never been on a large boat before.

Qi Lingheng said, "Father will teach you how to fish."

"Father can fish?" Qi Zaijun asked in surprise.

Qi Lingheng picked up the fishing rod.

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As they settled down, and the fish didn't bite for a while, Lin Yunwan whispered to Qi Lingheng, "Sending Master Lin to such a harsh and distant place is akin to giving him a death sentence."

While Lin Huabin was indeed promoted, going to such a remote and harsh location would be unbearable for someone who had lived a comfortable life for most of his days.

"He shouldn't lose his life over this," Qi Lingheng said indifferently.

Lin Huabin indirectly held the lives of two people in his hands.

Lin Yunwan chuckled softly, "With the Old Madam still in power in Jiangqian, he wouldn't dare to act recklessly. But once no one is there to restrain him, he can do as he pleases."

Qi Lingheng remarked apathetically, "I'll spare his life. With this, our dealings with the Lin Family will be settled."

Over the past few years, the old lady of the Lin family had made several overly probing attempts. It remained to be seen whether she wanted to save her son's life or had other intentions.

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly, "A double win with one move."

With the wind blowing loudly on the boat, Qi Zaijun couldn't hear what they were saying. He grumbled, "Father, Mother, Jun'er wants to hear too."

Qi Lingheng lightly twisted his ear and said, "Focus on fishing, my son."

"Mother, Father is scolding me."

Qi Zaijun's tears had already started flowing.

Pretending not to notice, Lin Yunwan thought to herself that this child's tears always came at the slightest provocation, like squeezing a sponge. She wasn't falling for it anymore.


Meanwhile, the Old Madam of the Lin family flew into a rage, nearly tearing up the transfer order.

She questioned Lin Huabin, "How could the prince suddenly transfer you to such a place?!"

Lin Huabin replied wearily, "Mother, it was the son... who sought it himself."

The Old Madam of the Lin family fell silent.


After a rushed journey of about twenty days, the Prince Huan's family arrived in the capital.

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