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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 180: 


"The... The servant's parents, one works in the stable, and the other is a laborer," the maid replied. When she saw Lin Yunwan's lack of reaction, Xiruo glanced at her and then instructed the maid, "You may leave."

After questioning several more maids, they came to a maid who was about thirteen or fourteen years old, with neatly combed hair and bright eyes.

"What is your name?" Lin Yunwan asked her.

"I am called Cuiqin," she replied.

Cuiqin had intended to speak about her background right away but was surprised when the young lady asked for her name first.

Lin Yunwan nodded, and Xiruo signaled for Cuiqin to continue.

Cuiqin spoke slowly but clearly, finishing her introduction before lowering her head without looking around.

Xiruo glanced at Lin Yunwan, who nodded in agreement. "She will do," Lin Yunwan said.

Cuiqin was very surprised but dared not lift her head.

Xiruo handed her a small pouch and smiled. "Aren't you going to thank the young lady?"

Cuiqin accepted the pouch with both hands and bowed deeply in front of Lin Yunwan. "Thank you, Young Miss!" she exclaimed gratefully.

Xiruo distributed some pouches to Fan Mama and then gave the remaining ones to the maids and servant women in the discussion hall who had helped.

After exchanging a few words quietly with Lin Yunwan, Xiruo was instructed, "You take her back to Bi Xi Ting first. I'll go to Madam's place for my lessons."

"Yes," Xiruo acknowledged.

With Xirou leading Cuiqin back, Yunwan hurried to Madam's quarters for her lessons.

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"Miss has arrived. Today, I'll teach you something new," Fan Mama announced as she led Lin Yunwan into the study room. "You may choose for yourself."

In Fan Mama's eyes, Lin Yunwan knew a little about calligraphy but was clueless about everything else.

In the room, there was a qin (a Chinese stringed instrument), a chessboard, and colored pigments.

"What do you think I should learn, Mama?" Lin Yunwan asked sincerely.

Fan Mama hesitated for a moment before smiling and suggesting, "Perhaps Miss could learn to play the zither."

"Is there any particular reason for that, Mama?"

Fan Mama chuckled, "Who doesn't enjoy the beauty of music? It's something that everyone appreciates. For an ordinary person, who wouldn't enjoy music when they hear it? This music is even more delightful, it can please others and oneself. Miss, you've learned everything before for yourself, now learn how to make others happy too."

Lin Yunwan smiled.

Of the four arts—music, chess, calligraphy, and painting—the only one she wasn't proficient in was music.

She modestly replied, "I'm afraid I won't be able to learn to please others in such a short time."

But Fan Mama said, "Miss, don't underestimate yourself."

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Then she asked Lin Yunwan, "Miss, entrust your studies to me."

Lin Yunwan handed in her homework, and after Fan Mama checked it, she nodded approvingly and said, "Miss, please take a seat."

She began teaching her from the basics of music theory.

After a day of learning, as they were leaving class, Fan Mama uncommonly asked Lin Yunwan, "Miss, is something on your mind today?"

Lin Yunwan paused briefly and replied, "I'm currently learning household management from Madam. This morning, I just chose a maid, and she's already gone to my pavilion. I haven't had a chance to meet her alone yet."

Fan Mama smiled faintly and said, "Choosing a personal maid requires caution. She might be someone who accompanies you for a lifetime."


Lin Yunwan respectfully bid farewell, "Fan Mama, I'll take my leave."

She left.

Back in the Bi Xi Ting, seeing Cuiqin behaving properly in the wing room, Xiruo rushed over and said, "Miss." Following Lin Yunwan into the main room, she whispered, "I've gathered all the information you asked for."

Lin Yunwan sat on the couch and asked carefully, "Cuiqin's parents have been serving the family for three generations, and they seem quite intelligent. How come they haven't been promoted yet?"

Xiruo replied, "They are all from the Old Madam's side."

"When the family was divided, they were assigned to our master. Madam doesn't like using people from the Old Madam's side, but she also doesn't dare to dismiss them. Master definitely wouldn't agree to chase away the old madam's people. So, they've been neglected in the mansion."

"They've neglected Miss Cuiqin too."

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Lin Yunwan nodded and said, "This sounds like something Madam would do."

"I heard that Cuiqin also has an elder brother who's currently serving elsewhere. Do you know where?"

Xiruo replied, "He's running errands and helping manage affairs in the main courtyard. Cuiqin said her brother only does odd jobs and doesn't have much face in front of the masters."

Lin Yunwan nodded, very satisfied. "That's good. Another errand runner, she can go wherever needed."

Then she asked Xiruo, "What do you think of Cuiqin?"

Xiruo didn't hesitate to praise Cuiqin, "In the morning at the conference hall, other family servants often show some arrogance, but Miss Cuiqin, perhaps because of her parents' situation, has been mistreated and grown up without any arrogance in the second household."

"When I asked about her background, whether it was regarding the old madam's side or Madam's side, she showed no resentment."

Lin Yunwan also praised Cuiqin, "She's a good girl."

"Are you keeping her?"

Lin Yunwan nodded, "Go arrange a room for her, so she can come serve tonight."

Half an hour later, Cuiqin arrived.

Lin Yunwan told her, "Go to the storeroom and bring out my zither." It was something Lin Huabin had given her when she entered the mansion—not something Zhao Jingyi had given her, of course.

Cuiqin led the way to fetch the zither and placed it on a long table.

Lin Yunwan sat beneath the window sill, clumsily plucking the zither strings, sounding like a novice. 

As Cuiqin served tea, she dared to speak up, "If Miss is feeling anxious, would you like to have some tea first?"

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Lin Yunwan stopped her hands and smiled, asking, "How did you know I was feeling anxious?"

Cuiqin replied, "It's something I sensed. When I was young, I often heard the young ladies who were about to get married playing the zither."

Lin Yunwan chuckled softly, knowing that those ladies were also trained by Fan Mama and naturally learned the four arts.

"I do have something bothering me," Lin Yunwan said with a deliberate sigh.

Cuiqin suddenly became very nervous; she knew this was her chance.

"If there's anything you command, Miss, I will do my utmost to accomplish it for you," Cuiqin said eagerly.

Lin Yunwan looked at her but remained silent.

Cuiqin pursed her lips and then suddenly knelt down, saying, "Miss, as someone who has just arrived, I dare not ask for your immediate trust, but at least you can give me a chance to prove myself."

Lin Yunwan chuckled lightly, "Even if you have the ability, I must feel confident enough to use it."

Cuiqin thought for a moment before saying, "I'll confide in you, Miss."

"My parents and my brother—they're all living aimlessly, but I don't want that kind of life. I want to follow you, Miss!"

Lin Yunwan nodded in acknowledgment. "That's the truth."

Cuiqin nervously smiled, unsure if Miss truly believed her. She rubbed her hands together, eager to help Lin Yunwan share her burdens.

"Have you heard of the Su family?" she asked.

"I have!" Cuiqin widened her eyes. This was Miss's maternal family.

Lin Yunwan instructed, "Your parents are family servants, and your brother works in the main courtyard. Go find out where the Su family is now."

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After the Su family's marriage with the Lin family, they faced difficulties and declined as a clan.

Once Lin Yunwan's birth mother passed away, the ties between the two families were severed. Since Lin Yunwan arrived, she hadn't seen or heard anything about the Su family.

Cuiqin nodded firmly. "I'll go right away!" And she reassured, "Miss, rest assured, I won't utter a word to anyone."

Lin Yunwan grunted in acknowledgment.

She wasn't worried about Cuiqin spreading the word; it was only natural for her to inquire about her maternal family. Even if outsiders knew, it didn't matter to her.

She didn't care about her maternal family, which might puzzle others.

Since Cuiqin hadn't returned with news yet, Lin Yunwan decided to visit Zhao Jingyi's private garden first.

Lin Huabin accompanied Lin Yunwan in a carriage and personally escorted her into the garden, saying, "Have a good talk with your father. The carriage will wait outside for you. I'll leave first."


Lin Yunwan, accompanied by Xiruo, walked into the garden. It was the same garden as the one they visited during the flower market. As they ventured deeper, they saw Afu standing outside the courtyard.

It wasn't Zhao Jingyi who came to meet her; it was Qi Lingheng!

Lin Yunwan halted her steps.

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