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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 179: 

Picking People 

Lin Huabin rarely spoke harshly to Lin Yunwan, and he also felt that perhaps he was being too strict with an unmarried girl. He chuckled and said, "Uncle is just chatting casually with you. Don't take it to heart."

Lin Yunwan's expression remained calm, her inner thoughts collected.

Ignoring Lin Huabin's almost insulting remarks, she hit the nail on the head with her question: "Uncle Lin, it seems like you want Second Miss to marry into the Royal Family? But since the Prince intends to marry, is Yunjiao going to be a concubine?"

"Even if she becomes a concubine, Yun Jiao's age won't allow her to wait until the Prince takes concubines. From preparing for the wedding to the arrival of the Princess at the Wang's mansion, it will take at least a year or more. With a new Princess, the Prince won't be able to take concubines for the first year. Isn't that blatantly disrespecting the Princess?" Lin Huabin's smile faded as he spoke.

These words struck a chord with him. If it wasn't for his daughter being chosen by the Prince, he wouldn't want her to marry into the Prince's Family, unless it was to become a concubine. With the Lin family's background, it would be dignified for the eldest daughter to become a concubine. But what father could bear to let his own daughter become someone's concubine? He didn't want to be labeled as someone who climbed the ranks by attaching himself to powerful figures.

"What do you think, Yunwan?" Lin Huabin didn't know what he was thinking, but suddenly wanted to ask Yunwan's opinion. She seemed to understand things so clearly; perhaps she had some thoughts.

"I have none," Lin Yunwan said with a bow, indicating she wanted to leave.

But before Lin Huabin could finish his sentence, he said, "Your father wants to see you. Decide when it's appropriate and ask Fan Mama to request leave for you in advance."

Lin Yunwan thought for a moment and said, "Three days from now."

"Then it's three days from now," Lin Huabin agreed.

Thinking about what Zheng had said, he was afraid that she was just comforting him, so he asked Lin Yunwan, "… Madam said you often go to her to sit and have met your cousin, Wenhai, several times?"

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Lin Yunwan paused, suddenly understanding Lin Huabin's intention... Zhao Jingyi wouldn't want to see her for no reason, could it be because of her and Wenhai?

Then she must see Zhao Jingyi even more.

Otherwise, everything would be left to Lin Huabin and Zheng to decide.

"Yes," Lin Yunwan replied succinctly.

Lin Huabin smiled and waved his hand, "Go ahead."

Lin Yunwan returned to Bi Xi Ting late at night, with Xiruo leading the way with a lamp.

When they reached the courtyard, Xiruo extinguished the lamp and entered the room. Lin Yunwan instructed her, "Prepare a few sachets and fill them with silver ingots."

"We'll need them to choose maidservants tomorrow."


Xiruo went to fetch Lin Yunwan's money box. After entering the Lin mansion, they also had expenses. They exchanged some silver and filled a small box with silver ingots.

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After weighing them, they put the same weight into several sachets.

"Miss, it's all packed."

Lin Yunwan lay on the couch with her eyes closed and said lightly, "Prepare another...”

Xie Ruo waited for a moment but didn't hear the rest of the sentence. She walked over and asked, "Prepare another what?"

Lin Yunwan pursed her lips and said, "It's nothing."

If the prince were truly going to marry, it wouldn't happen so quickly. Even if they were to offer him gifts, there was no rush at this moment.

The next day, Fan Mama came early to urge her, "Miss, the maids are all waiting in the meeting hall."

Lin Yunwan didn't make her wait long. She was already dressed and groomed when she stepped out. She said, "Lead the way, Fan Mama."

Fan Mama led her to the meeting hall. Outside, a group of maids stood in the courtyard. The oldest among them appeared to be about seventeen, but she had a sturdy build and a rather vacant expression.

Xiruo clenched her fist and glanced at Fan Mama.

"Why would they pick maids who are about to be released from the household? How can they be suitable for the young miss?" 

Fan Mama pretended not to notice and smiled, "Miss, please go inside."

As Lin Yunwan entered, several younger maids stood on tiptoes to get a better look, but Xiruo scowled at them directly.

"Miss, those few little ones are not of much use," Xiruo said. They were only eight or nine years old; could they be trained properly?

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Fan Mama approached with a smile, "Miss, these are the best that the servants could find for you to choose from."

Lin Yunwan didn't even look at her, calmly saying, "I can see that."

Fan Mama was taken aback. What did she mean by "I can see that"?

She glanced outside at the maids and Xiruo bluntly remarked, "I can see that, Fan Mama, you have quite the talent for training people. No wonder..."

Fan Mama's face reddened with embarrassment.

Lin Yunwan didn't want to argue with her, so she instructed, "Fan Mama, have the maids born in the house stand on the left, and the purchased ones on the right."

Fan Mama held back her frustration and went out to relay the message.

She thought to herself, "Her status may not be high, but she's acting like the mistress of the house... Let's see what she picks out today!"

"Did you hear the young miss' orders? Those born in the house stand on the left, not the right."

The maids quickly divided into two groups, each on one side.

In affluent households like the Lin family, there were usually more maids born within the family, but the situation was different for the Lin's second branch, so only half of the maids were born in the house.

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The maids born in the house whispered to each other, "Does this mean they don't want us?"

"Of course. The young miss will definitely choose maids for dowry. Our maids born in the house are clumsy and always involved with the mistress, so the young miss won't want them."

The maids born in the house immediately felt dejected.

"Although the Madam doesn't favor the young miss, at least she has the status of a second or third-grade maid. There are not many trusted maids around the young miss..."

They had thought they might have a chance to improve their situation.

There was one maid who kept her eyes downcast, never looking up or saying a word.

Fan Mama turned back and said, "Wait for the young miss' instructions."

Lin Yunwan continued, "Bring the maids born in the house one by one and let them talk about themselves."

Fan Mama was surprised, "You want to choose from the maids born in the house?"

The maids born in the house were not only lacking in skills, but the good ones had already been assigned by the Master, Madam, and various managers. It would be hard to find any good ones left.

Xiruo said, "Just follow the young miss' orders."


When Fan Mama called the maids born in the house, before the first maid entered, she asked, "Young Miss, what do you want the maids born in the house to say?"

Lin Yunwan said calmly, "Talk about the household members, your past duties, and what tasks you excel at."

Fan Mama nodded and walked to the corridor, loudly informing the maids. Then, she asked the first maid who entered, "Did you hear?"

"I heard," the maid replied nervously, lowering her head as she entered.

Fan Mama stood at the door, wondering to herself, "...So the young miss really does have the demeanor of a young lady. Was she trained by Fan Mama?" 

She glanced at Lin Yunwan, who was sitting in the main seat of the discussion hall. 

"She seems different from when she first entered the mansion..." 

Why did she seem so much more noble now? 

If she were to be matched with Young Master Wenhai, it would be too advantageous for him!

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  1. Hello translator, is there a section missing from the start of this chapter? It doesn't follow from the events of the previous chapter. Thank you for your hard work!

    1. I felt that I missed something at the beginning too, and I quadruple checked, but the author indeed started this chapter in the middle of a conversation! It threw me for a loop and I felt like I was missing something! (I even just went back and checked again just to be absolutely sure!)

      Thank you for reading!

    2. What a strange choice by the writer! Thank you for checking! Really appreciate it!


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