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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 178: 



"Zhao, why didn't you tell me about the Prince's marriage plans?" Lin Huabin's mouth twitched as he spoke.

Zhao Jingyi shrugged, "What could I say? I only just found out myself."

Rubbing his forehead, Zhao Jingyi continued, "But this isn't your concern! Why are you more anxious than me?"

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Lin Huabin seemed a bit flustered, forcing a smile, "Well... well... our Lin family also has some reputation in Jiangqian. With the sudden news, I was worried about any potential delays for the Prince."

"You guys have good intentions, but don't worry. The Prince knows what he's doing, and Wang Mama is helping too. If your Lin family doesn't contribute, it's no big deal."

Lin Huabin's smile seemed forced. He actually wanted to help.

Zhao Jingyi appeared genuinely worried and patted his stomach, "Let's go, let's go eat." 

Lin Huabin suddenly lost his appetite. He wasn't used to the spicy and sour flavors of Zhao's dishes, so he declined, "I suddenly remembered something at home. I won't keep you company today."

Hungry and concerned about his niece's marriage, Zhao Jingyi urged, "Alright then. But don't forget to arrange for me to see my daughter soon. It's been a long time since I last saw her, and I miss her."

"I'll remember."

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Zhao's servant led Lin Huabin out.

Turning back, Zhao Jingyi noticed that Qi Lingheng hadn't left yet. Startled, he held onto a pillar and asked, "Why are you still here?"

Feeling like a poor uncle for being easily frightened, Zhao Jingyi quickly let go and cleared his throat, "It's already dark, why didn't you bring a lantern?"

Qi Lingheng smiled, "I thought since I came to escort you, we'd drink together. The time flew by, and it got dark before I could get a lantern."

"Is that so?" Zhao Jingyi didn't believe him. How could it take so long to escort him, resulting in the night falling?

"Did you overhear my conversation with Lin Huabin?" Zhao Jingyi finally realized why his good nephew was here.

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Qi Lingheng smiled and walked with Zhao Jingyi back to the courtyard. "Uncle, remember to tell me when you meet Yunwan."

"Why, do you want to see her too?" Zhao Jingyi found it a bit strange.

Qi Lingheng replied solemnly, "Her family asked me to pass something to her." That was a lie.

Believing him, Zhao Jingyi asked, "How does she still have family? Where are they now? Why aren't they concerned about her? She's about to get married! Aren't they going to intervene?"

"Zhao, why are you in such a hurry? Nothing has been settled yet," Qilin said calmly.

"What do you mean by 'nothing has been settled'?" Zhao Jingyi was puzzled.

"She's not married yet," Qi Lingheng replied.

"How do you know she's not? I'm telling you, Lin Huabin just said she already has someone in mind," Zhao Jingyi retorted, perhaps trying to tease Qi Lingheng. "I heard he's a very promising young man. Heh, I'll soon have another son-in-law."

"He's lying to you," Qi Lingheng stated firmly. "How could Yunwan possibly be interested in someone like that? He's not even a Jinshi." Qi Lingheng's voice turned icy, showing his impatience with such talk, and he walked faster.

Zhao Jingyi rubbed the back of his head. "And you say you weren't eavesdropping?"

He quickly caught up with him.

Qi Lingheng gave a faint smile; he hadn't said such things.


"What? The Prince is getting married!" 

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Lin Huabin rushed in and told his wife, Madam Zheng. She was extremely surprised, sitting on the bed with wide eyes. "How come we didn't hear any rumors?"

She clung to her husband's sleeve and asked, "Whose daughter is it?"

Lin Huabin's arm hurt from being pulled, so he untangled Madam Zheng's grip and frowned. "I don't know."

He sighed as he sat on the bed. "Seeing Zhao Jingyi's reaction, it's not someone from our Lin family."

Madam Zheng was a bit stunned. "How could this happen? Is it the Prince's choice of a consort, or did Wang Mama choose the Princess?"

"The Prince has only been in Jiangqian for a short time. We haven't even seen him yet. How could the selection of the Princess be decided already?" Lin Huabin pondered for a moment, then said to himself, "Maybe it's not decided yet. Perhaps I misunderstood."

Madam Zheng suddenly felt hopeful and sat up, asking, "Master, you must think carefully! Since the Prince clearly intends to marry, if the candidate hasn't been decided yet, you should work hard for our daughter!"

Lin Huabin rubbed his forehead, recalling his conversation with Zhao Jingyi and repeating it to Madam Zheng.

After pondering for a while, Madam Zheng clapped her hands and laughed, "I knew it, Master, you must have misunderstood. The Prince is preparing to marry — but the bride hasn't been chosen yet, right?"

Lin Huabin was also swayed by her words.

Linking her arm with his, Madam Zheng said, "Master, don't overthink it. Hurry and find out what the Prince really thinks! It would be best if you could meet him in person and ask him directly."

Lin Huabin furrowed his brow. "Is it that easy to meet the Prince?"

But he really wanted to meet the Prince. After all, they had been friends with Zhao Jingyi for so long. It wouldn't be right to avoid him like this.

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  1. OhMyGod. They really think they can meet the prince and ask him to his face who he's going to marry just because they're friends with his uncle.... When even his parents (and rulers!!) can't!!
    I mean, pff, who even are the emperor and the empress, right?
    They're his uncle's friends!!

    No, fr. They think they are anyone before the prince, and that the prince will give them his time?
    But then, they think their spoiled and talentless daughter really has a shot....

    I really don't understand how they knit not only think it's possible, but don't even think their daughter won't survive 5s in the Royal Palace/harem.
    Adversaries don't even need to go through the trouble of thinking how to get rid of her. One A out of her mouth and she's certainly offending someone and getting beaten for it.


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