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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 177: 

Thinking of Marriage


"Xiao Heng, your father and the empress dowager are urging again!" 

Zhao Jingyi handed the letter from the empress dowager to Qi Lingheng.

Qi Lingheng took it without looking; he could guess what it said.

Zhao Jingyi sighed. "Don't make it difficult for your uncle. We're already halfway through the year. Remember what you said to your father and the empress dowager when you were in the capital."

He had promised the emperor to settle the marriage this year.

"Uncle, I haven't forgotten," Qi Lingheng said, his voice low. "Just give me a bit more time."

Zhao Jingyi nodded. A servant outside announced, "Master, Master Lin is here."

"Now?!" Zhao Jingyi glanced at the sky. It was almost dinner time. What was he doing here now?

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But given their relationship, he couldn't just dismiss him. He stood up and instructed, "Please have Master Lin wait in the reception hall... "

However, Qi Lingheng stood up as well. "Uncle, why not hear what he has to say first?"

Zhao Jingyi suddenly thought of his nominal daughter. "Don't tell me something's wrong with that girl of mine."

He had seen the girl himself, and she had made a good impression.

He changed his instructions to the servant. "Take Master Lin to the front hall and tell him I'll be there after changing my clothes."

In fact, he didn't want to change clothes; he wanted to discuss with Qi Lingheng what to say in response to the empress dowager's letter.

Qi Lingheng advised, "Uncle, just tell the truth."

"What truth?" Zhao Jingyi scratched his head. 

"How about... I say I'm ready to marry?"

"Huh?!" Marry? He had never heard about this before.

Zhao Jingyi pondered many reasons, but this was... either deceiving the emperor or taking a serious step?

He hurriedly walked over to Qi Lingheng, asking anxiously, "Whom do you want to marry? Which girl have you set your eyes on?"

Qi Lingheng felt his uncle was getting too close, so he stepped back. "Uncle, you have a guest. Let's talk after meeting him."

"You're saying this, but I'm not in the mood for guests!" If he clarified, he could send a reply to his sister and brother-in-law, and they wouldn't scold him anymore!

Before leaving, Qi Lingheng reminded Zhao Jingyi, "If Lin Huabin talks about that girl's marriage, don't be deceived by him. That girl... is not someone ordinary."

"She has her own ideas."

Zhao Jingyi said, "I understand."

Since she was his nominal daughter, her marriage wasn't something Lin Huabin could decide.

Afterward, he went to the front hall to meet Lin Huabin. As soon as he arrived, he noticed a plotting smile on Lin Huabin's face, which was unusual for him, as he was usually smiling. 

"Brother Zhao, shall we have dinner?" 

Zhao Jingyi didn't rush to say anything. He knew his thoughts were written on his face, which was easy to guess.

Let's see what Lin Huabin wanted to say first!

If it was about Yunwan's marriage, he had to brace himself.

"Brother Zhao, it's like this. I've come for Yunwan's matter. You know, my daughter is not young anymore, and Yunwan seems to be about twenty now."

"I think it's time to settle her marriage. I also have a younger one to marry off. Brother Zhao, you... " 

Lin Huabin looked at Zhao Jingyi tentatively, feeling helpless. "You haven't mentioned Yunwan's matter, and my wife urged me again today, so I had to come over. Please don't blame me for being meddlesome, Brother Zhao."

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His nephew's guess was correct; he came for Yunwan's marriage.

Zhao Jingyi was wary, but he remained polite. "Of course not."

He felt guilty. Delaying his daughter's marriage was his fault.

He said apologetically, "I'll let you discuss your daughter's marriage first. As for Yunwan... I'll get back to you later. I promise not to delay your daughter's marriage. Once there's progress with your daughter's marriage, I'll give you a definite answer about Yunwan. Deal?"

He hadn't heard anything about Lin Huabin's daughter's marriage. From engagement to wedding, it took at least half a year. Wasn't half a year enough time to settle his fake daughter's marriage?

Lin Huabin smiled, not knowing what to say.

Does Zhao Jingyi really not know what he's thinking? Why hasn't his daughter Yunjiao married yet? Why haven't any of the eligible girls in Jiangqian married? Does Zhao Jingyi not have a clue? 

What's the hurry in urging his daughter to marry? 

"Not in a rush. Yunjiao's marriage is still early. I came today to talk to Brother Zhao about Yunwan's affairs."

Lin Huabin did not forget his main purpose. He nervously shook hands and said, "It's like this. I have my eye on a very good young man. Brother Zhao, if you don't mind, I'd like to introduce him to Yunwan."

"This way, you'll also have one less worry, won't you?"

Zhao Jingyi was about to drink tea, but he put down the teacup and looked curiously at Lin Huabin. "How good is this young man? Tell me."

His good nephew said that Yunwan was not ordinary. If Lin Huabin really found someone good, what was wrong with it?

Lin Huabin heard Zhao Jingyi's interest and said happily, "He's a scholarly person with achievements under his belt. He's very ambitious. He also looks good." He said carefully, "He's my wife's nephew. I'm very familiar with this child. He's had good character since he was young. I'm not exaggerating. Brother Zhao, you'll see when you meet him. This child... has seven points of my grandfather's character."

"In time, he'll definitely surpass me."

It sounded good. Lin Huabin's grandfather was also a prominent figure in Jiangqian back then. Otherwise, the Lin family wouldn't be where they are today.

Zhao Jingyi then asked, "Has he achieved the position of Jinshi or Juren now?"

Lin Huabin's mouth twitched as he said, "Brother Zhao, my nephew is only eighteen years old."

"Oh, so he's just a scholar?" 

Lin Huabin paused for a moment, then nodded.

Zhao Jingyi smirked and said, "Scholars are a dime a dozen. What's so special about that?"

Lin Huabin continued, "He'll take the imperial examination next year, and then..."

"That's not until next year, is it? Let's talk about it after he's achieved something next year!" 

Lin Huabin smiled awkwardly.

This Zhao Jingyi, why couldn't he understand hints? 

Was he dissatisfied with Wenhai? 

Probably not. If Zhao Jingyi was unhappy, he would have said so directly. Since Zhao Jingyi didn't outright reject it, it means he still sees Wenhai's potential. 

Lin Huabin decided to try persuading him again, "It might be too late to wait until next year to discuss it. My nephew is not young anymore. If he becomes a Jinshi..."

That would be an excellent match!

Suddenly, Zhao Jingyi frowned and said, "You're making him sound so good, as if my daughter couldn't even compete. Why don't you mention it to your own daughter?" 

Lin Huabin: "..."

The more Zhao Jingyi thought about it, the more he felt he was right. 

That's it! That's the point.

"Brother Lin, I don't mean to offend you, but why are you like this now? You always bring up my daughter's name for everything."

Thankfully, with Lingheng's reminder, he realized he should suspect Lin Huabin. 

Zhao Jingyi stood up angrily. "What? Can't the Lin family afford to support an unmarried girl? Why didn't you say so earlier? I'll take care of it myself, even if it means risking my wife's scolding. You can give the winery back."

Lin Huabin quickly tried to calm Zhao Jingyi down. "Brother Zhao, don't be angry. You're thinking too badly of me. How could I bear to mistreat my niece? I'm not even this good to my own niece. Sigh! To be honest with you, my daughter is dull-witted. She only sees my nephew, Wenhai, as her cousin. But Yunwan... she seems to care a lot about Wenhai."

"Girls are shy. As long as she hasn't angrily rejected him, it's probably a yes."

Zhao Jingyi sat down quietly, thinking for a long time before saying, "Okay. Let me meet with her first."

If it's true, he couldn't interfere forcibly.

"Make arrangements as soon as possible! If she really has this intention, I, as her father, won't stand in her way." Zhao Jingyi was so anxious he had a headache, saying, "Ah, you don't know. The prince is also preparing to marry. How could these two things clash?"

Lin Huabin hurriedly asked, "The prince is getting married?"

He hadn't heard of it!

Zhao Jingyi never mentioned it to him. Could this... could it be about his daughter, Yunjiao?

Indeed, their many years of friendship seem to be in vain!

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