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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 181: 


A'Fu came out upon hearing the commotion and said, "Miss, the Prince is waiting for you inside."

After some consideration, Lin Yunwan decided to enter.

Even if she couldn't see Zhao Jingyi, she still needed to convey her message to him. Otherwise, Lin Huabin wouldn't know how to handle her marriage matters.

"Your Highness," Lin Yunwan greeted as she pushed open the door.

Upon entering, she saw Qi Lingheng standing by the window, watering several pots of flowers on the table.

Qi Lingheng set down the watering can and gestured for her to sit at the table.

On the large table lay a thick stack of books, all with red lacquer covers, looking very festive.

"What's this?" Lin Yunwan asked, knowing there must be a reason for them to be placed here.

Qi Lingheng replied, "Open and see for yourself."

He remained standing with his hands behind his back, looking at Lin Yunwan.

Lin Yunwan flipped through the books, filled with lists of items. There were so many things that if they were all laid out, it would be overwhelming. However, they were also easily recognizable for their purpose.

"Red glazed mandarin duck tea cups set, phoenix step bed..." Lin Yunwan murmured as she read through the list. It was evident that these were items for the prince's wedding.

Lin Yunwan closed the book and looked up, asking, "Are these the betrothal gifts you're giving to the prospective princess?"

Qi Lingheng nodded and asked, "What do you think?"

Lin Yunwan placed the book back and smiled faintly, "How can I have the final say in this matter? Don't you have palace maids who accompany you? When it comes to such matters, you don't need to ask me. Your palace maid is more experienced than me."

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"How can I not ask you?" Qi Lingheng poured two cups of tea, placing one in front of Lin Yunwan.

It was hot weather, and he was a bit thirsty. His long, slender fingers held the teacup steadily, lifting it to his lips.

The private garden was exceptionally cool, but outside, the cicadas continued to chirp.

During the moments of silence between them, the room was filled with a profound tranquility.

Lin Yunwan silently watched Qi Lingheng.

He seemed unaware of her gaze. After finishing his tea and gently placing down the teacup, he finally looked into her eyes with a puzzled smile. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Lin Yunwan lightly pressed her lips together, refraining from speaking any words.

It was much later that she quietly thought to herself, So, the person the prince wants to marry is still her.

"Yunwan," Qi Lingheng knew Lin Yunwan wouldn't agree so easily, but he wasn't going to leave empty-handed today.

He spoke softly, "Marrying me isn't as troublesome as you think."

Lin Yunwan felt Qi Lingheng was too close, and her neck began to feel hot. She took a few steps towards the window sill to look at the flowers on the table.

Lotuses and gardenias, which often bloomed in summer, emitted an extremely fragrant aroma. The scent wafted through every corner of the garden, overpowering the mild fragrance of the potted flowers.

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Qi Lingheng spoke calmly from behind her, "If you're worried about my father and mother, it's unnecessary."

"You went through great lengths to marry Yan Jingzong, all in hopes of reuniting with your mother and brother in the capital."

"Have you ever considered? He may have the ability to protect you, but is he truly willing to do so?"

"Even if he is willing, how many years will it take for him to agree to move to the capital? Three years? Five years? Or even ten years?"

"Can you afford to wait? What about your mother?"

"Being the Princess Consort of Huan is different. You don't need to worry about these things."

"Yunwan, you're so clever, you know what's most advantageous for you."

Lin Yunwan stood with her back to Qi Lingheng, though as someone of her status, she should never turn her back to a prince.

She turned around, smiling at him. "I've taken advantage of all the benefits, what about you, Your Highness?"

Qi Lingheng smiled back. "Being the Princess Consort of Huan is no easy task."

He was afraid she might retreat again, so he hurriedly added, "But it's not extremely difficult either. With your intelligence, you'll surely manage. And if there's anything you can't handle, I'll be there."

"I'll always support you."

Lin Yunwan felt touched inside, but her gaze remained calm. "Your Highness, I still can't agree."

"You haven't settled your marriage arrangements and yet you've been granted a fiefdom. How can the Emperor and Empress be at ease? You must have made promises in front of them."

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How did he intend to conclude this? Ultimately, he might have to just marry someone random.

Qi Lingheng fell silent for a moment before saying, "Lin Yunwan, if I were to seek recompense for favors, would you agree?"

"I never thought I would be forced to such lengths to pressure a woman," he continued, squeezing the bones of his hidden hand. His gaze became extremely domineering. "I know this is shameless. But if this method can work with you..."

"Even if I have to be shameless once, so what?" 

Lin Yunwan was taken aback.

He hadn't considered marrying anyone else at all?

Once she regained her composure, she walked over to the towering stack of books. Her slender fingers pressed against the red covers, now appearing even more porcelain-like in contrast.

"You've given me such generous betrothal gifts, cleared away my worries, helped me reunite with my family, and planned for our future," Lin Yunwan said with a faint smile directed at Qi Lingheng. "Your Highness, are you seeking recompense for favors?"

What had she ever done for him?

Wasn't it always him helping her?

Lin Yunwan didn't feel coerced; instead, she saw a sincerely passionate heart.

Qi Lingheng was rendered speechless, looking at her slightly flushed cheeks, feeling a mysterious flutter in his heart.

Lin Yunwan's voice was light and gentle, "Your Highness, do you have me in your heart?"

Qi Lingheng realized something, his heart pounding in his chest. He was still somewhat incredulous. He walked over to her, paused for a moment, then asked in a low voice, "Yunwan, are you agreeing to this?"

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Lin Yunwan nodded.

Qi Lingheng's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were filled with ecstatic joy.

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly. "You've listed all the benefits so clearly. If I still refuse, I'd be too ungrateful."

Qi Lingheng chuckled. "Is that so?"

Lin Yunwan suppressed a laugh. "Indeed."

They had known each other since childhood. The prince had helped her so much, and he was the only familiar person she had from the capital to Jiangqian. To say she wasn't moved would be a lie.

But she wasn't willing to admit to herself her feelings for him.

After speaking, Lin Yunwan walked towards the door as if she was about to leave.

"You're leaving just like that?" Qi Lingheng asked.

Lin Yunwan turned to look at him. "Is there anything else I can help with?"

Surely, he already had everything planned out. When it came to marriage matters, she didn't need to worry about anything.

Qi Lingheng then said, "Lin Huabin told my uncle that you were interested in marrying his wife's nephew."

"What's going on?" Lin Yunwan sighed. "You know who I initially wanted to marry."

"Lin Huabin and his wife, Zheng, were just being idle," Qi Lingheng said knowingly.

He deliberately asked, "Do you still want to marry him now?"

Lin Yunwan gave him a glance. "You're quite idle yourself."

"I'll take my leave."

As Lin Yunwan was about to bend her knee, she heard him say, "Wait."

Qi Lingheng reached into his sleeve and pulled out a purse.

Lin Yunwan, still not accustomed to being close to him, didn't reach out to take what he offered.

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Grabbing her wrist, Qi Lingheng placed the purse in her palm and said, "This is my private seal. You hold onto it for now."

Lin Yunwan grasped it, feeling its weight and the sharp edges; it was a gold seal. Though it was unlikely she would need it, she still kept it for the time being.

Qi Lingheng escorted her out and added, "Wait at the Lin Residence for now."

"Okay," Lin Yunwan replied. Then she advised him, "Just let things flow naturally."

She didn't want to suddenly scare everyone at the Lin Residence; that might raise suspicions.

Qi Lingheng nodded thoughtfully and said with a faint smile, "Understood."

Back at the Lin Residence, Lin Huabin asked her, "Have you settled things with your father?"

Lin Yunwan didn't rush to reveal the news, replying vaguely, "We settled it. He said he's preparing and asked Uncle to give him some time."

Lin Huabin was pleased. "That's good."

Once Yunwan's marriage was settled, Zhao Jingyi owed him a big favor. It would be much easier to bring up the marriage between Yunjiao and Prince Huan again.

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