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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 173: 



"Are you smiling so happily because Yunyi has good news for you?" 

Lin Yunwan put down the letter, still smiling. "My mother's eyes can see again." 

"Oh? That's truly wonderful news." Qi Lingheng congratulated Lin Yunwan. 

Lin Yunwan got up to offer her respects. "Thanks to your help," she said. "If you hadn't brought Physician Li over, my mother's eyes wouldn't have recovered." 

He couldn't take credit for this. Qi Lingheng said, "Even if I hadn't brought him over, Old Madam Xia would have sent him eventually. I just happened to be there a step earlier." 

That still deserved gratitude! 

Qi Lingheng smiled faintly. "You may rise." 

A'Fu stepped forward. "Miss, there's no need for you and the prince to be so formal." 

He was trying to please Lin Yunwan, but she wasn't buying it. "Prince, I've been out for a while now..." Lin Yunwan wanted to leave. She didn't want too much private interaction with the prince right now. 

But Qi Lingheng looked at her hair accessories, his eyes fixed, and asked, "Why aren't you wearing that golden hairpin?" 

"Which one?" 

Lin Yunwan had plenty of jewelry. She didn't know which hairpin Qi Lingheng was referring to, but as soon as she said it, she remembered. "Are you talking about the golden hairpin from the wooden box sent by the Zhao Mansion the other day?" 


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Qi Lingheng's answer was casual, but that hairpin was carefully chosen by him. The style was understated, but the craftsmanship was exquisite. Lin Yunwan could wear it casually without standing out. 

Lin Yunwan suddenly understood. That wasn't a gift from Zhao Jingyi! "So, it was you... who gave me the golden hairpin?" 

Qi Lingheng nodded slightly. 

Looking into his eyes, Lin Yunwan said calmly, "Then I shouldn't have accepted it." 

She thought it was Zhao Jingyi trying to conceal the letter, not expecting it to come from the prince. 

If she had known it was from him, she wouldn't have accepted it. 

Qi Lingheng wasn't angry. Just a bit helpless... if only he had taken it slower and not revealed his intentions so quickly. 

"If you have no other business, Prince, I'll take my leave." Lin Yunwan bowed slightly, ready to leave. 

"Wait a moment." 

Qi Lingheng stood up. "Don't be in such a hurry to leave." 

Lin Yunwan was puzzled, looking at him suspiciously. 

Qi Lingheng walked up to her and asked softly, "Why did you come to the Zhao Mansion?" 

Lin Yunwan hesitated. Did he really need to ask? "Prince, isn't it clear to you?"

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She wrote a letter asking Zhao Jingyi to help bridge the gap with the Yan family, so her intentions were already clear. Maybe the prince wanted to be direct. 

Lin Yunwan didn't beat around the bush at all. "Your Highness, I'm here for Yan Jingzong." 

Qi Lingheng's expression darkened slightly. "Since that's the case, follow me." 

She followed him outside without hesitation. Lin Yunwan was completely puzzled. 

Qi Lingheng urged her from the corridor, "If you don't come now, you won't get to see the person you want to see." 

"...Are you planning to take me to see Yan Jingzong?" 

Lin Yunwan frowned. Was the prince... serious? 

"Don't you want to see him?" Qi Lingheng's smile was meaningful. 

"I do want to see him. But I can't meet him privately. If people from the Yan family found out..." They would look down on her. She could have taken the straightforward route, so why go through this? 

Qi Lingheng said solemnly, "I certainly wouldn't allow you to meet him in private." 

There was no way he would let Lin Yunwan privately meet a stranger. Yan Jingzong shouldn't even think about it. "Lin Yunwan." 

"Yes?" Lin Yunwan still wanted to hear what Qi Lingheng had to say, so she walked over. 

Qi Lingheng asked her, "You've only looked at his background and assessed his ability to handle crises, and you've already decided it's him?"

"Of course not."

Just these two points aren't enough to see a person clearly.

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"What else do you want to examine?"

Lin Yunwan was clear in her mind. "At least I want to see how he handles relationships with women, and also his—"

Wait, did she get too detailed with the prince? Why did she tell him all that! It was completely unnecessary. Realizing her mistake, Lin Yunwan fell silent and looked at Qi Lingheng quietly.

Qi Lingheng's eyes sparkled with amusement. "That's it then. Come with me, I'll show you."

Lin Yunwan was increasingly perplexed.

Qi Lingheng had already taken a step ahead, then turned back to look at her. "Lin Yunwan, are you coming?"


Lin Yunwan couldn't refuse. As a woman of the inner household, it was already rare for her to occasionally go out, let alone have the opportunity to thoroughly assess someone. Moreover, she came to the Zhao residence banquet today precisely to understand the Yan family personally.

The two of them walked out of the corridor together, with Xiruo following behind and A'Fu leading the way in front.

"Your Highness, may I ask why you're helping me meet someone from the Yan family?"

Lin Yunwan couldn't help but ask. Why would Qi Lingheng go to such lengths? She had clearly refused him indirectly and directly.

Qi Lingheng stopped and looked into her eyes. "If I didn't help you, would you give up on contacting the Yan family?"


No matter how difficult it was, Lin Yunwan would still inquire about Yan Jingzong's situation thoroughly. She couldn't push herself into a pit of fire.

"Hmm." Qi Lingheng replied lightly.

Since she was determined to do it, he couldn't stop her. Why not let it happen under his watch? Besides, that Yan Jingzong... Would she really be interested in him once she got to know him better?

"We're here."

Qi Lingheng brought her inside a walled courtyard. The wall was built along a hillside, and walking up the slope, they could see the path outside the courtyard.

"Here they come."

Qi Lingheng gestured for Lin Yunwan to look into the distance.

Lin Yunwan saw a maid leading a man over. The two were talking, and she slightly ducked, frowning. "Your Highness, are you bringing me to eavesdrop?" She rarely did something so improper!

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As young ladies, they were restrained in every word and action. Some things should not be done unless absolutely necessary.

"He's Yan Jingzong." Qi Lingheng also stepped back and stood shoulder to shoulder with Lin Yunwan.

Yan Jingzong had arrived?

Lin Yunwan thought for a moment, but couldn't help sneaking a glance.

Back then, on the second floor of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, she could only see Yan Jingzong's figure but not his face. Now she could see a rough idea, he was a decent-looking man, but not particularly outstanding.

"Are you satisfied?" Qi Lingheng leaned slightly closer and asked in a low voice.

Lin Yunwan glanced at him without a change in expression and remained silent.

If she were to be picky about appearances, then she might as well not marry at all. Everything else aside, even a man with good looks like Yan Jingzong, why should he end up with an ordinary legitimate daughter who wasn't favored at the Lin mansion?

"Satisfied." Lin Yunwan countered Qi Lingheng, "And are you satisfied with this answer, Your Highness?"

A twitch appeared at the corner of Qi Lingheng's mouth. "What do you think?"

Lin Yunwan pursed her lips to suppress a smile. ...He brought this upon himself!

Seeing Qi Lingheng's uncomfortable expression, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction.

She couldn't resist stealing glances at his eyebrows, eyes, and nose. When it came to appearance, the most outstanding man she had ever seen was Qi Lingheng.

He was handsome since childhood.

When he used to visit her father's house when they were children, she knew at first glance that he was different from other young masters. He exuded nobility from head to toe.

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