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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 172: 

Refusal to Marry 

"Jiao'er, why are you here?" 

Even Wenhai was taken aback, let alone Madam Zheng. 

She feared her daughter might go berserk in public again. 

Wenhai and his mother wouldn't dare to spread rumors everywhere, but there was no impenetrable wall. If word got out about her daughter's behavior, how could she ever marry in the future! 

"Mother, why can't I come?" 

Lin Yunjiao didn't care about her poor relatives at all. 

How could she not know about the family situation? Her paternal uncles and aunts must be respected, and her maternal relatives were all there to curry favor with her family. She didn't need to care about their opinions. 

Madam Zheng felt a headache coming on and lost all interest in matchmaking between Lin Yunwan and Wenhai. She just wanted to get rid of this little troublemaker as soon as possible and said, "It's hot today. I and your aunt can talk here. You young ones should go back early." 

Lin Yunwan was the first to get up. "Yes." 

Wenhai followed suit, rising and bowing. 

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Zhengshi suddenly remembered something and reminded Lin Yunwan, "There's a banquet at the Zhao Mansion the day after tomorrow. Remember to prepare early." 

The Zhao Mansion? 

Lin Yunwan was taken aback. She had already sent her letter over there... and now there was a banquet at the Zhao Mansion. Wasn't that too much of a coincidence?

Lin Yunjiao was very curious. "Mother, which Zhao family?" 

Madam Zheng replied, "Which other Zhao family? It's the Prince Huan's uncle." 

Lin Yunwan, upon hearing this, walked away absent-mindedly. 

To avoid suspicion, Wenhai waited for a moment before leaving as well. 

His mother gave him a stern look, thinking to herself, "He's such a fool! Doesn't he know he should try to get closer to her?" 

Lin Yunjiao couldn't sit still either. However, since she hadn't received a gift yet, she felt very uncomfortable. Fortunately, Wenhai's mother was also courteous. She gave Lin Yunjiao a gift and praised her a lot... although it all sounded insincere. 

The day she saw Lin Yunjiao almost made her run to the Buddha for protection. Even now, she felt scared and angry. If she were her daughter-in-law, she would have taught her a lesson long ago! 

"Thanks, Aunt." Lin Yunjiao, having also received a golden bracelet, left. As her maid held an umbrella for her, she played with the bracelet, which was also hollow....She didn't just lack a bracelet. 

But the fact that even her fallen relatives dared to regard Lin Yunwan highly while looking down on her made her uncomfortable. From childhood to adulthood, everything in the family revolved around her. There was no room for anyone else to take even an inch of space from her! 

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"Why is this so flimsy? How do you even wear this? I've never seen such a tacky gold bracelet." 

Lin Yunjiao felt very disgusted and, after deflating the bracelet, threw it to her maid, not wanting to wear it at all. 

Wenhai, who was walking ahead, started running when he heard the sound. 

"Amitabha..." He mustn't be caught by that harpy. 

Lin Yunjiao saw that he wanted to escape as soon as he saw her. 

"Damn it... This is in my house!" How dare he behave like that! "Stop! Stop right there!" 

'Heaven, is this a test for me?' Wenhai ran even faster. 

"If you don't stop, I'll..." Wenhai stopped, turned around, and his forehead was covered in sweat. 

He wiped his forehead with his sleeve, bowed his head, and said, "Second cousin." 

Lin Yunjiao was bold, but she was still a girl, and she felt very shy talking to boys. 

Half defiant and half shy, she asked, "Why were you running?" She also bowed to Wenhai and said, "Greetings, Cousin Wenhai." 

"It's not like that. I, I didn't run. I... I was afraid of startling Cousin, so I wanted to avoid you for a bit." Wenhai didn't dare to look up. 

Lin Yunjiao noticed how timid he was and secretly assessed him. He looked quite upright, unlike his mother. Perhaps he took after his father. 

"I'm not a ghost, Cousin Wenhai, so next time you see me, you're not allowed to run away!" She couldn't stand seeing him like that. 

Wenhai stuttered, "...Oh, okay." 

Lin Yunjiao then went back inside. 

Anyway, Wenhai and his mother were asking her father for help, right? No matter how arrogant she was, they wouldn't dare to speak out of turn. Moreover, she had been quite polite just now. Wenhai should have a better impression of her now, right?

When Wenhai returned to the front yard, he sighed heavily. 

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The servant from the Lin household asked him, "Young Master, is there something wrong?" 

Wenhai hurriedly said, "No, nothing." He changed his sighs to silent contemplation, hugging a book as he pondered. "Why is everything so difficult..." 

There were so many talented people in the Jishan Society, but he couldn't find a way in. When he compared his essays to others', he felt utterly defeated. 

Moreover, his mother had suggested he come and see Lin Yunwan, but Lin Yunwan... was probably just as fierce as Lin Yunjiao! 


Lin Yunjiao was already dressing up in her room. 

"Suddenly, the Zhao residence is hosting a banquet. It must be for the Prince's engagement, right?" 

"The most esteemed person in Jiangqian is the Prince..." 

She naturally assumed that, as the legitimate daughter of the Lin family, she was absolutely qualified to become the Prince's consort. 


"Do you not want to go to the Zhao residence's banquet?" 

After returning to Bi Xi Hall from Madam Zheng's place, Lin Yunwan had been lost in thought, which worried Xiruo. 

Lin Yunwan calmly said, "No." 

She paused and added, "There shouldn't be a banquet at the Zhao residence." 

"Even if there is, I shouldn't be invited." 

Xiruo was curious, "Why do you say that, Miss?" 

Lin Yunwan pursed her lips. She had written a letter to Master Zhao, indirectly indicating her intentions to marry into the Yan family. The Prince would definitely see it. He wouldn't misunderstand her meaning. If she wanted to marry someone else, she wouldn't consider him anymore. So, what was the purpose of this banquet? 

Lin Yunwan sighed and said, "Let me think about it first." 


Zhao Mama came in, bringing a box and said, "The Master asked me to bring this to you." He also brought a piece of paper and cinnabar, saying, "I counted that you're running out of these things, so I brought them all together for you." 

Xiruo said, "Give them to me." 

Zhao Mama placed the items down and left. 

Xiruo handed them to Lin Yunwan, whispering, "...It should be from the Prince." 

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The Master wouldn't give the Miss anything good for no reason. 

Lin Yunwan reached out to open the box and found a golden hairpin inside. There was also a letter underneath. 

After reading the letter, her expression remained calm. 

"I wonder what the Prince is thinking." 

He directly told her in the letter that the Yan family would also be attending the Zhao residence's banquet. So, this banquet wasn't for him to see her but to let her see the Yan family's people? 

Did he accept it? 

Lin Yunwan didn't quite believe it. If the Prince could be persuaded so easily, why would the Emperor and Empress worry about his marriage? 


On the day of the banquet, not long after Lin Yunwan went to see Madam Zhao, someone led her outside. 

Sure enough, in a corridor of the Zhao residence, she saw Qi Lingheng. 

"Your Highness." Lin Yunwan went over to pay her respects. 

Qi Lingheng had been waiting for her for a long time and stood up, saying, "Please, have a seat first." 

Lin Yunwan didn't feel like sitting. After a pause, feeling the silence around them, she assumed there was no one else and said, "Your Highness, I have made up my mind." 

Qi Lingheng looked at her calmly and said, "Hmm, go on." 

Since he insisted on her saying it to his face, she wouldn't be subtle. 

Lin Yunwan said calmly, "I don't want to marry you." 

Qi Lingheng remained silent for a long time. 

When he received Lin Yunwan's letter, he knew her decision, but hearing it from her directly made him feel... uncomfortable. He rarely had such feelings. 

Lin Yunwan didn't know if he was angry. 

But she didn't think she had said anything wrong. She lowered her eyes and said, "...This kind of matter shouldn't be ambiguous. Please don't blame me for being too straightforward." 

Qi Lingheng smiled faintly, "I don't blame you." 

"Why, are you unwilling to talk to me now?" 


Of course not. His Highness was her benefactor. 

Qi Lingheng said, "Yunyi sent a letter home for you. Aren't you going to read it?" 

Of course she would! 

Lin Yunwan was very surprised. It had been a long time since she had received news from her brother and mother.

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