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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 171: 

Gold Bracelet

"Miss is progressing more and more everyday."

Fan Mama looked at the embroidered dragonfly that Lin Yunwan had created, her eyes widening in amazement.

Lin Yunwan looked pleasantly surprised by the praise.

Fan Mama took it to Old Madam Lin and said, "Look at this!"

Old Madam Lin couldn't see small things clearly, so she put on her tortoiseshell-patterned glasses and carefully examined it, nodding and saying, "Vividly lifelike, as if about to take flight. You've embroidered it really well!"

Jiangsu embroidery is popular, and many women also learn styles that are popular in the capital. There are various types of embroidery, and although the styles differ, the quality can be easily discerned at a glance. Women from noble families are all skilled in various handicrafts.

Old Madam Lin also remarked, "Indeed, there has been significant progress. Yunwan, have you been working harder recently?"

Lin Yunwan replied calmly, "Seeing my cousins doing so well in needlework, I felt anxious. So, I have been putting in extra effort every evening to learn a little more."

Old Madam Lin and Fan Mama both looked into her eyes, showing signs of exhaustion, indicating their sincerity.

Old Madam Lin said, "No need to rush. Fan Mama has been with me all along. If you have any questions, just come and ask her anytime."

Lin Yunwan nodded, but her face still betrayed her anxiety.

Old Madam Lin and Fan Mama both understood her feelings well.

Starting to learn needlework at such a mature age was just the basics. She hadn't even touched household management or cooking matters, let alone music, chess, calligraphy, and painting.

When it comes to matchmaking, if the elders on the groom's side are even slightly critical, they won't even want to consider her.

Fan Mama said, "Miss, you're so diligent, not afraid of hardship or tiredness. I might as well tire you a bit more and teach you some extra things."

Lan Yunwan was very grateful. "Thank you, Mama."

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After some thought, Fan Mama told her about the additional courses she would be adding for her in the future.

She could teach her everything about women's skills.


Fan Mama said with great emphasis, "Miss, to establish yourself and your place in your family, you need to learn the skills of household management, accounting, and managing subordinates."

"These matters... Miss will have to learn from Second Madam."

The affairs of the main house couldn't be entrusted to Lin Yunwan to practice. If she wanted to learn, she could only follow Madam Zheng. 

Everyone understood what kind of person Madam Zheng was.

Nanny Fan, feeling somewhat helpless, advised, "Miss, spend more time learning from Second Madam! With some exposure, even if you can't do much, it's better than knowing nothing at all."

"Thank you for your advice, Mama," Lin Yunwan said gratefully.

Lin Yunwan bowed and took her leave. As she walked past the screen in the hall, she overheard the praise from Old Madam Lin about her needlework. The old lady also expressed some surprise, "She learns quite fast..."

She quickened her pace and left.

She didn't intend to raise suspicion deliberately; she just couldn't wait any longer.

She didn't expect to find someone who matched her preferences so quickly. If she couldn't pass the test of the elders of the Yan family, all her efforts would be in vain. 

Just as Fan Mama said, she had to demonstrate the skills necessary for a woman to establish herself.

"Let's go and pay respects to Madam," Lin Yunwan said as she led Xiruo towards Madam Zheng's quarters.

Xiruo held up an umbrella and remarked, "Madam should be up by now."

The second household had few internal affairs, and Madam Zheng managed the entire family almost effortlessly. She had a habit of taking a nap in the afternoon, and when Lin Yunwan returned from Fan Mama, she found Madam Zheng refreshed.

Upon arriving at Madam Zheng's quarters, Lin Yunwan greeted her, and Madam Zheng said, "You don't need to come in the morning from now on. Come at this time every day."

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"Alright," Lin Yunwan replied.

The next day, Lin Yunwan went to pay her respects to Madam Zheng at the same time. Before entering, she heard laughter and chatter from inside.


Lin Yunwan glanced inside and saw another woman sitting beside Madam Zheng. She was dressed plainly and appeared much older than Madam Zheng.

"Come here, Yunwan. This is your maternal aunt. She has been staying with us for several days, and you haven't greeted her yet." Madam Zheng smiled warmly.

Finally meeting, Lin Yunwan approached and greeted, "Auntie, may you be blessed."

Surprised, Wenhai's mother scrutinized Lin Yunwan and asked Madam Zheng, "Is this the young lady?"

With a smile, Madam Zheng replied, "Indeed! Didn't I say she's beautiful? Look, not only is she well-educated and courteous, but she's also more obedient than my own daughter."

Wenhai's mother nodded as she observed Lin Yunwan.

Judging from her appearance and demeanor alone, she was indeed impressive... but perhaps a bit too outstanding! Her son had finally passed the imperial examination, and if he were to marry such a remarkable bride, would he still be able to focus on his studies?

She had heard that the young lady wasn't exactly young anymore; she wondered if that would affect her ability to bear children.

She couldn't help but feel anxious, but at the same time, she couldn't bear to part with the wealth and status of the Lin family. After all, her brother-in-law Lin Huabin held a high position in the government.

Wenhai's mother smiled and praised Lin Yunwan, "I've heard a lot of good things about Miss Lin. Today, seeing her in person, I can confirm that she's indeed exceptional. Dear sister, you're truly skilled at educating your maidens. My daughter is still young, but in a few years, it will be her turn to be evaluated. I must seek your advice on how to educate her to be as outstanding as Miss Lin."

She still had a daughter in the countryside, but she had to prioritize her son's education and marriage. Her daughter didn't need to be brought out to cause trouble until her son had settled down.

Madam Zheng smiled faintly. 

She knew her cousin was deliberately praising her, but she didn't want to hear anything related to her stepdaughter. So, she changed the subject. 

Wenhai's mother seemed to like Lin Yunwan very much and even gave her a gift, a simple gold bracelet. 

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Lin Yunwan didn't want to accept it. 

However, Wenhai's mother insisted, saying, "Good child, this is a gift from your aunt. Why would you feel embarrassed about accepting it?" 

In the end, Lin Yunwan let Xiruo accept it.

Xiruo, with her strong grip, accidentally squeezed the bracelet, which was hollow, causing it to dent. 

Even though Wenhai's mother clearly saw it, her expression changed, pretending not to notice. 

She felt extremely uncomfortable. 

How could the maid handle things like this? Although the bracelet was very light, it was still something she had to give up a lot to obtain. 

"Thank you, Auntie," Lin Yunwan said with a smile, lowering her head and pretending not to notice Wen Hai's mother's distressed expression. 

Madam Zheng secretly criticized her cousin, thinking she was too petty!

Having already warned her cousin, Madam Zheng knew her stepdaughter had seen good things before. Yet, for the first meeting, she ended up giving such a flimsy bracelet to her stepdaughter. She feared that even the maids around Lan Yunwan wouldn't appreciate it!

Madam Zheng forced a smile and said, "Yunwan, sit down and chat with your aunt."

Just as Lin Yunwan sat down, someone abruptly entered the room.

She was startled.

Who was this? Wasn't he Wen Hai, Lin Yunjiao's scholarly cousin?

"Mother, Aunt," he greeted.

Hearing the man's voice, Lin Yunwan confirmed his identity.

She remained composed, not looking at Wenhai.

Similarly, Wenhai didn't glance at Lin Yunwan.

He didn't actually barge in; he arrived before Lin Yunwan did. He had just gone back to change his clothes and then came over to accompany them.

Wenhai knew he would encounter Lin Yunwan today, as his mother and Aunt Zheng had arranged it that way. But he was quite apprehensive.

When his second cousin appeared for the first time, she had wielded scissors to kill him and his mother. He wondered if his eldest cousin was just as crazy...

"Wenhai, why don't you pay your respects to your cousin?" his mother prompted.

Wenhai bowed his head and greeted Lin Yunwan respectfully.

Lin Yunwan rose to bid farewell after Wenhai took his seat, saying, "Aunt, I'm not feeling well, so I'll head back first."

Zheng Shi didn't stop her either.

As soon as Lin Yunwan left, Wen's mother became anxious and said to Madam Zheng, "I think Miss Lan is excellent! I genuinely like her."

Madam Zheng secretly scoffed.

Her petty cousin had always been greedy since childhood. She wasn't fond of Lin Yunwan but of her dowry!

But this was also good in a way. If her cousin didn't covet anything, wouldn't it be too advantageous for her stepdaughter?

She preferred her distant cousin to benefit rather than her stepdaughter living too well after marriage!

Madam Wen hurriedly approached Madam Zheng, smilingly asking, "Miss Lin hasn't been engaged yet, right? What are your thoughts, Cousin? Do you and Brother-in-law like our family's Wenhai?"

Madam Zheng also wanted to push forward this marriage, but if Master didn't agree, she didn't dare to make decisions on her own.

She smiled and said, "I'm very satisfied with Wenhai. But Master truly cherishes Miss Lin. He will only agree if Miss Lin consents."

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The hint was clear enough. If Wenhai wanted to marry her stepdaughter, he had to put in some effort!

Madam Wen smiled and said, "I understand, I understand. Everyone is worried about Miss being wronged. But in our family, daughters-in-law won't be wronged."

Wenhai lowered his head, afraid to speak, his mind filled with the image of Second Miss Lin going crazy.

He truly was powerless and couldn't match her in strength.

"Miss, Madam is doing this on purpose!" said Xiruo indignantly.

Lin Yunwan replied, "It's alright. Let's go and see Second Miss..."

As they left Madam Zheng's courtyard, Lin Yunwan made her way to Lin Yunjiao's courtyard.

Though she had promised Lin Huabin not to visit Lin Yunjiao, if Lin Yunjiao herself inquired about her affairs, Lin Yunwan couldn't refuse.

As the mistress and her servant passed by, a maid guarding Lin Yunjiao's courtyard hurriedly went to inform her, "Second Miss, Eldest Miss Lin is coming from Madam's courtyard, wearing a gold bracelet!"

Lin Yunjiao was in the middle of doing her makeup.

Initially, she was a bit interested in dressing up herself. When she heard that Lin Yunwan was wearing a gold bracelet, she casually said, "What's so special about a bracelet?"

The maid said, "It's just... I find the bracelet very strange. It seems like Eldest Miss Lan is showing off."

"Showing off?"

Lin Yunjiao snorted softly, "What's there to show off about a broken bracelet?"

Soon, she learned where Lin Yunwan's gold bracelet came from and began throwing a tantrum in the courtyard, "She has something I don't? What 'cousin-in-law'! It seems my last scissor attack wasn't severe enough! I should've cut their clothes and hair into pieces!"

"No, I must go see!"

When Lin Yunwan went to pay her respects again, Lin Yunjiao followed behind. When Wenhai saw her, he turned pale, silently telling himself: A real man doesn't compete with women. He repeated it in his mind three times.

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