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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 170: 

I Refuse


Lin Huabin talked endlessly, his mouth almost dry from speaking so much.

Only then did he remember to ask Yunwan, "What do you think of your cousin Wenhai?"

Yunwan smiled faintly.

She was not a naive girl. As a poor scholar raised single-handedly by his mother, what could he possibly be like?

If it weren't for some distant relationship with Madam Zheng, how could he have entered the Lin family's door?

But there was no need to say too much to Lin Huabin either.

Yunwan replied, "If Father thinks well of Cousin Wenhai, then naturally he must be good."

Lin Huabin was pleased to hear this, nodding in agreement. "Since you also think highly of your cousin Wen Hai, I'll mention it to your father..."

"No need," Yunwan interjected.

Lin Huabin's expression stiffened for a moment, then he chuckled and asked, "Why not?"

Yunwan smiled faintly and said, "My father is not a scholar. Why would there be a need for you to mention a scholar to him?"

Lin Huabin chuckled and lowered his head.

Was this girl unable to understand, or was she just shy?

He glanced at Yunwan, who didn't seem shy at all. Could it be that she didn't fancy Wenhai?

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"Yunwan, your uncle has always had a good eye for people, and as for Wenhai..."

Yunwan looked calmly at Lin Huabin, her demeanor composed.

There was no need for her to say anything; Lin Huabin understood it himself.

If he truly thought highly of Wenhai, why didn't he consider him for his own daughter?

Lin Huabin felt like he was hitting a wall and said, "...You can go back now."

Yunwan respectfully took her leave, though she had wanted to tell Lin Huabin that she wished to meet Zhao Jingyi. After a moment's consideration, she decided against it.

Returning to her room at Bi Xi Hall, she leaned against the windowsill lost in thought. 

Xiruo brought tea and asked with concern, "Miss, you've been quiet since returning from Jishan. Is something troubling you? Can I help?"

Yunwan turned to her and replied, "It's nothing. Xiruo, please bring me some paper and a pen."

Yunwan picked up the pen, intending to write a letter to Zhao Jingyi, but she couldn't bring herself to write a single word. She set the pen down again.

Xiruo approached, asking, "Miss?"

With no one else speaking, Yunwan wanted to hear Xiruo's opinion. "Do you think the prince is good?" 

Xiruo was surprised. "Of course the prince is good! Why do you ask such a question, Miss?" Xiruo was puzzled. "The prince may not treat others well, but he treats you very well." 

Yunwan closed her eyes. 

The prince was indeed good, but when it came to marriage, his goodness alone wasn't enough. The emperor and the empress might not approve. She knew that the imperial family wouldn't allow such an unsuitable match to happen. 

She hadn't become so presumptuous as to think that her status and intelligence could challenge imperial authority. 

"What exactly do you want to write, Miss?" Xiruo didn't understand Yunwan's hesitation.

Yunwan said, "I want Master Zhao to discuss my marriage with my father."

The prince's words had left her feeling troubled, but she was still aware of her situation. She continued, "Yan Jingzong is the heir to the family, although not the eldest son, he possesses the qualities of one. Given time, he will surely achieve greatness. Having a good wife by his side would be like adding wings to a tiger."

Not only could she help her husband manage the household, but she could also assist him in navigating a smooth path in his official career. The Yan family and Yan Jingzong himself should not object to this idea.

"The Yan family has been a family of scholars for three generations. It's only in Yan Jingzong's generation that we see the potential for remarkable success. Whether it's the East Lin Mansion or Master Zhao's family, marrying into the Yan family wouldn't be considered a low match."

"It can also be considered a match of equals."

Xiruo nodded. "If the master hints at something to the Yan family, they'll probably come rushing over to propose."

Yunwan smiled. "Not necessarily. We choose them, and they choose us too. Both sides need to be satisfied for a decision to be made."

Xiruo urged, "What else is there to hesitate about? You should clarify things with Master Zhao and let the master finalize your marriage."

"Young Master Yan's performance in the Jishan Society is indeed commendable. I'm afraid others have noticed his qualities as well. If you delay, and he forms an engagement with someone else, your efforts will be in vain."

Yunwan gripped the pen again.

How should she respond to Xiruo's words?

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If the prince hadn't said those things, she could write anything. But now that he expressed his intention to marry her and asked her to consider it carefully...

She pondered over the many favors she owed the prince. Given the circumstances, would it be appropriate for her to write to Master Zhao, asking for his help in arranging her marriage? This letter would surely end up in the prince's hands, and how would he react upon reading it?

"Perhaps it's best to cut through the chaos with a swift decision..."

Reason prevailed.

Yunwan picked up her pen and wrote a letter to Zhao Jingyi.

She must marry Yan Jingzong.

There were many ways to repay the prince's kindness, but indulging in such folly was not one of them.

She wouldn't allow herself to commit such a foolish act.


"My daughter sent me a letter. Haha," Zhao Jingyi found it quite amusing that his daughter would write to him.

"Uncle, let me see it," Qi Lingheng instinctively thought it was addressed to him.

Zhao Jingyi evaded him, jokingly saying, "It's from my daughter to me. Why are you trying to snatch it?"

Qi Lingheng, feeling helpless, could only respond, "Little uncle, you better take a look at it quickly."

He was also curious about what Lin Yunwan had said. After Zhao Jingyi had finished reading the letter with a delighted expression, he sighed happily, "Ah, it seems I'm going to lose some wealth."

"Why?" Qi Lingheng was very curious.

A'Fu fetched the letter for him, and after reading it, Qi Lingheng's expression darkened.

Zhao Jingyi was still oblivious, sitting with his nephew, envisioning his daughter's wedding, "Do you think I should prepare a dowry? How should I prepare it? How much is appropriate? Giving too much would be too conspicuous, wouldn't it? Or should I just mix it in with what Lin Huabin provided so no one suspects?"

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"Hmm, not bad. Why don't you just let her marry from me directly? Lin Huabin would be getting a freebie!" After saying this, Zhao Jingyi grinned at his nephew... but suddenly noticed his nephew's expression changing!

Qi Lingheng, clutching the letter, stood up calmly and said, "Uncle, let's not worry about this matter for now. I have some other business to attend to. I'll take my leave."

"Leaving so soon after just arriving?" Zhao Jingyi followed him outside, where his pet parrot was still chirping on the veranda. The parrot, mimicking human speech perfectly, called out, "Elder nephew, elder nephew, elder nephew."

Qi Lingheng halted for a moment, glanced at the parrot, then continued on his way. 

Zhao Jingyi took the parrot's cage down, opened the door, and groomed its feathers while talking to it, "What's wrong with my elder nephew? Why was he in such a hurry?"

"This child has always been composed, but it seems even he has days when he can't keep his cool. Quite interesting..." Despite his obtuseness, Zhao Jingyi could tell that Qi Lingheng was upset.

Zhao Jingyi was just teasing his nephew.

He may be wealthy, but he's not foolish enough to squander money on a dowry. 

"Come, learn a few more phrases," Zhao Jingyi said to the parrot.

The parrot repeated, "Quite interesting... Quite interesting..."

"Smart bird."


Qi Lingheng returned to his own mansion and dealt with that letter.

Although it was reduced to ashes, he remembered every word written on it.

She had refused him.

She had actually refused to marry him.

Qi Lingheng picked up his brush to pen a letter to Lin Yunwan.

How could he possibly let her marry Yan Jingzong? 

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