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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 169: 

 Wanting to Marry You

"The situation over there has settled down," Xiruo said.

Lin Yunwan saw it herself and nodded, saying, "Let's go." Master and servant descended the attic together.

Qi Lingheng had returned as well, and they met in front of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Lin Yunwan felt that it wasn't necessary for the prince to rush over; it was too polite of him.

"Your Highness," she bowed.

Qi Lingheng nodded, glanced at A'Fu and Xiruo, and said, "I have something to discuss with Miss Lin Yunwan."

Both of them stepped back and closed the door to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Lin Yunwan couldn't guess what the prince wanted to talk to her about. Was it about the maid Ling Xiang? She didn't need the prince to tell her; she could already guess. Whatever she could think of, the prince must have also considered. He wouldn't say anything pointless.

So it wasn't about Ling Xiang.

"Your Highness, what do you want to talk to me about?" Lin Yunwan asked directly.

Qi Lingheng took a step closer, looking into her eyes. "You saw everything just now?"

Lin Yunwan paused for a moment, then nodded.

His eyes appeared distant from afar but were deep and dark up close.

After a moment of distraction, she understood what the prince meant. She had witnessed how he dealt with the quarreling scholars just now. The incident at the Jishan Society would surely spread, and his reputation in Jiangqian would undoubtedly improve.

"Do you understand now?" Qi Lingheng asked her.

Lin Yunwan shook her head skeptically. "Understand what?"

She seemed to sense that what the prince wanted to say was not the same as what she was currently thinking.

Qi Lingheng sighed softly. Seeing her puzzled expression, it seemed she still didn't understand.

He decided to be direct. "Lin Yunwan—"

"Yes?" Lin Yunwan frowned slightly.

Qi Lingheng's voice softened. "No matter how good any of the others are, the one who ultimately holds the power is me." He lowered his voice and asked, "Do you understand now?"

Now she was even more confused!

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Lin Yunwan hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Highness, what do you mean?"

Qi Lingheng smiled helplessly. "Do I have any shortcomings compared to them?"

"What—" Lin Yunwan's words were interrupted by the pounding of her heart in her chest. The expression on her face began to change little by little.

Was the prince implying... to marry her?

What a joke!

"Your Highness, please reconsider your words," Lin Yunwan said, frowning, feeling that the prince's words were too much. She had always been grateful to the prince!

However, Qi Lingheng just made a sound of agreement and said, "I have indeed thought it through."

He was worried that she wouldn't believe him, so he earnestly added, "I should say, I have thought it over five times, seven times, nine times..."

"I... want to marry you," Qi Lingheng said sincerely.

Lin Yunwan was stunned.

Seeing that she seemed different from him, as if she had never entertained such a thought, Qi Lingheng felt deeply helpless. He had to say, "Frightened? I'm truly sorry. You don't need to rush to answer me now."

Lin Yunwan suddenly didn't know how to face him. She owed him a lot of gratitude, and it wouldn't be right to rebuff him. Besides, the prince was not a frivolous person... he didn't seem to be joking!

"Your Highness, I take my leave," she said, excusing herself.

Lin Yunwan hurriedly left, bowing her head as she departed.

"Miss, why are you leaving so quickly?" Xiruo rushed to catch up, struggling to keep pace with her hurried steps.

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Lin Yunwan's mind was in turmoil as she headed towards the flower hall. If the prince wanted to discuss any flaws in her plan today, she wouldn't be this nervous... Why would the prince want to marry her?

"Yunwan, you're back?"

Dong Shuangshuang rushed over and whispered to her, "No one from the Lin family has come to see you." Then she added, "They're playing chess, do you want to go over and take a look?"

Lin Yunwan didn't have the mood to watch anyone play chess right now.

"What's wrong with you?" Dong Shuangshuang held Lin Yunwan's hand and felt that it was very cold. But how could it be cold in this weather?

As she touched it, she felt cold sweat. She took out a handkerchief to wipe Lin Yunwan's hand, very concerned. "Why are you sweating so much?"

Lin Yunwan quickly calmed down. She took the handkerchief from Dong Shuangshuang and slowly wiped her hands, saying, "I'm fine. I was just worried that something happened in the flower hall, so I hurried over."

Dong Shuangshuang linked her arm with Lin Yunwan's and leaned close to her ear, asking, "Did you see anything on the Xiaoxiang Pavilion?"

"...I saw," Lin Yunwan replied.

She had seen too much! The prince had accompanied her throughout the whole ordeal.

She wondered what he was thinking about her now.

Lin Yunwan didn't know what the prince was thinking! If he wanted to marry her, why did he still accompany her to the attic and scrutinize those scholars... Her actions seemed like a farce.

Rubbing her forehead, Lin Yunwan felt a headache coming on.

She had never felt so... embarrassed before.

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However, Dong Shuangshuang was unaware of the situation and asked cheerfully, "Yunwan, did you see anyone you liked?"

Lin Yunwan gave an evasive response.

Lin Yunwan initially thought highly of Yan Jingzong, but now her mind was filled with images of Qi Lingheng and his words... He said he wanted to marry her.

The image of Yan Jingzong had already started to blur in her mind.

Dong Shuangshuang sensed that something was wrong with Lin Yunwan and felt deeply concerned.

Lin Yunwan really didn't want to bring up Qi Lingheng's matter again, so she asked Dong Shuangshuang, "How did you discover the secret of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion?"

Lin Yunwan expressed her belief that others might have already attempted to eavesdrop on the scholars of the Jishan Society. Dong Shuangshuang, worried about being overheard, pulled her away before explaining how she found out about the Xiaoxiang Pavilion's secret.

"It was Miss Lu from the Lu family. She's quite audacious... sneaking off to peek at the scholars of the Jishan Society. She got scolded by her elders for it. I overheard it by chance," Dong Shuangshuang explained.

Lin Yunwan chuckled softly. "Young girls are naturally curious about such things."

Everyone wants to marry a good husband and desires to have a say in the selection.

Lin Yunwan felt regretful about the unfairness of marriage, believing that women were always forced to obey their parents' arrangements, and once they became wives, they had no other choices, unlike men who could have multiple wives and concubines. Feeling tired, she decided to go back and rest. Back at the West Lin Mansion, she didn't want to make friends and simply found a quiet place to sit down. Despite being cared for by others, she just went through the motions, claiming she wasn't feeling well, and left with Madam Zheng.

Meanwhile, Lin Yunjiao couldn't help but complain at home, blaming Lin Yunwan for not finding out anything about the Prince, and even failing to catch a glimpse of him.

Madam Zheng couldn't control her daughter, who had been causing trouble for many days, but finally things had calmed down a bit, and she didn't dare to provoke her daughter anymore.

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"Why didn't you take a good look at that garden? It's not just any garden; it's the Prince's uncle's garden! It's so magnificent; even your uncle's garden can't compare," Madam Zheng remarked.

Lin Yunjiao pouted and retorted, "What does it have to do with me? I can't marry the Prince anyway."

She had been raised too unrestrainedly. It was taboo for unmarried girls to talk about marriage prospects, but she seemed unafraid. Madam Zheng was now afraid that her daughter lacked restraint, fearing her husband would get angry if he heard about it.

But she couldn't bring herself to say harsh words.

In the end, she sighed and said nothing at all.

Lin Yunjiao felt this outing was pointless. She felt like she had been tricked by her mother into going out.

She still resented her mother for almost causing her not to be born. Her mother still avoided telling her the truth.

Lin Yunjiao burst out angrily, "I don't want to go out anymore! I don't want to see anyone!"

Madam Zheng became anxious, "At your age, how can you avoid seeing people?"

She still thought about when she could arrange for her daughter to meet the prince. But she couldn't be sure of the timing, so she dared not speak recklessly.

Lin Yunjiao felt irritated. She pushed Madam Zheng away and blurted out, "Unless you can arrange for me to meet the prince, don't even think about tricking me out of the house again!"

Then she ran back inside.

Madam Zheng hurriedly chased after her. Just when she managed to calm her daughter down, now she was upset again.

"Madam, really..." Xiruo shook her head as she observed.

Lin Yunwan also felt that Madam Zheng spoiled Lin Yunjiao too much. She calmly remarked, "Madam dotes on Miss Lin, but she doesn't know how to do it properly."

Xiruo added, "Spoiling her will lead to trouble sooner or later."

Lin Yunwan didn't deny it.

Back at Bi Xi Hall, she felt much calmer. 

As night fell, Xiruo advised her not to practice calligraphy anymore, saying, "You've written enough today."

Lin Yunwan put down her brush and asked Xiruo, "Any news about Madam's family, that mother and son?"

Wenhai and his mother also went to Jishan Garden. They wouldn't return empty-handed, right?

The next day, Lin Yunwan heard about Wenhai's news. 

She went to pay respects to Madam Zheng and overheard Lin Huabin discussing Wenhai with her, "He got along well with the scholars of Jishan Society. I heard they even exchanged articles yesterday."

Madam Zheng wasn't interested in articles, but since her husband mentioned it, she eagerly asked, "Did the scholars of Jishan Society praise his articles?"

"...Not exactly."

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Lin Huabin called Wenhai over to talk last night. Without asking too much, just by seeing Wenhai looking dejected and despondent, it was evident he had been affected by his experience in Jishan Society.

With so many talented individuals there, how could Wenhai, a mere scholar from a small county, fit in with them?

They also mentioned that the scholars of Jishan Society had a fight yesterday.

Madam Zheng was alarmed, "A fight? How could scholars be fighting?"

Lin Huabin shrugged, "Young people, they sometimes get carried away."

"Master, Madam," Lin Yunwan interjected after hearing a few sentences, entering to pay her respects.

Lin Huabin had something to discuss with her and stood up, speaking gently, "Yunwan, come with me to the study."

Madam Zheng snorted in disapproval, waiting for them to leave before slamming the table, "Why do they have to avoid talking in front of me!"

Of course, it was about discussing Yunwan's marriage.

Lin Huabin knew in his heart that Wenhai was just an ordinary scholar, but he still spoke highly of him in front of Yunwan.

Yunwan didn't rush to interrupt him.

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