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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 168: 

Getting Into a Fight 

"They are about to start fighting."

After handing over her article, when A'Fu returned, he saw them arguing over there.

Qi Lingheng paused for a moment and said, "They might even start fighting."

A'Fu widened his eyes and stepped forward, asking, "What did Miss write in that article?"

Xiruo was also very curious.

"Lots of students from Jishan Society follow the teachings of both Neo-Confucianism and Confucianism. I used the principles of Confucianism to argue against Neo-Confucianism. Those who follow Neo-Confucianism will find it contradictory, and those who follow Confucianism will also be dissatisfied."

In short, she wrote an article that appeared to be Confucianism but actually contained the principles of Neo-Confucianism.

A'Fu might not understand much else, but he understood the temperament of scholars. They might not resort to violence over money or material possessions, but they could come to blows over a difference of opinion.

"This... They might really start fighting!" A'Fu stood by, eagerly anticipating the spectacle.

Meanwhile, Qi Lingheng stood with his hands behind his back, his gaze slightly darkening.

Inside the courtyard, the situation escalated rapidly, with the argument growing louder and someone finally losing their temper and pushing someone else.

A'Fu chuckled, "Hey, they've really started fighting!"

As someone with experience, Xiruo knew the signs when someone was about to throw a punch. She whispered to Lin Yunwan, "Seems like someone around Master Yan is about to throw a punch."

As soon as the words fell, the people around Yan Jingzong had already raised their fists and began exchanging blows with others nearby. One person touched the bleeding corner of their mouth and retaliated fiercely with a punch, completely losing control of the situation.

"It's chaos, chaos!" A'Fu watched nervously, chuckling, "These scholars may seem weak, but they pack quite a punch."

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Blows landed heavily. With the dense bamboo obstructing some of the view, Lin Yunwan took a step forward to observe the scholars she had chosen.

Xiruo stood by, watching how the scholars in the courtyard would behave in this tumultuous situation.

"Miss, someone is trying to break up the fight," A'Fu said, following behind Xiruo. "Look, that person is trying to mediate! But it seems to be making the situation even more intense!"

Indeed, more and more people were getting involved in the brawl.

"Yan Jingzong... Hmm, this kid is really clever, he's hiding in the corner," Ah Fu observed closely. Then he noticed that Yan Jingzong instructed his attendant to leave the courtyard, and remarked, "Hey, what's he doing... sending his attendant away?"

"Of course, to ask the owner of the garden to come and handle the situation," Qi Lingheng replied calmly.

With no one able to control the situation, and considering that they were borrowing someone else's garden, they had to give the garden's owner some face. 

Now was the time to go and request the presence of the garden's owner. 

A'Fu praised Yan Jingzong with a smile, "He is really calm."

Lin Yunwan also smiled faintly and said, "More than just calm."

"Miss Lin, have you noticed something else?" Qi Lingheng's voice softened a bit more and lowered slightly.

Lin Yunwan paused for a moment, then began to explain to him step by step, "He is also a disciple of the School of the Heart. After listening to the article I wrote, he didn't seem angry. It indicates that he has a broad mind and can tolerate others."

"When he saw that persuasion was useless in calming down his classmates, he took a step back. At the height of the chaos, to protect himself, he silently retreated to the wall and instructed his servant to fetch someone."

Qi Lingheng became more interested, "And what else do you see in this?"

Lin Yunwan glanced at him before continuing.

Qi Lingheng should be better at judging people than her, right? Isn't this obvious enough?

Seeing Qi Lingheng's silence, as if he was really asking for her opinion, she replied, "Advising classmates shows benevolence, stepping back shows propriety, protecting oneself shows wisdom, and instructing the servant to seek help to calm the conflict is goodness."

Qi Lingheng's smile grew deeper, "It seems that he is the man you favor the most today."

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Lin Yunwan remained silent.

This Yan Jingzong is indeed very good and could be a suitable match. However, she didn't know if he had someone he could rely on.

A'Fu pointed to the courtyard door and chuckled, "The steward of the garden has arrived."

Zhao Jingyi only occasionally came to listen to the scholars of Jishan Society discuss books and ideas... It's not that he enjoyed listening to these, but rather he was afraid of societies forming in his garden. If there were rumors of criticizing the court in his garden, it would be troublesome. 

He happened to be absent today.

"Wow! This Yan Jingzong is indeed impressive," A'Fu exclaimed in surprise. Even at this moment, Yan Jingzong remained so calm.

He could be seen walking briskly through the crowd, approaching the steward with grace, bowing, and speaking. 

A'Fu sighed, "It's a pity we can't hear what they're saying."

But Lin Yunwan didn't feel regretful; her eyes sparkled slightly. "No matter what he said, he clarified it in just a few words - the steward has already sent people to restrain the few individuals who started the fight."

The guards who accompanied them knew to capture the leader first, immediately separating the most aggressive ones.

A'Fu chuckled, "Yan Scholar is impressive - if he couldn't clarify things in just a few words, the steward wouldn't have been able to separate them."

Lin Yunwan nodded. That's the point.

She became engrossed in watching, realizing she couldn't hear Qi Lingheng's voice anymore. She turned her head slightly to look, noticing that the prince seemed deeply engrossed as well.

"It's not over yet," Qi Lingheng suddenly remarked.

They continued observing, and indeed, it wasn't over.

A'Fu remarked, "These scholars... They're most skilled in rhetoric. How can the steward of Jishan Garden compete with them?"

Lin Yunwan paused for a moment before saying, "After all, the steward is just a steward. While he can manage people, he cannot uphold justice."

The scholars called the steward to come and mediate... But what could the steward possibly mediate?

He couldn't even understand the article that caused the conflict in the first place!

At first, the steward managed to say a few words, but then the scholars started arguing again... There were descendants from prominent literary families of Jiangqian on both sides, and he didn't want to offend anyone. So, he resorted to diplomatic phrases like, "Ah... Let's not quarrel anymore!" and "Let's have a civil discussion."

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"It's just an article. Why make such a fuss?"

As tensions rose again, the steward found himself at a loss.

Yan Jingzong stepped forward, intending to say something. However, being young and not the most outstanding scholar in his family, his voice was drowned out by someone with a louder voice.

A'Fu shook his head. "They're still scholars! No different from arguing with vendors in the market."

Qi Lingheng chuckled softly. "Let's go."

Confused, A'Fu followed along. "Your Highness, where are we going?"

Qi Lingheng glanced at Lin Yunwan before replying to A'Fu, "You said it yourself, arguing with common folk is no different from this. If I don't intervene, how will they resolve this?"

Lin Yunwan respectfully bid him farewell with a nod. "Thank you, Your Highness."

Qi Lingheng smiled and led A'Fu away.

Lin Yunwan and Xiruo stood by the window, watching as a familiar figure entered the scene, causing the scholars to fall silent.

"Greetings to Prince Huan."

Qi Lingheng stepped forward to the front, his expression neutral but his tone still relatively mild. "Hand over the article. Let me have a look."

The steward presented it with both hands.

Qi Lingheng pretended to read it once through, as if it were his first time reading it.

Then he began to question each of those who were arguing. 

Lin Yunwan didn't know what Qi Lingheng asked, but she saw those few individuals suddenly rendered speechless. The situation was immediately brought under control, and the chattering scholars fell silent all at once, with the bamboo in front of the loft rustling in the wind.

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