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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 174: 


“Your Highness, what do you want me to see?” 

Lin Yunwan looked at the path, where Yan Jingzong was walking with a maid.

Qi Lingheng's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Can't you tell?"

Lin Yunwan glanced again, noticing the maid's alluring figure and fair skin. She seemed to be quite charming, the type of maid who, if clever enough, would earn favor in any noble household.

Gradually, she could hear the maid and Yan Jingzong laughing and chatting. The maid covered her face in embarrassment as she giggled, while Yan Jingzong remained composed.

The maid took out a delicately scented flower letter from her sleeve and softly said, "I've heard that Master Yan is quite skilled in poetry. I've also studied some, would Master Yan be willing to offer some guidance?"

Yan Jingzong was taken aback. He hadn't expected the maid from the Zhao family to suddenly say such words to him.

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"How can I, as a young master, read the works of a lady?" Yan Jingzong took a step back, rejecting her request.

The maid shyly put away the flower letter, bowing her head in embarrassment. "I...I'm sorry for being presumptuous. I...I...I just heard that the master...I don't have any other intentions."

She bit her lip, looking embarrassed, then hurriedly led the way ahead, murmuring softly, "I won't mention such improper things again. Master Yan, please come with me!"

Yan Jingzong stood behind her for a while, observing the young maid whose face was red with embarrassment.

After pondering for a while, he sighed and said, "The sage said, 'Education knows no boundaries.' Can't a maid study and write poetry?"

After muttering to himself for a while, Yan Jingzong sighed and said, "Miss, let me take a look for you."

The maid turned around, extremely happy, and pulled out the flower letter from her sleeve. She was delighted. "Thank you, Master Yan."

After reading the poem on the letter, Yan Jingzong's expression changed. This maid had indeed put in effort; her choice of words was very refined.

"Miss, you've written a good poem. Excellent phrases!" Yan Jingzong praised.

The maid was both delighted and modest. "I often ponder at night, and that's how I came up with this modest piece, which cannot compare to Master's."

Yan Jingzong then said to her, "The rhyme and rhythm of this poem are well done, and the choice of words is exquisite. However, the imagery is slightly lacking."

"Master, how should I improve it?"

The maid's eyes were filled with curiosity.

This caught Yan Jingzong off guard. After some thought, he returned the flower letter to her and said, "There's a book of lyrics. I'll mention it to you, and you can buy it yourself to study."

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"Since you've put in such effort, I believe studying the lyrics won't be difficult for you."

He then told the maid the name of the book. As they walked further away...

Lin Yunwan withdrew her gaze and asked Qi Lingheng, "What does Your Highness want me to see?"

Does he want me to see how the maid is getting close to Yan Jingzong?

Qi Lingheng's gaze grew deeper. "...Do you think I arranged this?"

He continued, "The people from the Yan family have visited the Zhao residence before, and this maid has long set her sights on Yan Jingzong."

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly. "So what?"

Qi Lingheng went on, "If the Zhao residence indulges the maid without intervention, what do you think will happen in the end?"

The answer was obvious. If a man can't resist a woman's advances from the beginning, especially if she persists, he'll likely succumb eventually.

"And this is just a maid from the Zhao residence."

"Lin Yunwan, there will be many more incidents like this in the future. Aren't you bothered?"

Lin Yunwan's smile faded. She said softly, "Such things will always happen. Your Highness... will also encounter such matters. Moreover, Yan Jingzong showed compassion for the maid, but he didn't cross any boundaries. He handled it decently and honorably. We can't predict what will happen in the future. I can't always think of the worst, can I?"

Her gaze no longer met Qi Lingheng's. Qi Lingheng insisted on looking at her directly. "I won't."

"Won't what?" Lin Yunwan couldn't understand.

Qi Lingheng said, "I won't encounter such a situation."

Lin Yunwan furrowed her brows in confusion.

Qi Lingheng stepped closer and whispered, "Unless I permit it, no woman can come close to me."

"What will happen if they get close?" Lin Yunwan asked, her brows still furrowed.

"They'll die," Qi Lingheng replied casually.

Lin Yunwan quickly turned her head to look around... Were there any hidden guards nearby? She knew that emperors, crown princes, and princes always had their own guards protecting them at all times.

Qi Lingheng chuckled, "Stop looking. There's no one here now."

Seeing her startled expression amused him. He forced himself to put his hands behind his back; otherwise, he feared he might act impulsively.

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After looking back at him for a while, Lin Yunwan sighed softly. Qi Lingheng couldn't understand her reaction.

Lin Yunwan then asked him, "Why are you doing this?" She couldn't understand why the prince wanted to marry her.

"Your Highness, you know my identity better than anyone else. Marrying me won't benefit you in any way," she said. She was no longer the legitimate daughter of the Lin family, and she had no connection to her late father's reputation and so on.

"Who you marry doesn't matter to me," Lin Yunwan continued. "We don't need to form this alliance."

Qi Lingheng replied, "Lin Yunwan, there's no reason. I just want to do something natural," Qi Lingheng said calmly.

Lin Yunwan was puzzled. How was this natural?

Qi Lingheng found it hard to explain... He hadn't initially thought much of her, but suddenly he wanted to marry her.

"Lin Yunwan, since such things will always happen and we can't predict the future, why don't you consider me?" he asked. "I won't treat you unfairly. I'm serious about what I'm saying. Think about it carefully."

Lin Yunwan remained silent for a while before saying, "Your Highness, I can handle whatever consequences may arise from marrying someone else. But marrying you... the consequences are unpredictable, and it's something I can't handle. I just don't want to invite trouble upon myself."

Qi Lingheng also fell silent.

He understood very well that when she said she didn't want to invite trouble upon herself, she meant she didn't want to endure trouble for his sake.

Lin Yunwan was afraid that Qi Lingheng might still harbor thoughts for her in the future, so she said firmly, "Your Highness, in the future, you don't need to go through such trouble to see me again. If it weren't for you today, I wouldn't have known that Yan Jingzong also likes poetry. You've helped me today."

Qi Lingheng's expression changed, and he smiled bitterly. "How could I forget... You're also very skilled in poetry and literature."

He had seen the article she had written, which had sparked disputes among the scholars of Jishan Society. If she wanted to win Yan Jingzong's heart using these means, it would be effortless.

He had been overly clever and ended up causing himself trouble.

Regardless of what Qi Lingheng thought, Lin Yunwan bowed slightly and said, "Farewell."

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She walked back the way she came, found Xiruo, and returned to the Zhao residence's banquet venue.

Madam Zheng, upon seeing her, scolded impatiently, "You're always running around! Other young ladies are composing poetry. Haven't you learned from Fan Mama? Why don't you give it a try?"

Lin Yunwan hadn't even approached when she heard a young girl next to her reciting a poem she had written and presenting it to a woman addressed as "Madam Yan."

She looked up and saw that it was Yan Jingzong's mother, who bore a striking resemblance to her son.

It seemed that Madam Zhao was asking Madam Yan to help judge the poetry.

"Miss, are you going?" Xiruo asked softly. If Miss wanted to go, she would go over to help grind ink.

Lin Yunwan remained silent. She should actually go...

"Fan Mama hasn't taught me poetry yet, then I won't go," Lin Yunwan said to Xiruo and Madam Zheng.

That's what Lin Yunwan said to herself as well.

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