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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 128: 

Future Plans


The letter from Lin Yunyi was very long, and Lin Yunwan read it for a long time. Unconsciously, her eyes became moist.

Seeing this, Qi Lingheng stood up and went outside, gazing at the vast whiteness of the lake. Although most of the scenery was gray and white, the plum grove was adorned with delicate red, still pleasing to the eye.


Xiruo handed over a slightly damp handkerchief. Lin Yunwan wiped her face and noticed that Qi Lingheng had already gone outside. She felt a warm sensation in her heart.

The prince was truly a courteous and considerate person despite his high status.

"Miss, is everything well at your home?" Xiruo asked.

Xiruo went to wring the handkerchief again.

Lin Yunwan smiled, "Everything is fine."

She then told Xiruo, "My mother originally had an illness, but she's nearly recovered now."

Lin Yunwan didn't know how Physician Li Qi achieved such miraculous results! He actually managed to restore sight to her mother. However, her brother mentioned in the letter that she still can't tolerate bright light. Currently, she can only move around inside the house and will need over a year before she can go outside, and even then, she'll have to wear a dark hat.

"Oh! That physician is truly remarkable."

Lian Yunwan smiled, "Exactly."

Yunyi also mentioned Physician Li Qi's situation, stating that he had left the capital to collect herbs, seemingly accompanying the entourage of the Prince.

Lian Yunwan's mood was extremely good.

However, Chang Gong and Lady Guo were causing her some concern.

Chang Gong refused to leave the Lu family and insisted on being the legitimate eldest son in the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence. She was worried that Chang Gong, being too young, might have other thoughts. If this child had ambitious intentions, it might not end well.

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Yun Yi also mentioned that after Lady Guo offered her condolences, she moved away shortly thereafter. In the previous life, the circumstances surrounding the teacher's death were suspicious, and it was unclear whether it had any connection to the sudden move. 

However, it didn't matter. Before the teacher encountered trouble, Lin Yunwan was determined to return to the capital. She wouldn't stay in Jiang Qian for long, nor would she remain as Lin Huabin's daughter in the Lin family.

"I will go and invite the Prince to come in."

Lian Yunwan got up and went outside to find Qi Lingheng. The doors and windows were tightly closed, with only the door he had just opened slightly ajar. As she stepped outside, a cold wind greeted her, and her face felt icy.

"Prince, please come in. It's too cold outside," she suggested.

Qi Lingheng turned around, saw that she was ready, and gave a faint smile, saying, "Alright."

Qi Lingheng stepped into the room as Lin Yunwan held the door open.

Qi Lingheng stepped inside, casually closing the door. As he walked, he spoke; "I had A'Fu visit your home before I left the capital. Your mother is no longer receiving guests, but your younger brother is doing well and has resumed his studies at the academy."

Lin Yunwan nodded and said, "Mother's eyes cannot tolerate light. My younger brother thinks it's best for her not to receive guests, believing that Mother has been saddened excessively due to me."

"Waiting until a year has passed, allowing the storm to settle, and Mother's eyes to recover, will avoid arousing suspicions. It's the right approach," agreed Qi Lingheng.

Qi Lingheng spoke softly, "Perhaps staying outside for too long has made me a bit cold," as he took a sip of tea. 

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Lan Yunwan looked at him, feeling deeply grateful, and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for taking care of matters at home as well."

Qi Lingheng smiled faintly, "It was just a small effort." He noticed that Lan Yunwan hadn't finished looking at the contents of the box and added, "The things your brother left for you are all taken care of."

Lan Yunwan went to look at the other items in the box. In fact, she guessed they were silver notes and some easily transportable valuable items. Some were her dowry from before, and others were things her mother and brother had privately set aside for her.

She said, "Now that I am in the Lin Mansion, it's not convenient to bring these openly." 

Qi Lingheng said, "This is easy. I'll ask my uncle to deliver them to Lin Huabin and have him pass them on to you."

Talking about money, Lin Yunwan was very concerned. After thinking for a moment, she smiled and said, "Your Highness, Old Master Lin has already gifted me a considerable amount of private funds. Those are actually sufficient. Without merit, I shouldn't receive any rewards. I shouldn't take these back; you can keep them, Your Highness."

Qi Lingheng didn't want to accept those things. For him, these items were really insignificant. Of course, Lin Yunwan understood. Did the royal family lack gold, silver, and jewels?

"Sir, I can't thank you enough. If you refuse to accept even these, I really feel uneasy." 

"Well, then leave them with me." 

Qi Lingheng spoke gently, fearing that she might worry too much, "Your father's care means much more to me than any gold or silver."

Lin Yunwan lowered her head.

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She knew the Prince cherished old relationships, but she couldn't help but feel content.

"Your Highness, there is one more thing I'd like to ask about—the body burned in the Lu family nunnery..."

"Lady Lin is buried in the mountain where she hanged herself, alongside the loyal servant who took care of her as she grew up."

As for the woman burned in her place, who was she?

Qi Lingheng's expression remained indifferent: They were all people deserving of death. Don't concern yourself with it.

When it came to irrelevant people and matters, a coldness emanated from him.

Ling Heng could sense that Lin Yunwan had nothing more to say.

He spoke, "If you don't want her in the Lin family, we can wait until later to exhume her..."

"No need for that. Since she 'died' on my behalf, it's only right for my family to provide for her."

Qi Lingheng nodded.

They had covered everything that needed to be said.

Lin Yunwan felt that she had been away for quite some time and it was time to go back.

Qi Lingheng, holding his tea cup, asked her gently, "Do you have any plans for the future?"

"What plans do you mean, Your Highness?" Her only current thought is to return to the capital city reasonably, to be able to meet with her mother and younger brother, instead of being separated by mountains and rivers as it is now, with no chance for the family to be together!

Qi Lingheng paused before saying, "You've already faced the 'death' of parental arrangements once. For future major life decisions, you can certainly make your own choices."

He continued, "You have experience being the head of the household, no longer the young girl awaiting marriage. Miss Lin, this prince believes you should be bolder."

There was a faint smile on his face.

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Lin Yunwan was somewhat taken aback.

She didn't wish to have her future constrained again, but she hadn't thought about it in such specific terms yet!

For a woman to choose her own husband and in-laws was indeed unconventional and daring.

She smiled and replied, "What the prince says makes sense. I will consider it."

However, truly walking down this path is not easy. She still carries such a significant secret, and a small slip could make her vulnerable to others.

If the husband proves unreliable, it might lead to another wave of turmoil. But the woman's identity brings too many inconveniences.

For an unmarried maiden, it's not even advisable to go out casually, let alone to the capital to reunite with her mother and younger brother!

Lin Yunwan could only muster the courage to say, "If there are difficulties in the future, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble the prince."

Qi Lingheng looked at her for a moment before agreeing, "Alright."

He added, "You can have Xiruo go to the prince's mansion and find A'Fu."

Lin Yunwan nodded, stood up, and said, "Prince, I've been out for too long; I need to go back."

Qi Lingheng followed her outside, intending to escort her home. However, A'Fu was on the opposite bank, blowing a whistle, indicating that someone was there.

He instructed Xiruo, "You go and escort the young miss home first."


Xiruo assisted Lin Yunwan onto the boat, and as she began to row, Qi Lingheng instructed her, "Take good care of your mistress, don't let her be wronged."

Wronged? The young lady had experienced that long ago!

Xiruo pursed her lips and responded, "Your Highness..."

Lin Yunwan furrowed her brows and spoke softly, "Xiruo, I'm feeling a bit cold. Let's hurry back."

Xiruo, feeling helpless, looked up and said, "Prince, this servant understands. This servant takes her leave."

Lin Yunwan spoke gently, "It's quite cold outside, Prince, please take care."

Qi Lingheng didn't inquire further and just urged them to return quickly.

Indeed, the lake surface was a bit chilly.

Once the small boat had drifted away, his face became serious.

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