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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 129: 



Lin Yunwan disembarked from the small boat, and A'Fu said, "Miss, I'll escort you home."

Seeing that someone had just been here on the shore, she asked, "Is there something wrong with the prince?"

A'Fu chuckled, "His Uncle the Duke sent someone over to urge him. I've already taken care of it."

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The front courtyard was bound to be busy with matters concerning the prince.

Lin Yunwan said, "A'Fu, you can just escort us near the garden; we'll go back on our own. Don't delay the prince's affairs."

A'Fu replied, "Miss, don't worry; it won't take long."

Lin Yunwan insisted on going back on their own.

Xiruo added, "A'Fu, you don't need to worry either. I know the way, and I won't let the miss get lost."

A'Fu finally agreed. He escorted them near the garden, taking a route that had been deliberately cleared, ensuring no one else saw them together. When Lin Yunwan returned to the garden, it appeared as if she had just taken a short stroll.


A'Fu turned back to pick up Qi Lingheng.

He rowed to the center of the lake, stood on the shore, and called out, "Prince, I'm here."

Qi Lingheng came out upon hearing the call, his expression still unpleasant.

A'Fu helped Qi Lingheng onto the boat and said, "Your Uncle the Duke sent someone to urge you, saying... saying..."

It was still about the prince's marriage, a topic A'Fu wanted to mention but hesitated.

Qi Lingheng asked casually, "Did you escort them back to the garden?"

A'Fu replied, "Yes. The young lady is considerate, afraid of delaying your matters, so she insisted on going the rest of the way on her own near the garden."


His teacher's daughter naturally had a kind heart.

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Qi Lingheng looked into the distance, pondering that perhaps the people in the Lin family weren't as kind-hearted. Otherwise, why would they not get along well with the good-hearted young lady?

When he escorted Lin Yunwan back to the Lin family, his intention was for her to live the rest of her life comfortably and not to endure any mistreatment. 

Observing his master's unfavorable expression, A'Fu asked, "Is it because Miss Xiruo hasn't been serving well?"

It certainly wasn't the case, but he couldn't ask about other things...

Qi Lingheng gave A'Fu a glance.

A'Fu realized that his cautiousness had been exposed, feeling quite uneasy and a bit scared.

Qi Lingheng said coldly, "It has nothing to do with Xiruo."

He smiled faintly and added, "This Lin Huabin may not have a high official position, but he's quite audacious."

A'Fu was surprised. It seemed that there was an issue within the Lin family?

Qi Lingheng refrained from saying more.

In his heart, a faint worry lingered. Despite Lin Yunwan being intelligent and courageous, she was, after all, a woman confined to the inner chambers. A woman restricted to domestic affairs, no matter how talented, could only exert a fraction of her abilities. She still needed to plan for her own future.

Could she handle it?

Would she encounter numerous obstacles?

Why did she always avoid letting others help her? Was it that she simply didn't want him involved in her affairs?

But she was Grand Tutor Lin's daughter, and he had helped her this far. He felt obligated to see her through the difficulties and into a bright future, as a way of repaying Grand Tutor Lin's kindness.

"Prince, we've arrived."

A'Fu halted the boat, and Qi Lingheng stepped off quickly.

Someone from the front courtyard had come again.

Qi Lingheng went to the front courtyard to socialize, pulled into drinking by Zhao Jingyi. He met some aristocratic scholars and officials who knew Jiang Qian.

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These were not people he considered worth knowing.

However, he was well aware that each of these people had daughters of marriageable age.

Before leaving the capital, he had already reached an agreement with his father and mother. He couldn't go back on his word.

Emperor Jingshun's attitude was relatively understanding: "I didn't force you; it was your own decision."

It had been agreed long ago that if he wanted the Lu heir to be stripped of his title, he had to agree to the marriage.

Qi Lingheng had nothing to say.

He had arranged for the document, stirred up public opinion, and orchestrated the entire affair with his own hands.

Emperor Jingshun sat on the imperial throne, leisurely saying, "I could have overlooked it back then, but now that you're going to Jiang Qian as a fief, you must give me an explanation."

Qi Lingheng finally spoke, "Father, it's too hasty for your son to marry before going to Jiang Qian."

Casually marrying a woman chosen by Emperor Jingshun and Empress Dowager was not something he could agree to.

Emperor Jingshun then made an agreement with him, "One year is the limit."

At the latest, within a year, he must get married.

Qi Lingheng didn't refuse this time.

He wasn't getting any younger, and dragging it on further would be inappropriate. The Empress personally entrusted the matter to her younger brother, Zhao Jingyi.

"The selection of a wife for the imperial family isn't based solely on pedigree; modest appearance and exceptional conduct are essential. Keep an eye out for someone suitable for Heng, and if you find such a person, report it to the palace."

Zhao Jingyi readily agreed, "Rest assured, Your Highness. I will do my utmost."

Back in Jiang Qian, he discreetly inquired and found that there were plenty of outstanding young ladies in the region. After all, many of them were the daughters of the attendees at the gathering!


"Why did you take so long?" 

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Lin Yunjiao stared at Lin Yunwan as soon as she sat down.

"I strolled around the courtyard, got lost, and took a big detour before finding my way back."

Lin Yunjiao snorted softly, then glanced at Lin Yunwan's cheeks. It was true, as they said—her skin was like condensed fat, her appearance more outstanding than others, yet not frivolous.

But what did that matter!

She was just a legitimate daughter who had lost her biological mother. Her maternal family had a humble origin in the merchant class, and now she had no maternal family to rely on. Who would marry a legitimate daughter like her? Let alone marrying into the Prince's mansion.

Lin Yunjiao leaned close to Lin Yunwan's ear and whispered, "Don't think that by visiting the Prince's mansion once, you've climbed up the social ladder!"

"What do you mean by climbing up the social ladder?"

Lin Yunwan seemed genuinely clueless.

Lin Yunjiao explained, "Of course, it means becoming the Princess Consort of Prince Huan!"

Lin Yunwan raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, so that's what climbing up the social ladder means? It seems like you really want to be the Princess Consort of Prince Huan?"

Lin Yunjiao blushed, looked around nervously, and whispered, "Shut up!"

Lin Yunwan replied coldly, "You, an unmarried girl, keep talking about becoming a princess. I thought you weren't afraid of being overheard."

Lin Yunjiao felt uneasy.

Was she afraid? Of course, she was afraid!

She just thought that a country girl from the countryside wouldn't dare to spread rumors even if she overheard.

"If you're so afraid, then just keep your mouth shut," Lin Yunwan said heartlessly.


Lin Yunjiao bit her lip, twisted her handkerchief, and sat back down, not daring to approach Lin Yunwan's ear again.

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