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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 127: 


Lin Yunwan was genuinely surprised and honored. The Prince had been waiting for her all this time?

"Please lead the way, Eunuch Fu," she said politely.

A'Fu led Lin Yunwan and Xirou to the study in the backyard.

The Prince Mansion was even larger than what they had seen before. After leaving the plum grove, they traversed several paths before reaching a small hill. The study in the inner courtyard was situated on top of the hill, with a lake brought in from the outside behind it. In the center of the lake, there was a pavilion surrounded by water.

Whether this garden was newly constructed or had been left behind by high-ranking officials and noble families was unclear. If it was newly built, it showcased the Emperor's favor toward Prince Huan.

"Miss, please enter. Prince is waiting for you inside," A'Fu gestured for Lin Yunwan to go in.

After a moment's hesitation, Lin Yunwan entered the study. Xirou followed half a step behind, unsure whether to enter or not. If it were someone else, she might not have hesitated, but since it was Miss meeting His Highness, should she enter too?

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A'Fu gently reminded her, "Miss Xirou, you and I can wait outside." Xirou nodded, "Yes."

Standing with A'Fu outside, it was quite chilly, but both of them were accustomed to serving their master and didn't mind the cold much.

The door to the study was not completely closed, just slightly ajar. Lin Yunwan gently pushed it open and saw Qi Lingheng sitting by the window with a long table in front of him, piled high with official documents.

"Your Highness."

She called out, and when Qi Lingheng looked up, she bowed.

Qi Lingheng set aside the papers in his hands and stood up to greet her, "You're here." He smiled slightly, and his starry eyes suddenly became a bit darker, becoming both gentle and profound.

Lin Yunwan looked into his eyes and always felt a sense... that he wasn't younger than her, giving the impression that they were of the same age.

"Apologies for making Your Highness wait for so long," she said apologetically.

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Qi Lingheng walked over and sat in the chair opposite, taking the main seat. He spoke softly, "You didn't make me wait long. I took the opportunity to look at Jiang Qian's tax records in recent years."

When it came to the fief, the most important thing was the issue of taxation. Prioritizing, he focused on understanding the taxes in different regions.

Tea had already been prepared on the table, and Qi Lingheng poured tea, saying, "Miss Lin, please sit."

Lin Yunwan felt hesitant about sitting next to His Highness, so she chose a seat as a guest.

Qi Lingheng glanced at her, smiled faintly, and didn't say much.

"How is it in the Lin family? Have you adjusted well?"

Lin Yunwan expressed her gratitude, "I've adapted very well."

For her, dealing with the matters in the inner courtyard was quite easy. Qi Lingheng held a teacup and asked, "I heard that Lin Huabin's wife and daughter can be a bit arrogant. Have you been mistreated? If you encounter any unpleasant situations, feel free to tell me. I will discuss it with Uncle."

Lin Yunwan smiled gently, "Your Highness, you don't need to worry about my affairs. I'm doing well."

Qi Lingheng paused and didn't inquire further. It was his habit; if someone was willing to share, they would, and if not, pressing too much would make them uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Lin Yunwan asked, "Is it customary for Your Highness to leave the seat like this?"

She glanced in the direction of the front courtyard. Countless officials from Jiang Qian were coming to congratulate, and without the host to entertain them, it wouldn't be appropriate. 

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Qi Lingheng smiled, "It seems you're still accustomed to being a mistress, not knowing how to be a carefree girl." 

Lin Yunwan was momentarily stunned, her face blushing slightly. Indeed, what His Highness said was true; she had become accustomed to managing various affairs in the household. She didn't resemble a young girl, after all, as she was not truly an unmarried maiden.

But she felt like she shouldn't meddle in the affairs of the Prince mansion. Qi Lingheng continued, "Uncle is handling the entertainment in the front courtyard for me." After a moment's thought, he added, "Actually, I don't enjoy drinking with them."

Lin Yunwan smiled, "Indeed, that's how one can maintain good health." Qi Lingheng stood up, saying, "It's not convenient to talk here. If my uncle sees that I've been hiding for too long, he might send someone to the study to find me. It wouldn't be good to be caught." 

Lin Yunwan also stood up and asked, "Is there anything else Your Highness wants to discuss with me? I also shouldn't be away for too long."

Qi Lingheng nodded, "Yes. Your younger brother also asked me to bring some things for you."

"Yunyi!" Lin Yunwan was pleasantly surprised. The lord actually brought things from her brother! Qi Lingheng walked towards the door, saying, "Let's go, we'll talk at the center of the lake."

"Sure." Lin Yunwan followed him outside.

A'Fu and Xirou came forward together. Qi Lingheng instructed A'Fu, "We're going to the center of the lake. You stay here and watch. If there's anything, handle it for me."

"As you command." A'Fu still accompanied them to the shore. There was a boat with a canopy, and with oars, they could reach the small island at the center of the lake.

Qi Lingheng got on the boat first, and Lin Yunwan looked back at Xirou, calling out to her. "Alright. I'm here," said Xirou, supporting Lin Yunwan.

Xiruo supported Lin Yunwan as they approached the boat. 

Qi Lingheng gently extended his right arm towards her from the boat. His hand was gracefully slender, possessing a delicate charm not typical of him. 

Lin Yunwan hesitated for a moment before reaching out her hand. It was just boarding a boat, so it didn't seem too improper. 

Qi Lingheng grasped her hand, initially concerned about propriety but later fearing she might slip and hold on tighter.

Lingheng stepped on the boat, causing it to sway. Though Lin Yunwan was apprehensive about slipping or dirtying her clothes and shoes, she restrained her emotions, maintaining a calm expression. However, her breathing and the subtle rise and fall of her chest couldn't be concealed.

Qi Lingheng wrapped his arm around her waist briefly to steady her. Once she regained her balance, he quickly released her and assured, "It's fine now."

Lin Yunwan took a step back, waiting for Xirou to board.

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Xirou descended the boat with steady steps, as if walking on level ground. She even volunteered, "My lord, let me row the boat."

"No need," Qi Lingheng replied.

Qi Lingheng walked to the front of the boat, bending over to paddle. Despite not appearing to be someone accustomed to such tasks, he performed exceptionally well. Their boat cut through the water in a straight line, leaving a long wake behind, resembling the tail of a small boat.

They soon arrived at the small island in the middle of the lake.

After stopping the boat, Qi Lingheng remarked, "There's nothing much to see in this vast whiteness."

Looking around, Lin Yunwan agreed, "Indeed, not much to see."

"Come up," Qi Lingheng invited, stepping onto the island. He reached out his hand to help Lin Yunwan up.

Lifting her skirt slightly, Lin Yunwan placed her hand in his.

She had become accustomed to his firm grip, gently holding her hand at first and then with a firmer grasp. Xirou, holding the back of Lin Yunwan's skirt, reminded, "Miss, step onto the left side first." There were stones there, preventing her shoes from getting wet.

Following the guidance, Lin Yunwan stepped onto the stones, and Qi Lingheng gave her another pull, swiftly bringing her onto the island.

In the pavilion at the heart of the lake, it was warm and inviting, filled with the fragrance of melons and flowers. It seemed to have been arranged beforehand. There were tables, chairs, and couches, along with potted plants and flower arrangements. It was unclear whether the prince enjoyed this place or if it was intentionally set up for guests.

"Feel free to sit," Qi Lingheng invited.

After Qi Lingheng finished speaking, he instructed Xirou, "There is water in the stove, please make tea." He walked to the table, picked up an exquisite box, and said to Lin Yunwan, "This is from Yunyi for you. Take your time to read it." Lin Yunwan took it, and first, there was a thick letter.

She felt a pain in her heart as she squeezed it. How long would it take her brother to write so many words? How was her mother doing now? Was her eye condition improving or worsening?

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