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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 126: 

Waiting For You

 "It's not a prison sentence. The Lin family's daughter left the Marquis of Wu Ding after her death, and the Shuntian prefects had to investigate the case before they could determine a result." 

"A case handled by the prefect? I'm afraid it'll take half a year and a year before the case is closed!" 

Jiang Qian's death penalty case is not so quick to produce results. 

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The wives gossiped some more, and talked about Lu Chang Gong. 

"I heard that he is an extremely filial son, even though he is adopted, there is no difference between him and a biological son. He has been mourning for his adopted mother!" 

"The eldest son of the Lu family is really a good child!" 

The name "Chang Gong" made Lian Yunwan close her eyes. That child! He indeed hasn't left the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence. She knew that he insisted on hiding in the fire scene, and he wouldn't easily leave the Lu family. Unfortunately, she was now far away in Jiang Qian, and as a mere minor official's legitimate daughter, she couldn't do much for him.

Fortunately, there was still Zhuqing. Zhuqing was intelligent, and the two of them, one monitoring the inner courtyard and the other overseeing the front yard, should not encounter any danger.

Lin Yunwan was also hoping to learn about Ge Bao'er's fate from these people. Unfortunately, no one mentioned the concubine of the Lu family.

In the end, most of the conversation revolved around the Madam of the Marquis of Wu Ding, and everyone felt sorry for her. 

Lin Yunjiao, who had originally focused her attention on Duke Huan, became fascinated listening to the details of the Marquis of Wu Ding's family affairs.

She muttered, "This is like a small drama!" 

"It's almost on par with "The Revival," isn't it?" Lin Yunwan whispered in mockery. Indeed, her life could be staged as a short play.

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Lin Yunjiao, without anyone around to talk to her, couldn't hold back her desire to speak. She glanced at Lin Yunwan with great admiration and said, "Miss Lin is truly a role model for us. She is knowledgeable, adept at managing the household, and possesses such virtuous and gentle qualities. In the future, I aspire to become someone like her!"

Lin Yunwan chuckled.

She said indifferently, "What's so good about that kind of woman? Isn't it just a tragic death, sucked dry by the carnivorous beasts?" 

Lin Yunjiao gave her a disdainful look and said, "You don't understand! If Wu Ding Mansion lacks virtue, that's the fault of Wu Ding Mansion. But the legitimate daughter of the Lin family is praiseworthy. There is no woman more virtuous than her." 

Lin Yunwan couldn't be bothered to continue the conversation with Lin Yunjiao.

Lin Yunwan thought, 'It's precisely because she adhered too much to virtuous and virtuous conduct that she ended up like this. If she had been a bit more selfish and unvirtuous, perhaps it wouldn't have come to this.'

Someone inquired, "Who is this young lady? How did she end up with such a distinctive appearance?" Lin Yunwan looked up, and it was one of the ladies from another mansion talking about her.

Madam Zheng stepped forward, smiling, and replied, "She is a young lady from our Lin Mansion." However, she was reluctant to explicitly acknowledge her as the legitimate daughter.

Lin Yunwan stood up and respectfully saluted the lady, saying, "May the lady be blessed." 

The lady complimented Madam Zheng, "You are fortunate to have such a good young lady!" She then scrutinized Lin Yunwan carefully, unable to find any flaws in her appearance and demeanor.


But looking at her age, she seems quite mature, not like a young lady who has just come of age.

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The lady asked, "Has the young lady reached the age of maturity?" 

Lin Yunwan paused and lowered her head.

Madam Zheng smiled awkwardly, "She is already twenty."

"Twenty?!" The lady was surprised. Which young lady would delay until the age of twenty? She had heard that Zheng Shi was spoiled by the Lin family's second master, but how could they delay such a grown-up young lady to twenty!

She then asked Madam Zheng, "To whom is she betrothed?"

Madam Zheng's mouth twitched as she replied, "She hasn't been betrothed to anyone yet."

People around fell into silence. A young lady of such age not yet betrothed indicated that she might not be the legitimate daughter of the lady. Moreover, she hadn't been raised under the lady's close care; otherwise, she wouldn't have suffered such mistreatment. Even if she was a concubine-born daughter, it wouldn't typically delay her betrothal until the age of twenty.

The lady's gaze towards Madam Zheng became suspicious.

Zheng Shi felt uneasy, fearing a tarnished reputation. She quickly grabbed Lian Yunwan's hand, showing great affection, and said, "This girl has had health issues since childhood. We found a place with excellent conditions to nurture her. Only after she fully recovered did we bring her back."

"Look, she's nurtured so well! We were just about to arrange a marriage for the girl!" 

Some doubted whether sending her away was truly for the girl's benefit, while others believed that she must have been raised in a truly excellent place. Otherwise, she wouldn't have turned out like this. Lin Yunwan sneered inwardly.

Madam Zheng could turn the dead into the living, how could the place where Miss Lin stayed could be described as a nurturing and excellent environment? However, Lin Yunwan couldn't openly criticize her. Speaking ill of her stepmother in public, even if she wasn't wrong, would now make her appear at fault.

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Madam. Zheng earnestly said to everyone, "My daughter is clever, and I can hardly bear to see her married off. However, it's only natural for young ladies to get married. As long as there's a match suitable for her, regardless of the young master's status, as a mother, I'm willing to go the extra mile for her well-being."

She clearly was implying that suitors from poor and humble backgrounds, not highly valued by their own families, should come forward quickly. Her intentions were clear. After all, which biological mother would casually marry off her daughter? However, it could be a good opportunity for prospective in-laws. A daughter-in-law of such high quality, not receiving much favor from her natal family, would be a great addition to their household.

Lin Yunwan withdrew her hand, pretending to be a shy unmarried girl, and sat down quietly. While Madam Zheng might seem to have control over her marriage on the surface, in reality, she didn't have the final say! No matter how much the madam talked now, it was all just empty words.

However, Madam Zheng wasn't joking. She actually started inquiring under the pretext of showing concern for Madam's "nieces and nephews."

"Madam, I'll go change my clothes," Lin Yunwan said, getting up.

Madam Zheng didn't even look at her and casually replied, "Go ahead."

Lin Yunwan gave a slight bow and left.

It seemed that Lin Yunjiao had also found someone to accompany her, probably discussing unfavorable things about her.

Lin Yunwan shook her head.

Xirou followed and said, "Madam and Miss Lin really have these little tricks, like flies. It doesn't hurt, but it's annoying."

Lin Yunwan chuckled softly, "Where did you learn that?"

Xirou also laughed, "This servant heard it from the old women who do the rough work. What they say is much cruder than this, and this servant is too embarrassed to repeat it to you."

Lin Yunwan had heard vulgar talk from servants before, and she could guess what kind of words those old women used.

"The plum blossoms in the Prince's Mansion are indeed well cultivated."

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Xirou walked towards the plum grove. Today's event was the Plum Blossom Banquet, featuring both purchased plum blossoms and various types of plums transplanted from within the Prince's Mansion.

Softly, Xirou remarked, "There are plum blossoms in the mansions of the capital as well."

"Does the Prince like plum blossoms?" Lin Yunwan inquired in a hushed tone.

Xirou pondered for a moment and shook her head. "Not sure. It could be planted by the servants or perhaps it's at the Prince's command."

Lin Yunwan didn't press further, realizing that the information might not be of much use.

The painting she had prepared for him lacked the fragrance of plum blossoms, and whether it could be presented remained uncertain.

Xirou and Lin Yunwan hadn't reached the plum grove when A'Fu arrived. As a eunuch, he had the freedom to move around the inner courtyard of the Wangfu.

A'Fu smiled and greeted, "Greetings to Miss Lin."

"Eunuch Fu..." Xirou was surprised!

Eunuch Fu is the closest attendant to the Prince. Shouldn't he be accompanying the Prince in the front courtyard at this time? How could he have time to come to the backyard?

She said, "Please, Eunuch Fu."

The attendant of the Prince greeted her; how could she bear such courtesy?

A'Fu raised his head and smiled, saying, "Please, Miss, follow this servant."

He stepped aside, inviting Lin Yunwan to follow him.

Lin Yunwan hesitated for a moment. She looked around, confirming there was no one else, and then asked, "Does the Prince want to see me?"

A'Fu smiled and said, "His Highness has been waiting for you for a while."

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  1. I assume His Highness has been waiting for you for years.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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