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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 125: 

Plum Blossom Banquet 

"Such an impressive garden!" 

Madam Zheng, accompanied by Lin Yunwan and Lin Yunjiao, arrived at the Prince's mansion. They strolled through the mansion's garden, passing through shadow walls, wandering corridors, and circular arches. From a distance, they could hear a theatrical troupe singing in the garden.

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Lin Yunjiao had never seen such a place, and each step revealed a new and exquisite scene. Even the most refined places she had visited before paled in comparison.

"Besides the Prince's mansion, who else in Jiangqian would dare to create such a place?" she exclaimed. "They're performing 'The Resurrection' from the Qu family troupe!"

This was her favorite piece of comic opera, and she never tired of hearing it.

"But when it comes to which opera troupe performs it the best, it has to be the Qu family troupe!" she exclaimed.

She tugged at Madam Zheng's sleeve, playfully saying, "Mother, even Uncle's mansion didn't manage to invite the Qu family troupe last year at the end of the year!" She had been longing for it throughout the entire New Year, and unexpectedly hearing it in the Duke's mansion was a delightful surprise.

Madam Zheng glanced at her, squeezed her hand, and whispered, "Your elder uncle's wife, third sister-in-law, and several other sisters are here. Don't make a fuss."

Members from the other branches of the Lin family in Jiang Qian also came, but they weren't considered close family members. They chose not to join the gathering.

Lin Yunjiao stuck out her tongue and whispered, "I'm just happy."

Madam Zheng advised her, "The happier you are, the more you need to pay attention to your manners and status!" Madam Zheng explained, "In the royal family, the selection of consorts doesn't solely consider family background but also looks and conduct. Your behavior outside should differ from that at home."

Lin Yunjiao blushed, saying, "I understand."

She immediately became more restrained, not glancing around as much. However, her eyes still subtly surveyed the courtyard of Prince Huan's Mansion.

"Mother, if the Prince Mansion is like this, how grand must the imperial palace be..." She really wanted to experience and witness it.

Madam Zheng was also somewhat excited but uncertain, "Who knows!" She added, "It's a pity your father narrowly missed the imperial examination; otherwise, if he had participated in the palace examination, we could have heard about it."

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Lin Yunjiao smirked and whispered, "Even if father can't see it, this daughter might! I'll make sure to tell Mother once I see it."

This made Madam Zheng squint her eyes in amusement.

Behind the mother and daughter, several servants from the Lin Mansion stood.

Following behind the servants, Xiruo watched the mother and daughter whispering. She turned to Linyun Wan and said, "I wonder what Madam and Miss are talking about."

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly, "You can guess."

It wasn't just Madam Zheng and Miss Lin Yunjiao; the aristocratic families and officials' families they encountered upon entering the door were no different. It was merely a matter of how well they hid their conversations, unlike those who were less discreet.

Xiruo understood as well.

It seemed that the prince was indeed a highly sought-after figure!

Before reaching the flower hall, a tall stage was set up in the garden, surrounded by meticulous arrangements. The seating area for the women was sheltered from the wind, with tables and chairs neatly arranged.

The leading maid, bowing respectfully, said, "This is the place to enjoy the opera. Madam Wang and Aunt are in the flower hall."

Lin Yunjiao, unfamiliar with the affairs of the Prince Mansion, turned to Madam Zheng and asked, "Mother, who is Madam Wang? And who is Aunt?"

Madam Zheng didn't know either, but she could make a guess.

"Since the prince hasn't married yet, the affairs in the mansion are definitely managed by a matron sent from the palace. Most likely, it's Madam Wang," she speculated.

Her guess was correct. This Madam Wang was indeed Qi Lingheng's wet nurse, who came along with Jiang Qian.

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"Aunt is probably the fifth wife of the Zhao family, the fifth aunt-in-law to the prince," Madam Zheng explained.

Zhao Jingyi's wife.

Lin Yunjiao whispered, "So, these two are the prince's actual family members in Jiang Qian's palace!"

Madam Zheng nodded and said, "It depends on the status of that Madam Wang. She might be even closer to the prince than his aunt."

Lin Yunjiao nodded, determined to show her face in front of Madam Wang later. After all, she was a person from the palace!

Madam Lin, the matriarch of the Lin family, led the group into the flower hall to pay respects to the host. As expected, Madam Wang and Madam Zhao were jointly hosting today's banquet. The flower hall was adorned with various plum blossoms elegantly arranged in vases, creating a splendid Plum Blossom Feast.

Given the large number of people from the Lin family, Madam Wang and Madam Zhao only exchanged brief greetings with the mistresses, not engaging in much conversation with the young ladies. Lin Yunjiao, feeling anxious, hurriedly followed her older sisters, afraid she might miss her turn. 

"Respectfully greeting Madam Wang and Madam Zhao," she said as she stepped forward.

Lin Yunwan stood at the far end, and it wasn't her turn to say anything. Xiruo, lowering her head, whispered, "The Second Miss is impatient to show off..."

Lin Yunwan didn't take it to heart. In such a situation, Madam Wang could see who was who. Whether she stood out or not didn't matter much; it was better for Lin Yunjiao not to cause trouble for the Lin family.

Fortunately, there was Madam Zheng to restrain her.

After acknowledging the greetings with a polite "Hello, young ladies," Madam Wang and Madam Zhao didn't pay much attention to Lin Yunjiao.

Lin Yunjiao looked somewhat proud, but Madam Zheng pulled her back, not allowing her to attract too much attention.

Soon, a servant approached with a smiling face, saying, "Madam and ladies, please follow this servant."

Guiding the Lin family members to their seats, Xiruo sighed in relief, saying, "At least nothing troublesome happened."

Lin Yunwan found it somewhat amusing. "Madam is a domineering figure within the family. She wouldn't dare to cause trouble outside. The Second Miss is still quite young, but she can also read the situation." 

Outside, the atmosphere was not as lawless as it was in the Lin residence.

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Xiruo paused and said, "If the family wasn't divided, the Second Miss wouldn't dare to act recklessly in front of the main and third branches."

Who could argue with that!

Due to the family split and Lin Huabin's excessive indulgence towards his wife and daughters, they had become accustomed to dominating the Lin residence without any restraint.

The Lin family took their seats in front of the stage.

People from the third branch had all arrived, and their numbers were quite substantial.

However, the status of Prince Huan's mansion and the Prince's consort was truly tempting. It wasn't just the Lin family; people from other mansions also brought their young daughters and prospective daughters-in-law to broaden their horizons. Several square tables were arranged to accommodate them.

"Will Prince Huan come to the backyard?"

"I don't think so. If the Prince has social engagements in the front yard, how could he find the time?"

The ladies chatted away, while the young daughters-in-law and girls dared not interject, discreetly eavesdropping on the conversation.

They were all eager to catch a glimpse of Prince Huan!

Observing the surroundings, Lin Yunwan felt that it was unlikely to see him today. Well, that was fine too. When the Prince's mansion was bustling with people and adorned with flowers, she didn't need to join in on that excitement.

"Have you heard about the affair between the Wu Ding Marquis Mansion in the capital and the legitimate daughter of the Lin family from Qingliu?" one woman asked, shifting the topic to other interesting gossip in the absence of Prince Huan.

However, nothing was more captivating than the affair at the Wuding Marquis Mansion!

"I've heard something about it, but I'm not sure about the specific details. What have you heard?" asked another person.

Coughing discreetly, the informant lowered their voice and shared, "The heir of the Wu Ding Marquis Mansion, due to his infatuation with a concubine, attempted to murder his wife to seize the title. Later, he repeated the same mistake, and the legitimate daughter of the Lin family was burned alive by a concubine! It's truly tragic!"

A wave of sympathetic murmurs followed.

"Doesn't the Lian family from Qingliu have a Prime Minister in their family?" inquired someone.

"Who do you think it is? None other than the Prince's mentor!"

Amidst the bustling noises from all directions...

Lin Yunwan's grip on the tea cup tightened slightly. She hadn't expected that even in this distant place, she would still hear about her own affairs.

"So, what's the current situation at the Wu Ding Marquis Mansion? Engaging in such crimes, he should be imprisoned!" someone inquired.

Turning her head, Lin Yunwan glanced over with curiosity, eager to know the subsequent developments.

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