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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 124: 

A Slap! 


The maidservant accidentally hurt Lin Yunjiao's scalp, causing her to drop the hairpin in her hand. She was on the verge of hitting the maidservant. The maidservant, frightened, knelt down, almost in tears, saying, "Miss, it was not intentional!"

"Enough, get up quickly and help me with my hair. I'm going to see my mother!" 

The maidservant was puzzled. Miss didn't punish her?

Lin Yunjiao was very impatient, saying, "What are you still staring at?"

The maidservant said, "Yes... I'll be right there."

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She then proceeded to comb her mistress's hair.

Lin Yunjiao admired herself in the mirror, growing more satisfied with her appearance. She wore the latest fashionable patterns from Jiang Qian, and the hairpin on her head was adorned with rubies, a valuable piece of jewelry from her mother. It was said that her father had given it to her mother when they first got married, and now it adorned her head.

"Humph, a wild girl from the countryside, what does she have to compare with me!" Lin Yunjiao was in a very good mood. After finishing her grooming, she stepped out into the courtyard, and it was already late.

"Never mind, I won't go to pay respects to Mother. I'll go directly to the Second Gate and wait. You go and tell Mother for me." This was the first time the Lin family was going to the Prince's mansion, and it was her first time too. Being late might leave a bad impression on the Prince. "Understood."

A little maid left, leaving five maids and several older women escorting Lin Yunjiao to the Second Gate. Soon, she saw someone she shouldn't have seen.

"Who is that..."

Lin Yunjiao involuntarily slowed her pace. With her slender neck and shoulders, and a graceful figure, she exuded an extraordinary aura. Her attire was also exceptionally luxurious!

Approaching for a closer look, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Indeed, it was that country girl!

"How is this possible..."

The country girl should be wearing ill-fitting clothes! 

How could she be dressed more elegantly than her?

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Lin Yunjiao was filled with anger and questioned loudly, "Country girl, where did you get these clothes?" 

Lin Yunwan turned to look at Lin Yunjiao, then glanced at her own attire, and calmly said, "You're acting out of place."

"You dare talk to me about being out of place?"

Lin Yunjiao was infuriated. "This is my home. What gives you the right to talk to me about status!"

She clenched her handkerchief, and her anger surged when she saw the clothes on Xiruo. "You... you..."

She looked at the fabric on her own clothes again. Although the weaving technique and fabric color were different, the material was the same!

How dare a mere servant wear the same fabric as her master! How could this happen!

"I gave you my old clothes... You should be wearing what I don't want..."

Where did her old clothes go?

Lin Yunjiao finally noticed that the clothes that were supposed to be worn by that wild girl ended up on the maids!

"How dare you, Lin Yunwan! You actually dare to degrade me to the level of a maid!"

Unable to contain her anger, Lin Yunjiao glared at her chief maid and scolded, "Are you all blind? Take their clothes off immediately!"

The second-ranked maids were a bit afraid of their mistress, but the senior maids were used to being overbearing alongside her.

Two senior maids rushed forward, targeting the junior maids around Lin Yunwan.

Advancing confidently, Xiruo seized one wrist from each of the senior maids in her hands and sneered, "Stripping the clothes of a young lady? Do you want to experience the consequences as well?"

With a surprising strength, she exerted force casually, causing the two senior maids to kneel on the ground in pain.

"This is a rebellion! How dare maids defy their mistress!" Lin Yunjiao ordered other maids and the accompanying mamas, angrily saying, "Bring her to me!"

Five or six people joined forces, and Xiruo delivered a slap to each of them.

The slaps echoed loudly on their faces, and each one fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Some fell genuinely, while others... pretended to fall.

The scene was extremely ugly. 

Xiruo shook her head, "..." 

Not a single one could retaliate. 

Lin Yunjiao was dumbfounded, looking at the maids and servants on the ground, continuously stepping back.

"Wild servant girl, your maid has too much audacity! This is the Lin Residence! Not the countryside!" 

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She was on the verge of tears, saying fiercely, "I will make sure father beats her to death!"

Xiruo stood by Lin Yunwan's side, not making a move.

Beating her to death...

It all depended on whether Lin Huabin had the courage.

Lin Yunwan, feeling tired from standing, took a step forward and said, "Miss Yunjiao, if you continue causing a scene, you might not make it to the Prince's Mansion."

She glanced at Lin Yunjiao's carefully chosen outfit for the day, a clear display of great effort.

Lin Yunjiao was indeed frightened.

She wasn't afraid of the wild servant girl but feared missing the banquet at the Prince's Mansion.

Outside the second gate, a maid came in and said, "Miss, the sedan chair is ready. Master is waiting outside."

At the sight of the chaotic scene inside, the maid exclaimed, "Oh my," and was utterly shocked.

Ignoring Lin Yunjiao, Lin Yunwan, along with Xiruo and her own maids, told the servant, "Let's go."

Two sedan chairs outside took them to the side gate, where they switched to a carriage for their journey to the Prince's Mansion.

Xiruo opened the door curtain of the sedan chair, saying, "Miss, please get in."

Lin Yunwan bent down and sat inside the carriage, arriving first at the side gate. 

Madam Zheng, who hadn't slept well the previous night, arrived late. She hurried to the side gate and, seeing the distressed expressions of her daughter's maids, asked in surprise, "What happened?"

Unable to hold back her tears, Lin Yunjiao rushed into Madam Zheng's arms, saying, "Mother, her maids are wearing my old clothes and even hit my maids!"

Madam Zheng was speechless. After all these years as the mistress of the household, it was the first time someone had dared to strike her daughter's face!

"Outrageous! Where is she?" 

Lin Yunjiao pouted and said, "She said if we kept causing a scene, it would delay us from going to the Prince's residence, so she left first." 

Madam Zheng regained her composure. She said coldly, "That reasoning makes sense. Let's go to the banquet first. When we return, I'll personally teach that uncultured wild girl a lesson!"

"Alright, hurry back and wash your face."

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Lin Yunjiao nodded but noticed that her mother's face didn't look right. 

"Mom, why are your eyes swollen? Did you... cry last night?" She couldn't speak openly in front of the servants, so her voice was low. 

Madam Zheng tightly held Lin Yunjiao's hand and said, "Mom is fine." 

Lin Yunjiao harbored a deep hatred for Lin Yunwan. Daring to bully her and even bullying her mother, Lin Yunjiao wouldn't let the wild girl off! If she truly became Princess Huan, she would make her father personally slap the wild girl's face! Let's see how arrogant the wild girl would be then.

The two carriages from the Lin family approached Prince Huan's mansion.

In the carriage, Xiruo said to Lin Yunwan, "The Lin family is also quite turbulent."

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly, "Which family's mansion is truly peaceful?"

She had been in charge of the household for many years and had witnessed the scenes in many noble residences. There were very few households that could be considered peaceful.

Lin Yunwan remarked, "Master can handle Madam and the Second Miss in major matters; it's just the minor issues that can be somewhat annoying." But she could manage those as well.

Xiruo nodded, then suddenly smiled and said, "Miss, when we go to Prince Huan's residence today, will we get to see the Prince?"

Lin Yunwan's eyes gleamed slightly.

"I don't know," she replied. She held the congratulatory gift prepared for him. Due to the haste, she could only write a few words, scented it with her own blend, and presented it to him.

"Even if we can't meet, my sincerity has been conveyed," she remarked.

However, Xiruo insisted, "It would be better if you could meet the Prince. He should be aware of the matters concerning the Lin family."

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  1. The Lin's second branch will fall for sure.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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