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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 123: 

 Hit the Ground Running

"Enough, stop crying in the middle of the night!" Lin Huabin had a headache.

Tomorrow, he had to attend a banquet at Prince Huan's mansion, he had to interact with powerful people, and he just wanted to rest well tonight.

Madam Zheng didn't give in, crying with pear blossoms and rain[1]: "You don't have me and Jiao'er in your heart at all!"

"You talk about husband and wife being of one heart, that we don't hide anything from each other. But you secretly kept so many family belongings behind my back!"

"Today, you're doing this for your eldest daughter, and who knows what you'll be up to tomorrow, gallivanting around!"

The more Zheng spoke, the more heartbroken she became. "No... I'm afraid I won't even wait until tomorrow. Maybe before that, you'll..."

"I-I was truly blind! I wasted years of my life waiting for you, hoping for death and living in misery!"

"Do you forget how you swore to me?"

Lin Huabin felt extremely helpless. He could only wear a bitter expression and say, "Those things aren't from my private stash."

"Don't lie to me! So many things, were they conjured out of thin air?"

Lin Huabin responded, "Those are part of Yunwan's mother's dowry."

He glanced at Madam Zheng and continued, "I kept a portion of it. Since Yunwan has returned, I gave it to her first. It's better for her to have something in her hands, so people won't gossip about her having nothing. Don't forget, on both sides, there's still Eldest Brother and Third Brother's families living nearby. Many people are watching our household."

It was part of that girl's dead mother's dowry?

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Zheng Shi stopped crying.

She wiped her tears and said, "Didn't you say that all of her dowry... Why did you secretly keep a part of it?"

Lin Huabin looked at her coldly and asked, "What do you think?"

Madam Zheng felt a pang of guilt.

She whispered, "Even so, you shouldn't have kept it from me!"

Lin Huabin snorted disdainfully.

Just as Zheng Shi began to calm down, she pulled a serious face and said, "Wait, don't try to fool me! My people checked, and those were not old items from over a decade ago! The fabrics are fashionable, how could it be...?"

Lin Huabin interrupted her, "Some of the old things were no longer usable after all these years. I had them exchanged for new ones, and I didn't spend a penny. It not only prevents gossip, but also saves us trouble. Isn't that good?"

It seemed to make sense.

Madam Zheng had some inexplicable suspicions but couldn't pinpoint what was wrong. Lin Huabin took advantage of the situation, sitting beside Madam Zheng and comforting her, "In my heart, you and Yunjiao are always the most important. You know what I've done for you both over the years."

"The Old Madam has separated herself from me because of this. What else do you want me to do?"

When it came to this, Madam Zheng felt guilty. She said softly, "I'm just afraid that you don't have us in your heart..."

"How could that be!"

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Lin Huabin recalled his childhood, saying, "I'm the second son in the family. The eldest brother is the legitimate heir, and the third brother is the youngest and most favored. I was stuck in the middle, neither here nor there... Only you didn't despise me and cared for me."

In a family with three legitimate sons, he was the least favored. However, Madam Zheng had wholeheartedly loved him, a happiness that even his biological mother couldn't provide!

Lin Huabin's heart was also sweet like toffee. Zheng Shi spoke gently, "As long as you understand this concubine's intentions, it's good."

Lin Huabin smiled. A beautiful and charming wife, a lovely daughter – he was content. Zheng Shi sighed, "But I worry that our darling daughter will be heartbroken..."

Lin Huabin said, "At times, our darling is too willful. You need to teach her a lesson."

Madam Zheng, feeling distressed, said, "How much longer can our darling stay at home? If you don't cherish her, who else will?"

Lin Huabin was willing to keep his daughter with him for a lifetime, but it had to be done properly! After hesitating for a while, he finally compromised.

Madam Zheng smiled, "Master, how about..." 


Lin Huabin raised an eyebrow.

What else did she have in mind?

Madam Zheng suggested, "How about giving Yunwan's things to our darling? That way, she won't be upset. I can take care of Yunwan's needs separately..."

But Lin Huabin immediately refused, "No!"

Lin Huabin pushed away Madam Zheng, stood with his hands behind his back, and sternly said, "Don't even think about taking Yunwan's things!" 

Those were gifts from Zhao Jingyi. If they appeared on his daughter, and Zhao Jingyi found out... they would be in trouble! 

However, Madam Zheng's heart sank. 

Fine, he said that she and their daughter came first, but he couldn't bear to see Yunwan suffer even a little! 

"Husband, you explain it to our daughter tomorrow! I just can't bring myself to tell her—I can't stand seeing you favor Yunwan so much!" 

She turned her head away, expressing her displeasure!

"You!" Lin Huabin swept his sleeves and left. "Making a scene for no reason!" 

He had social obligations to attend to tomorrow; he didn't have the energy to argue with Madam Zheng here! 

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Madam Zheng thought Lin Huabin wouldn't leave, waited for a while, and couldn't help but follow him out. He had indeed left! 

She turned back into the room, covering her face, and burst into tears.

Fan Mama came in to console, "Madam, you have to take Miss Lin to the Prince Huan's Mansion tomorrow. Stop crying now."

Madam Zheng wiped away her tears and went to bed, reminding herself not to let small matters disrupt larger plans.


The next day.

Lin Yunwan got ready and planned to go with the maidservants to pay respects to Madam Zheng. Fan Mama had arrived earlier and advised, "Miss Lin, don't go now. Wait at the second gate; Madam will come over shortly."

No need to pay respects? Lin Yunwan found it strange. Why would Madam Zheng miss the chance to test her? Fan Mama left in a hurry, unwilling to elaborate.

Xiruo also felt that something was off. She asked, "Why does Fan Mama look like she's seen a ghost? What is she afraid of?"

Lin Yunwan thought for a moment and then smiled, "Perhaps she's afraid that Yunjiao will see me."

It seemed that Lin Huabin couldn't completely control Madam Zheng!

Xiruo, upon hearing this, glanced at Lin Yunwan's attire. She was dressed in a short jacket made of luxurious brocade, paired with a coordinated skirt. Her long hair was elegantly tied at the back of her head, adorned with a jade hairpin. Delicate pearls adorned her fair earlobes. The outfit was simple yet luxurious, vibrant, and charming.

Wherever she went, she stood out effortlessly.

"If Miss Yun Jiao sees you, she might get all worked up," remarked Xiruo, standing by Lin Yunwan's side. "I'll make sure to protect you."

This way, they hoped to prevent any untoward actions from Lin Yunjiao. Lin Huabin seemed unable to fully control Madam Zheng and the second miss, so Lin Yunwan instructed Xiruo, "When the time comes, you know what to do."

Xiruo smiled and nodded, saying, "Certainly!"

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[1] "Crying with pear blossoms and rain": is a poetic expression used to describe someone crying beautifully or sorrowfully. It suggests a scene where the tears fall like raindrops in the midst of a melancholic or emotional moment, drawing a poetic comparison to the beauty of pear blossoms and the sadness of rain. It's a figurative and artistic way of describing someone's tears and the emotional intensity of their crying.

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  1. Lin Huabin is Lu Zhengliu's older twin? Another brainless man. I bet the first wife was poisoned too.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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