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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 122: 


"Old Master, Madam sent Miss Yunjiao's clothes for me to wear. All of Miss Yunjiao's clothes are too small for me; I really can't wear them."

Lin Yunwan was straightforward, heading to Lin Huabin's study without beating around the bush. Lin Huabin blushed at first, but seeing Lin Yunwan's calm and candid demeanor, he couldn't help but smile.

He apologized, "It's my oversight. Little niece, don't take it to heart. It just so happens that I need to talk to you. Your father left some things for you."

"Left things for me?" Ling Yunwan was slightly surprised.

Zhao Jingyi sent someone to bring her here and took care of matters at the Lin Mansion for her. She was already immensely grateful! 

And now, he even left something for her? 

Lin Huabin took out two booklets, saying, "Niece, take a look. There are too many things, and I originally wanted to wait until the household staff finished counting them. But my wife...” He paused for a moment, deciding to give them to the pseudo-daughter in front of him. 

The household was already in turmoil, so he might as well give them to Yunwan earlier to prevent her from suffering any grievances in the Lin family.

Lin Yunwan took the scrolls and glanced through them. The thick scrolls listed not only some gold and silver jewelry but also many everyday utensils, including pots, bowls, ladles, and basins! Of course, these were not the kind used by country folks but rather silver and jade items found in wealthy households.

Would Zhao Jingyi be so meticulous? 

She held the booklets in a daze... Was this the intention of the Prince?

In other words, were all these items given to her by the Prince? 

Lin Yunwan was greatly astonished.

Because of the Prince's assistance, she already felt indebted to him. Her father had only taught the Prince for a few years, and he had been gone for so long. How could she bear such a heavy favor from the Prince?

How could she accept the Prince's money again? 

This was different from the life-saving favor granted by the Prince; they were two different matters.

"What's wrong? Does my niece find anything inappropriate in the items listed in the scrolls?"

Lin Huabin had already looked through the booklets and knew what items were listed in them. He speculated that these were the belongings she used outside before, and they were moved to the Lin family intact.

If there were any issues, she would surely notice at a glance.

Speaking to himself with a lowered brow, Lin Huabin said, "I received these booklets not long ago, and I handed them over to you as they were. There shouldn't be any problems..."

Lin Yunwan quickly closed the booklets and said, "There's no problem. Uncle, you've been thoughtful."

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Lin Huabin smiled, "That's good, then."

"Inside, there are also fine fabrics and clothing. The banquets at Prince Huan's residence are not ordinary, so wear the best ones first. Uncle has naturally prepared something for you, just afraid it can't compare to your father's generosity. Niece, don't be disappointed."

Lin Yunwan smiled, "How could I?"

Lin Huabin was always very polite. He smiled, "Uncle will have someone deliver them to your courtyard right away."

Lin Yunwan expressed her gratitude and seemed a bit hesitant, "Madam's side..."

Wouldn't Madam and her daughter be furious if those things were delivered to her residence, Bi Xi Tang? 

Lin Huabin awkwardly replied, "...Rest assured, I'll handle it. Madam won't say anything."

That was the best outcome. Their marital affairs were something they could manage on their own.

Lin Yunwan then said, "I'll take my leave."

Lin Huabin nodded and sent his own people to keep an eye on the front yard where the items were being moved.

In the twilight, valuable items flowed into the Bi Xi Tang like a stream. The originally elegant courtyard suddenly became luxurious with sandalwood screens embroidered with Suzhou silk, sandalwood tables and chairs, as well as agate, jade, and green tourmaline jewelry.

Finally, there was a piece of paper with Lin Huabin's sentiments.

This part was relatively thin, but it wasn't because Lin Huabin was not generous enough. It was just that the Duke had been overly extravagant!

"Young lady, there are ready-made clothes now. All brand new."

The clothes sent by the Duke were not tailored to fit Linyun Wan's body precisely, but they were close enough. She would definitely be able to wear them, unlike Lin Yunjiao's old clothes, which were ill-fitting.

Xiruo asked Lin Yunwan to try on the clothes.

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Indeed, when Lin Yunwan put them on, they fit perfectly. Xiruo touched the fabric on her and commented, "I've never touched satin like this before."

This was a rare and expensive weaving technique known as "kesi."

Due to its high cost, there was only one such item among all the things sent. Lin Yunwan also understood that, although the Duke could afford as many as needed, she was now a lady of the Lin family and couldn't dress more lavishly than the mistress. That would raise suspicions.

Xiruo found several more garments among the items Lin Huabin had provided and said, "These clothes are made of the same fabric as Miss Lin Yunjiaos old ones."

However, these few pieces were brand new, indicating that Lin Huabin truly valued her. At the very least, he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Lin Yunwan asked, "Xiruo, do you like them?"

Xiruo compared them against her body and smiled, saying, "I like them."

Lin Yunwan smiled and said, "Besides the ones that fit me, feel free to choose any of the others, including those sent by the Prince."

Xiruo looked at the clothes in the box and shook her head, saying, "I can't wear so many."

Lin Yunwan made the decision for her, "On the way here, both of us lived very frugally. Now that we have settled down, don't treat yourself poorly. Take three ready-made outfits and choose a few pieces of fabric to bring back. Have the maids in the sewing room make you a few more outfits."

Xiruo hesitated but didn't object. She knew that in serving Lin Yunwan, she would need practical clothes, such as armor and trousers, which required personal tailoring.

"I'll have them store these in the storage room of Bi Xi Tang."


Lin Yunwan changed into comfortable clothes and immersed herself in reading. Life in the Lin family was quite leisurely, and she had plenty of time for her books.

Xiruo went outside to the back house, designated as the storage room, and supervised the maids and servants as they moved the items. She was strict with them, fearing any accidental damage. "Be careful!"

Her voice was deep and resonant when she lowered it, and coupled with her sturdy physique, the young maids knew she possessed some strength. They didn't dare disobey her commands.

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While Xirou was supervising, the sky darkened, and lamps were lit in the Lin residence. Bi Xi Hall was also illuminated, casting a bright light in the storage room.

After toiling until it was pitch dark, Xiruo finally returned to the main hall and said to Lin Yunwan, "Miss, everything has been sorted out meticulously, not a single item missing."

Lin Yunwan smiled and replied, "Thank you for your hard work."

Xiruo intended to hand over the scrolls, but Lin Yunwan said, "Keep the scrolls and the key to the storage room for me."

These were personal belongings of a young miss! Lin Yunwan trusted her so much.

Xiruo smiled and nodded, "Yes." She poured tea and whispered to Lin Yunwan, "Miss, it seems there might be a quarrel in the main courtyard tonight."

Lin Yunwan accepted the tea cup, now part of a new set with glazed fish playing among lotus leaves.

She calmly said, "Blame it on me."

Even if it was the real Miss Lin who returned, being a legitimate daughter left behind by the original wife, it was too narrow-minded for the stepmother to treat her worse than a maid!

As expected from what Xiruo mentioned, there was a loud quarrel in the main courtyard.


The maids dared not enter to attend, nor did they dare to leave. From a distance, they could hear the sound of a large vase being smashed inside.

Madam Zheng was crying with her head on the table, "You're so good! You've been secretly accumulating a private treasury behind my back! You keep saying that your heart is only for us, mother and daughter, but all the good things are given to that wicked girl's daughter!"

She turned the tables, "Back then—back then—I shouldn't have listened to you and sent her to the countryside. Were you afraid that I would mistreat her?"

"You made good plans for your daughter!" 

Lin Huabin rubbed his temples, "What's this all about!" 

He valued Madam Zheng and Jiao'er, which is why he allowed his eldest daughter to go to the countryside. Madam Zheng didn't know that his eldest daughter had already passed away! 

When he received the news of his eldest daughter's death, he felt a twinge of heartache. He endured it for the sake of her and their daughter!

He was afraid that Madam Zheng would blame herself, so he never explicitly told her about the death of their eldest daughter. Yet, she still seemed not to understand his sacrifices!

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