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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 121: 

New Clothes 

Madam Zheng, dissatisfied, said, "Since Master has specifically mentioned it, if I overtly mistreat her, won't Master be angry?"

Fan Mama inquired, "So, what do you mean?"

Madam Zheng smiled, "We still need to maintain appearances. But with Duke Huan's mansion hosting the banquet so soon, how can the seamstress have time to make two sets of clothes? Naturally, she'll start with my precious Jiao!"

Fan Mama's eyes brightened, "Exactly, Master won't have anything to say!"

After all, the eldest Miss was not favored. If only one set of clothes could be made, Master would certainly prioritize having the seamstress make them for the second Miss. 

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"But what will the eldest Miss wear for the occasion?"

Madam Zheng pulled the corners of her mouth and said, "Jiao's discarded clothes are still quite new. Why can't she wear them? Just find a few for her from Jiao's collection and let her choose."

"She's from the countryside and hasn't seen many good things. Giving her a few good clothes to choose from, she'll be dazzled!"

Fan Mama was a bit concerned, "But what if the clothes for the second Miss are too small..."

Madam Zheng sneered, "Too fitting, and won't she be very comfortable then?"

She preferred the clothes not to fit perfectly.

Fan Mama immediately understood and said with a smile, "This servant will go to the Second Miss's courtyard to ask for clothes."

She went to Lin Yunjiao's courtyard. Lin Yunjiao was busy choosing jewelry to take to the Prince Huan's residence. Her jewelry box couldn't contain them all, but she still hadn't found what she truly liked.

She scolded the maids, "I've said I want new ones, I want new ones!"

The maids replied nervously, "Miss, new ones can't be made in a short while."

The items sold in ordinary shops were simply not up to her standards! Either she found the craftsmanship lacking, or she thought the gemstones and pearls were not precious enough.

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Lin Yunjiao sat in front of her vanity, feeling frustrated as she glanced left and right.

... It wasn't a problem with the jewelry; she felt it was an issue with her face.

An annoying face appeared in her mind – that legitimate sister from the countryside. Why did she have to look even the tiniest bit better than her!

It was that tiny bit that she couldn't tolerate!


Lin Yunwan also has to go to Prince Huan's Mansion with her. If Prince Huan sees both of them at the same time... This feeling is really annoying.

"Fan Mama is here." A maid whispered.

Lin Yunjiao said impatiently, "If she's here, she's here."

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Fan Mama came in, lifting the curtain with a smile, and explained her purpose, "Miss, I came to ask you for a few old clothes."

Lin Yunjiao frowned, "Why do you want my old clothes?!"

She had a mountain of old clothes, but they weren't something she would casually give away.

Fan Mama explained, "Miss just returned to the mansion and doesn't have clothes to wear. Since she's going to Prince Huan's Mansion for the banquet, Madam said to take your clothes first..."

"Dream on!"

林云娇 was furious, glaring at Mrs. Fan, "Why should she use my clothes? I'll tell you, she almost caused me not to be born. Now, she returns, and the first thing she wants is to snatch my things? Impossible!"

She felt a bit hurt, "Dad doted on her, and now Mom does too. What am I, then?"

Fan Mama hurriedly explained, "Miss, Miss, it's not like that!"

Lin Yunjiao was on the verge of tears, "Dad dotes on her, and now Mom does too. What am I, then?"

Fan Mama gestured to the maids, "Everyone, leave the room."

After sending them away, Fan Mama finally told Lin Yunjiao the truth, "Madam simply doesn't want Miss Lin Yunwan to overshadow you. Do you understand?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yunjiao stopped crying.

Lin Yunjiao generously said, "The clothes and shoes I don't want are in that box. You can pick for yourself."

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Fan Mama went to rummage through the box, and the fabrics felt quite good in her hands. Although the Second Miss was picky and never wore ordinary fabrics like the Madam, it was a pity that the clothes were too small. If the Eldest Miss wore them, it would definitely be uncomfortable and restrict her movements.

When Mrs. Fan left, she reassured Lin Yunjiao, "Once people wear uncomfortable clothes, their demeanor suffers, and they appear fidgety and petty, even if they're like fairies. For a prestigious family like the Jiang clan, who would bother giving a second glance to such a legitimate daughter? Second Miss, rest assured, the eldest Miss is there to set off your presence."

Lin Yunjiao smiled and said, "I love hearing that." Her attitude changed dramatically, "Hurry, take them to let her choose."

On the evening before the banquet, Fan Mama brought the old clothes to the Bi Xi Tang. It was her idea, and she told Madam Zheng, "We have to wait until it's almost too late; only then will the eldest Miss have no choice. If she willingly decides not to go, that would be the best!"

Madam Zheng nodded, "I hope you can deliver it early tomorrow morning." That would truly catch her off guard.

Fan Mama hesitated, "You can't let the Master have anything to say about it."

Madam Zheng reluctantly allowed Fan Mama to send the clothes over.

"Miss, your return was so sudden, we really didn't have time to prepare for you. These are all clothes that the Second Miss usually hesitates to wear. Please pick the ones you like to wear first. After the banquet at Huan Prince's residence, Madam will have new ones made for you. Your measurements are all taken, and within half a month, you'll have new clothes to wear."

Fan Mama thought these words could easily deceive Lin Yunwan.

"Xiruo, bring them over for her to see."

Lin Yunwan remained calm. As Xiruo unfolded the clothes, it became evident that they were not the right size for Lin Yunwan.

She gave Fan Mama a stern look. 

Fan Mama, still smiling, responded, "I've delivered the items, so I'll take my leave now. If Miss needs anything else, just inform Madam."

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Though she said this with a smile, her thoughts were unclear about how to handle the situation. 

Lin Yunwan had encountered many people like her before. Lin Yunwan calmly said, "You may leave now."

Fan Mama felt a bit uncomfortable. What did she mean by "leave"?

The tone of Lin Yunwan's speech resembled that of Madam! Fan Mama thought that this miss really failed to recognize her own status—just an unfavored legitimate daughter. Just because she had a sharp tongue didn't mean she could act like the mistress in front of servants!

Fan Mama forced a stiff smile and complied, "Yes."

Then she withdrew.

Seeing Fan Mama walk away, Xiruo rolled her eyes. She exclaimed, "In my opinion, she deserved a slap or two!"

Lin Yunwan smiled and replied, "Certainly, but not now." She looked at the clothes in Xiruo's hands.

Xiruo asked, "Miss, what should we do with these clothes? They don't fit you."

Lin Yunwan replied, "These are still good fabrics. Give them to a few maids who have served well." Xiruo looked puzzled, "But what will you wear?"

Lin Yunwan stood up and said, "Let's wear new ones." She went to find Lin Huabin directly.

Lin Yunwan said, "I won't let us be treated unfairly here. If the lord sent me, he must have made proper arrangements. I can't control how Madam Zheng and Lin Yunjiao think, but I want to feel comfortable. Let's go."

Xiruo followed, mumbling, "Us?"

It seems that the young miss is planning to have new clothes made for her too. Following the young miss is indeed a good thing!

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  1. I don't think Jiao will wear new clothes.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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