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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 120: 

Madam Tailor 

"Young Miss, Prince Huan has sent invitations to Lin Mansion, inviting the people from our mansion to visit Prince Huan's residence."

Xiruo went out to fetch water in the morning and heard the servants talking about it. She immediately carried the water bucket back to Bi Xi Tang.

Lifting her head with a smile, Lin Yunwan set aside the book and asked, "When is it?"

Xiruo also smiled, "It seems to be in five days."

Lin Yunwan thought for a moment and said, "Prince Huan's arrival in Jiang Qian must have caused quite a stir. Hosting a banquet for the prominent families of Jiang Qian and local officials in just five days is not an easy task."

Having spent her entire life in the inner chambers, she understood such matters well.

Xiruo didn't fully understand, but when Lin Yunwan explained, she grasped the situation. She casually remarked, "If only Prince Huan had a wife to manage the inner chambers for him, things wouldn't be so chaotic!"

Indeed, how could an inner chamber function without a mistress, especially in a prestigious household like the prince's?

Lin Yunwan, who used to pay little attention to the affairs of the outer court, felt indebted to the prince for his kindness. She asked Xiruo, "Have you always been by the prince's side? Do you know why he has never taken a princess?"

Shaking her head, Xiruo replied, "This servant does not know."

"Although this servant assists the prince occasionally and serves in the prince's mansion, I don't personally attend to the prince," Xiruo explained. Now serving Lin Yunwan, she revealed some of Qi Lingheng's private matters. "Miss, there has never been a personal servant attending to the prince. Eunuchs have always been the ones serving him."

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"As for why the prince hasn't married, this servant truly doesn't know. But this servant does know that the prince has argued with the empress over this matter many times, and the empress has even thrown a few tantrums," Xiruo continued.

Lin Yunwan was surprised by this revelation about Prince Huan's audacity!

It is said that the royal family is heartless, prioritizing loyalty to the emperor over family ties. Prince Huan dared to defy the emperor, indicating that the emperor indeed favored the empress as rumored. This affection extended to Lin Yunwan, allowing her to handle her own marital matters according to her whims. Even in such significant matters as marriage, the emperor indulged Lin Yunwan and let her follow her own inclinations.

Observing Lin Yunwan deep in thought, Xiruo worried that she might misunderstand. She whispered, "Miss, don't misunderstand. The prince isn't ill. He simply doesn't want to get married, claiming he can't find a suitable noble lady in the capital. The prince is just used to having things his way. There's nothing anyone can do when he is determined not to do something."

Lin Yunwan's ears turned slightly red. She hadn't mentioned any illness concerning the prince.

Curious, she asked, "How do you know about the prince...?"

Although it wasn't appropriate to inquire into the prince's private matters, the conversation had taken an intriguing turn.

Xiruo was straightforward, "Everyone in the mansion knows. One year, the emperor suspected the prince... He sent several imperial physicians consecutively to check the prince's pulse. If it were just one physician, it would have been fine, but with multiple physicians asking the same questions, the prince became suspicious."

"When the imperial physicians came again, the prince got angry and dismissed them," Xiruo continued. In the intricate web of the capital's imperial family affairs, news spread rapidly, reaching every corner of the city within a day.

"Not only I know about it, but many others are aware too," Xiruo added cautiously.

Lin Yunwan was lost in thought. During that time, she was already married to the Marquis of Wuding, and naturally, she wouldn't be concerned with the affairs of external men. The prince's private matters were something she hadn't heard of.

Xiruo spoke carefully, "Miss, you must have heard about the Crown Prince's health. He is not only frail but also hasn't produced any offspring until now, indicating a high likelihood of infertility."

This revelation about the Crown Prince's condition hinted at the delicate and intricate nature of the imperial family's internal dynamics.

If the Crown Prince were to pass away one day, the one to succeed him would be the Huan Prince, born of the empress. The court was highly concerned about his health, and although it was a private matter, it was challenging to keep such things hidden.

Continuing, Xiruo added, "That's why Prince Huan's affairs were not much of a secret. However, many years have passed, and now, hardly anyone mentions it."

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Not wanting to delve further into matters unrelated to her and those concerning men, Lin Yunwan decided not to inquire any further. Despite the prince's significant kindness towards her, there were still topics that required discretion and were better left untouched.

"Xiruo, please help me get some aromatic spices," Lin Yunwan requested.

With the prince establishing a new residence in Jiang Qian, it was appropriate to congratulate him on the move. However, considering her current circumstances, she could only express her goodwill in the best way possible.

Seeing Xiruo hesitating, Lin Yunwan suggested, "Could you possibly write down the names of the fragrances for me? I understand they might be a bit complex."

"Of course," Lin Yunwan added, and in Jade Creek Hall, there were writing materials available. These items weren't under Zheng's jurisdiction but were brought from Lin Huabin, so the quality was quite decent. While Xiruo prepared the ink, Lin Yunwan wrote down the names of several fragrances with her left hand, ensuring not to mimic her previous handwriting.

Lin Yunwan suggested, "I wonder if the steward can recognize it when written like this. I'll read it to you first, and if the steward can't identify it, you can tell them."

Xiruo nodded. She was familiar with the names of the aromatic spices written on the paper.

Lin Yunwan recited each name, and Xiruo went to request the spices from Housekeeper Zhao. Glancing at the handwriting, Housekeeper Zhao furrowed her brows for a while and asked, "Is this the handwriting of Miss?"

Xiruo confirmed, "Yes."

Shaking her head, Housekeeper Zhao commented, "Truly unsightly!"

Lin Yunwan suggested, "Since the aromatic spices can't be fully acquired at the moment, Miss can return home. I'll dispatch someone to purchase them today, and when everything is ready, we'll send them to Miss."

Xiruo thought about it and found the plan reasonable. "There's no need for you, Housekeeper Zhao, to go through the trouble. I'll come to pick them up tomorrow morning."

Housekeeper Zhao agreed, and as soon as Xiruo left, she burst into laughter. Gathering the maids around, she exclaimed, "Come and see, this is Miss's handwriting."

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Even among the maids in the Lin residence, there were quite a few who were literate and could recognize characters.

The maids burst into laughter.

"This doesn't look like writing at all, more like drawing some weird symbols!"

"Moreover, the redrawing skills seem to be lacking. If redrawing isn't good, then embroidery skills must be poor as well."

Housekeeper Zhao expressed her disappointment, "She's indeed from the countryside, probably doesn't know anything."

A complete waste without any skills.

"What are you laughing at?"

Madam Zheng entered the meeting hall, and the maids quickly retreated. Housekeeper Zhao showed the characters written by Lin Yunwan to Zheng Shi and said, "This was written by Miss Lin."

Madam Zheng took a quick glance — she had already heard the laughter and joking from Housekeeper Zhao and the maids, but she didn't know they were referring to her stepdaughter. She couldn't help but smile, raising her eyebrows, "Did she write this herself?"

Housekeeper Zhao replied, "Miss Xiruo said she did."

Zheng Shi disdainfully said, "Take it away; it's just an eyesore. Even my daughter Jiao can draw better at the age of five."

Housekeeper Zhao smiled and responded, "Miss Lin is incomparable to Second Miss!"

Madam Zheng then sat in the meeting hall, and the tailor she had invited arrived, bringing fabrics in vogue in Jiang Qian. She introduced with a smile, "These brocade fabrics are favored by noble ladies and wives in the capital..."

This was quite a substantial deal, and the seamstress was delighted. Madam Zheng took a glance at the fabrics, found them appealing, and instructed Fan Mama, "Take them to measure the sizes for the two young ladies."

Fan Mama discreetly asked Madam Zheng, "Are you really following Master's instructions to have the same clothes made for Miss Lin? It's quite expensive! Moreover..."

Given Miss Lin's outstanding appearance, dressing her more beautifully might overshadow Second Miss in Duke Huan's mansion!

Madam Zheng frowned and replied, "Nonsense! Why should she have the same as Jiao?"

Fan Mama was puzzled. If they weren't making clothes for Miss Lin, then why have the seamstress measure her? It seemed like a waste of effort.

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Don't you just love how all these shallow women are cackling over Yunwan's "terrible" handwriting, but will most likely find out just how uncultured they are compared to her? I can't wait for them to eat their words!!

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  1. Agree Flamingobee, I'm waiting for their embarrasment and shame! Especially when the prince will want Yunwan as the Princess Consort.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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