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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 119: 

Princess Consort Huan

"Miss, this is where you'll be staying, Bi Xi Tang." Following the steward mama to the new courtyard, Lin Yunwan looked up at the plaque above the entrance, adorned with several elegant characters.

Following her gaze, the steward mother smiled and said, "Miss, these were personally penned by the Old Master for the Old Madam."

Written by Old Master Lin? Lin Yunwan nodded and remarked, "The master's calligraphy is truly excellent."

Despite Old Master Lin being just a minor official in Jiang Qian, his calligraphy was surprisingly impressive, not inferior to the scholars in her Lin Clan.

The steward mother paused for a moment. 

Oh, the young miss had quite an arrogant tone, even evaluating the master's calligraphy. But what could a country girl like her understand? Probably just putting on airs, afraid that the household servants would look down on her!

The steward mama smiled vaguely and said, "If the young miss enjoys calligraphy, you can ask the master to teach you in the future. Now that you've returned to the estate, the master will surely dote on you."

She didn't really believe that Lin Yunwan truly understood calligraphy.

Lin Yunwan gave a faint smile and, accompanied by the steward mother, inspected her residence in the courtyard.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator."The master mentioned providing you with two senior maids, and the belongings in Azure Creek Hall have not been moved. We'll add some items for your use, and everything will be settled," the steward mother explained as she introduced each detail to Linyun Wan.

Before leaving, she didn't forget to mention her identity, "People in the estate call this old servant Steward Zhao Mama. If you don't mind, you can address me the same way."

While her tone sounded humble, there was an indescribable sense of pride and superiority on her face.

Lin Yunwan didn't mind. After all, in the Lin family, there were more than a few who looked down on a "Miss Lin" from the countryside.

Feeling exhausted from the day, she remarked, "Steward Zhao Mama, you've worked hard."

"Xiruo, assist me back for a bath."

Lin Yunwan entered the room with Xiruo.

Steward Zhao Mama shook her head with a bemused smile. A country-bred young miss like her didn't even understand the intricacies. She seemed oblivious to the fact that a little silver could have endeared her to the steward mama, a key figure in the household's politics.

Inside the estate, the schemes and intrigues were abundant. A naive girl like her might find herself at a disadvantage!

Xiruo assisted Lin Yunwan in changing into a fresh set of clothes and mentioned, "I've already started heating water. I'll first let down your hair."

Lin Yunwan nodded, and Xiruo removed the hairpin from her hair.

Her dark hair cascaded down like a waterfall, creating a graceful silhouette. Xiruo chuckled softly and whispered in her ear, "You look just like an unmarried young maiden."

"Is that so?"

As Lin Yunwan looked at herself in the mirror, she realized that even her hairstyle, reminiscent of a young maiden's, seemed different from her time in the Lins' household.

After a moment's contemplation, she retrieved an unmarked wooden tablet from her belongings and placed it on the altar. On a blue-and-white porcelain tray lay preserved Buddha's hand citrus, still emitting its fragrance even in this season, along with a few dates and pears. A bronze incense burner accompanied them, all sent by Steward Zhao Mama as requested by her.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"Where's the incense?" she asked.

Xiruo handed her three incense sticks. 

With solemn devotion, Lin Yunwan bowed respectfully and lit the incense. 

She sincerely vowed, "Miss Lin, from now on, I will support you for the rest of my life..."

Xiruo gazed at the tablet, quiet for a moment, and then said, "Miss Lin rests eternally in the mountains where she grew up, which is better than returning to the Lin family for repose! You have also done a favor for Miss Lin."

Lin Yunwan didn't feel like she had done anything for Miss Lin; it was Miss Lin who had helped her. She replied to Xiruo, "We'll have the opportunity to light a perpetual lamp for Miss Lin."

In the Lin family, she could only offer an unmarked tablet. However, in the future, when she could openly light a perpetual lamp, she could inscribe Miss Lin's name on it. That way, Miss Lin wouldn't be a lonely and unattended wandering soul.

Speaking in low tones, Xiruo and Lin Yunwan discussed how much oil they should provide every month.

As the sky gradually darkened, Lin Yunwan spent her first night in the Lin family.


She murmured, feeling that she needed to thank Prince Huan in person when the opportunity arose. He might not seek repayment for his favors, but she couldn't be someone who didn't acknowledge kindness. Otherwise, how would she differ from the people of the Lu family?


Inside the Lin residence, there was someone else who couldn't sleep.

Lin Huabin was still in bed, trying to comfort Madam Zheng. As soon as Lin Yunwan moved into Bi Xi Tang, Madam Zheng began crying, and her tears continued to flow for most of the night. Even though no tears were visible, her sobs were incessant and uncontrollable.

It seemed that she couldn't sleep, and no one else in the household could either.

Lin Huabin was truly helpless, annoyed as he sat on the bed, unwilling to console her any further. "What do you want, exactly?" Putting on his shoes, he spoke with a cold expression, "I'm going to the study. You go to sleep on your own."

Madam Zheng, afraid of pushing him too far, turned around and grabbed his arm. Tearfully, she said, "How can you still ask me how I am? Ever since her daughter came back, you treat her like the apple of your eye. What about Yunjiao?"

"You raised Yunjiao for over a decade. She can't compare to a countryside girl!"

"In your heart, which one's death matters more?" 

Lin Huabin said with a headache, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Seeing Madam Zheng's eyes all red from crying, he softened his tone, "Why bring her back out of nowhere?"

"If I didn't cherish Yunjiao, why would I have listened to you and let Yunwan stay in the countryside?"

"When you said your stomach hurt, worried that Yunjiao might not be born, and even had someone calculate that Yunwan is born to counteract parents and siblings, didn't I comply with everything you wanted? Isn't that enough to show my affection for you and our daughter?"

Madam Zheng, realizing her fault, lowered her crying voice. Lin Huabin seized the opportunity to say, "Yunwan is just a girl, sooner or later, she'll get married and won't interfere with your interests."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Madam Zheng immediately suggested, "Yunwan is not getting any younger. Master, I suggest we marry her off before the spring or summer of this year, so as not to delay Yunjiao's marriage..."

Lin Huabin wasn't fooled.

He firmly rejected, "Don't interfere in Yunwan's marriage; I have my own plans." He turned his back on Madam Zheng.

Unsatisfied, Madam Zheng said, "You're afraid I'll harm her, harm your own flesh and blood, that's why you're guarding against me, isn't it?"

"If that's what you want to believe, then so be it... but I'm telling you, if you dare to meddle in Yunwan's marriage, don't blame me for not being polite to you and Yun Jiao!"

As for the marriage of Zhao Jingyi's daughter, it wasn't their Lin family's place to make decisions on their own. When the time came, Zhao Jingyi would personally find a suitable match for the girl, and the Lin family just needed to cooperate.

Rare opportunities to assist Zhao Jingyi should not be wasted, and Lin Huabin didn't want to offend the paternal uncle of Prince Huan! 

"What about Yunjiao?" 

Madam Zheng was also someone who could read the atmosphere. Seeing that her husband's patience had reached its limit, she wouldn't provoke further.

Lin Huabin frowned, "What do you mean, 'what about'?" 

Madam Zheng, full of grievances, said, "Why did you bring her back in the first place? Now that the elder daughter hasn't married yet, how can the younger one get married easily? Prince Huan has just arrived in Jiang Qian, and Yunwan happened to block the path for Yunjiao. You see, if Prince Huan becomes interested in Yunjiao, and due to Yunwan not being married, Yunjiao's marriage will be delayed. The opportunity will slip away..."

The thought of it was distressing!

Lin Huabin's mind was not clouded. He said, "Do you think it's easy for Prince Huan's consort to be chosen? In Jiang Qian, how many families have heard that Prince Huan is coming, and they're holding back their marriageable daughters? Do you think Yunjiao can easily catch Prince Huan's eye?"

Madam Zheng proudly said, "My daughter Jiao'er has an outstanding appearance. Since the time of the founding emperor, there has been a rule that the royal family doesn't consider social status when marrying. Why wouldn't my daughter have a chance?"

Opportunities exist, and everyone wants their daughter to soar like a phoenix. However, it's not an easy task.

Lin Huabin said, "I have a plan for Yun Jiao's marriage. As a father, I know what's best for her..."

If it weren't for his daughter, he wouldn't be so concerned and willing to help Zhao Jingyi in this matter. It was also out of respect for Zhao's connection to Prince Huan's maternal family.

Lin Huabin continued, "Prince Huan will surely host banquets for the prominent families and officials in Jiang Qian in the next few days. Prepare some fine clothes and jewelry for Yun Jiao. Go to Prince Huan's mansion to investigate the situation."

Madam Zheng's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she asked, "When should I go?"

Lin Huabin said, "Wait for the invitation! Our Lin family will definitely be able to attend. Oh, by the way, don't treat one daughter better than the other. If Yunjiao has something, Yunwan should have it too."

Madam Zheng looked reluctant...

"How about none of us go then?" 

Zheng Shi said, "I understand."

Lin Huabin felt tired. He lay down and said, "It's getting late, let's rest!" The couple couldn't fall asleep immediately, as they harbored dreams of climbing to the top of the social hierarchy. Going from the less esteemed branch of the Lin family in Jiang Qian to becoming the in-laws of Prince Huan – it was like reaching for the sky!

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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  1. Dreaming so beautifully!
    Thank you for the chapter.


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