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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 118: 

 Establishing a Fief

"Are you deaf?" Lin Yunjiao was extremely dissatisfied. How dare this country girl not respond to what she said.

Lin Yunwan seemed to sigh and said with some annoyance, "You are just too noisy."

"What did you say?"

Lin Yunjiao was a bit slow to react. Who was this country girl to talk to her like this?

Lin Yunwan said deliberately, "I said you are very noisy."


Lin Yunjiao couldn't stand her indifferent demeanor. She truly didn't take people seriously!

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She coldly smiled and reached out to pull Ling Yunwan's veil.

"I want to see what this ugly duckling looks like now..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the veil fell, leaving Lin Yunjiao stunned, and even Madam Zheng was shocked!

Who could have expected that underneath the veil was a face of unparalleled beauty! 

Lin Yunwan was dressed in a short jacket and a pleated skirt in stone blue, without any patterns. She wore a simple wooden hairpin that complemented her elegant hairstyle. The wood type was unknown, but it was definitely not precious.

However, such a simple attire couldn't conceal her beauty.


Lin Yunjiao was wide-eyed, utterly shocked. How could she look like this? Her skin was so flawless it seemed like water would drip off if pinched.

Ling Yunwan frowned, took back her veil, and impatiently said, "You are too rude." If she were her own younger sister, she would have taught her a lesson.

"Lin Yunwan, it's not your turn to discipline me!" Lin Yunjiao was dissatisfied, but she was just the legitimate daughter of the original wife! "Your mother has been dead for so many years, and you still don't know your place in this house? How dare you speak to me like this!"

Lin Yunwan looked at Lin Yunjiao coldly, and her gaze was not that of a timid girl from the countryside.

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Lin Yunjiao instinctively closed her mouth.

Madam Zheng also felt that her daughter's words were becoming more and more disrespectful and scolded, "Sit down!"

Lin Yunjiao pouted, stepped back, and sat on the side, but her eyes couldn't help but glance at Lin Yunwan. She's too beautiful, unexpectedly growing up like this, she could be considered one of the most beautiful women in Jiang Qian!

"How could this happen... she should have grown ugly in the countryside." Lin Yunjiao murmured.

Zheng Shi also couldn't have expected that the daughter of that despicable woman would grow up to be so outstanding!

"Yun Wan, you..."

You don't look like your mother anymore.

She still didn't want to mention that woman, so she said indifferently, "It's getting late, there are still many things in the mansion. You go back to your courtyard with Fan Mama."

Lin Yunjiao raised her eyebrows and asked, "Mother, where does she live?"

Madam Zheng replied, "Zhe Jie Zhai[1]."

Lin Yunjiao chuckled and said, "What a nice place." The most remote and dilapidated courtyard in the mansion is the Zhe Jie Zhai. It's a place where even ghosts wouldn't go!

"Fan Mama, why not take her back to rest?"


Fan Mama walked to the side of Lian Yun Wan and said, "Miss, please come with... this servant."

However, Lin Yunwan did not move.

Looking at the appearance of Lin Yunjiao, it was evident what kind of place Zhe Jie Zhai was. She didn't come to the Lin family to suffer.

"I'm not going." Lin Yunwan directly refused.

Fan Mama was stunned and said, "Miss, that's the courtyard meticulously arranged by Madam for you!"

Lian Yun Wan glanced at her and said, "Is your ear deaf?"

Fan Mama: "..." Daring to disobey the stepmother's order! The Miss really has quite the courage! She looked at Madam Zheng.

Madam Zheng smiled, stood up, looked at Lin Yunwan, and said coldly, "It seems you haven't learned any manners in the countryside. You don't want to stay in Zhe Jie Zhai? Fine, then go stay in Firewood—"

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Old Master Lin arrived.

"Old Master? You're back!"


The mother and daughter stepped forward together.

Lin Yunwan and Xiruo also turned around to greet Old Master Lin.

Lin Huabin had already heard some of their conversation outside. His face was stern as he glared at the two of them, asking Madam Zheng disapprovingly, "Where do you intend to have Yunwan stay?"

Madam Zheng explained, "I originally planned to have her stay in the Zhe Jie Zhai." She hurriedly added, "It's all cleaned up! The windows are bright and clean, the beds, chairs, all of it, are top-quality furnishings brought from the storage."

Lin Huabin didn't believe it at all.

He knew his own close ones best, and Madam Zheng was not a generous person.

He said, "Let her stay in the Bi Xi Tang[2]."

Madam Zheng and Lin Yunjiao were both shocked and speechless.

Bi Xi Tang was the best courtyard in the mansion. Not only was it spacious with a good orientation, but the scenery inside the courtyard was also excellent.

Before the family split, the old lady of the Lin family used to live in Azure Creek Hall. After the separation, out of respect for the old lady, no one was arranged to live there. 

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"Dad, you never let me live in Bi Xi Tang!" Lin Yunjiao felt wronged. When she moved out from her mother's courtyard, she wanted to live in Bi Xi Tang, but her father didn't allow it. 

Lin Huabin frowned and said, "Where have you seen a little girl living in a courtyard beyond her parents' residence?" 

Lin Yunjiao became even more dissatisfied and pointed at Lin Yunjiao, "Then why is she allowed?" 

With a stern face, Lin Huabin said, "You don't even listen to me now?"

Lin Yunwan felt a bit uneasy. She didn't come to endure mistreatment or act like a young master; it wasn't appropriate to bypass the regulations of her parents' residence. 

Lin Huabin didn't want Linyun Wan to worry and said with a gentle expression, "You haven't been home for many years, so just stay in Bi Xi Tang. It's the family's compensation for you."

Lin Yunwan made a slight bow, showing her gratitude. 

Upon hearing this, Madam Zheng and her daughter turned green. 

Lin Huabin, still holding authority in the family, restrained Madam Zheng and her daughter, preventing them from speaking further.

He instructed Fan Mama, "Hurry up and tidy up the courtyard for Miss." Then, addressing Lin Yunwan, he said, "Yunwan, come with me to the study."

"Understood, Master," Lin Yunwan followed.

Xiruo, carrying her bundle, also went along. Although Zhao Jingyi entrusted the Miss to the Lin family, she still needed to be cautious around them. After all, Lin Huabin was a man, and even though he was old enough to be the girl's father, he needed to speak in front of her!

Lin Huabin brought Lin Yunwan to the study, asking Xiruo to stand guard outside. He opened the door and spoke to Lin Yunwan.

He made sure all unrelated servants were sent away, so they wouldn't overhear their conversation.

"Niece, I hope my family affairs haven't caused you any discomfort," he said.

Lin Huabin explained, "The woman inside is not a clever person. I was worried she couldn't keep her mouth shut, so I didn't tell her about your situation."

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Lin Yunwan nodded, saying she understood. It was easy to see that, right? If Madam Zheng knew everything, she wouldn't dare to treat her this way. However, perhaps Old Master Lin was right, and it was better for Madam Zheng not to be informed.

Lin Huabin reassured, "Niece, you can rest assured. My wife is not a bad person either. You don't need to feel wronged. If there's anything you're not used to, just speak up."

Lin Yunwan smiled but remained silent. Men were indeed prone to misjudging their own bedmates. Whether Madam Zheng was a bad person or not, his words didn't determine that.

She only said, "Father entrusted the younger generation to you, trusting that you will take care of us."

She came here as the cousin of Qi Lingheng, the daughter of Zhao Jingyi. Lin Huabin only thought she was the illegitimate daughter of the Zhao family, unaware of the other details.

Lin Huabin smiled and said, "Of course. Your father and I are close friends, and you should call me Uncle. How could I mistreat you."

Lin Yunwan also smiled, "That's good then. Just like my younger sister Yun Jiao, I've been spoiled since childhood and can't bear to be wronged."

Lin Huabin's beard twitched slightly.

This young girl seemed to want to tell him that she wouldn't be easy to deal with if mistreated in the Lin family in the future! She was quite straightforward in her words. Could he really argue with such a young girl?

Lin Huabin smiled and said, "Consider this your own home, feel free to stay at ease."

Lin Yunwan was also very polite, "I appreciate Uncle Lin's care."

"You must be tired too. Go back to Bi Xi Tang and rest. If you have any concerns, you can inform the attendants in my study," Lin Huabin said considerately, fearing he might not have been thorough.

Instead of asking who the attendants in the study were, Lin Yunwan inquired, "Has Prince Huan arrived in Jiang Qian?"

Lin Huabin nodded and said, "His Highness arrived earlier than expected, which is why I came back late today. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let you come alone today."

I see. Lin Yunwan smiled, knowing that the prince had also arrived!

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[1] Zhe Jie Zhai: Folded Leaf Pavilion 

[2] Bi Xi Tang: Azure Creek Hall

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  1. I foresee the mother-daughter duo will fall from their high horse in the future.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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