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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 117: 



"I didn't expect you to cultivate such a formidable tongue up in the mountains! The stewardesses around me can't even argue with you!" Madam Zheng walked gracefully to her seat, and her gaze turned somewhat stern.

She instructed Fan Mama, "Pour me a cup of tea."

Fan Mama immediately went to instruct the maids to prepare tea. Madam Zheng leisurely turned her eyes towards Lin Yunwan. 

Lin Yunwan slightly bowed, and Madam Zheng, aware of her intent to pay respects, coolly said, "Call me Madam. 'Mother' is not something I want to hear from a stepdaughter! Just hearing it gives me chills."


Madam Zheng responded lightly, saying, "Since your father sent someone to bring you back to the mansion, let bygones be bygones."

What happened? Lin Yunwan furrowed her brows; she genuinely couldn't recall any unresolved issues between the original Miss Lin and her stepmother. Old Master Lin hadn't left any messages for her!


Not knowing anything, she just casually agreed. Zheng Shi continued to lecture her about various matters, emphasizing the rules she had set, "After returning to the mansion, don't wander around recklessly. It's not like the countryside where you can do as you please; here, there are rules to follow."

"There are also the yards on both sides. Although there is a gate between our yard and the other sides, they belong to different households now. Don't disturb relatives without proper reason. When there's an opportunity in the future, I'll take you to meet them."

It's really strange! She had just returned to the mansion, the best time to get acquainted with her relatives, yet Madam Zheng didn't take her. This really showed a lack of regard for Miss Lin, the legitimate daughter!

What happened exactly? Why did Madam Zheng dislike Miss Lin so much? It had been over ten years since Miss Lin was at home. Was it really reasonable for a child to be disliked by her stepmother to such an extent?

"But you didn't come to the Lin family to enjoy yourself, so there's no need to form deep connections with relatives," Lin Yunwan thought, out loud she said, "I'll follow Madam's arrangements."

Seeing her obedient, Madam Zheng snorted in approval, finally behaving properly!

She said indifferently, "We'll discuss the rest later..." Not forgetting to admonish her stepdaughter, "You're not young anymore. Old Master Lin and I will find a good match for you as soon as possible. You better behave yourself!"

The marriage of a young girl is often held in the hands of her stepmother, determining her lifelong prospects. If she doesn't follow her stepmother's instructions, it could truly be a dead end. Lin Yunwan subtly smirked beneath her veil; fortunately, she wasn't the real Miss Lin, and her marriage wasn't subject to Madam Zheng's control.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

However, dealing with this stepmother, who was quite formidable, might not be easy...

It was said that Miss Lin was a timid person, and facing a stepmother like this, she might truly be frightened.

"Madam, I'll take my leave."

Lin Yunwan had no intention of dealing with Madam Zheng any longer. In fact, Madam Zheng wasn't too eager to see her either; she didn't even ask her to remove her veil. Perhaps she was afraid of encountering a face that had been blissfully forgotten, a face she detested.

Before Madam Zheng could dismiss Lin Yunwan, an elegant figure burst into the room.

Even before the person entered, her voice preceded her: "You still have the nerve to come back!"

Lin Yunwan and Xi Ruo turned around. A young girl of marriageable age, dressed in a style similar to Madam Zheng, with vibrant red and purple attire, adorned with either gold or jade on her head.

Her attire was also extremely luxurious. She looked like Madam Zheng's biological daughter, and indeed, she was Madam Zheng's legitimate daughter, Lin Yunjiao.

"Jiao'er, this is your older sister," Zheng Shi introduced.

Lin Yunjiao simply brushed past Lin Yunwan without addressing her as sister or offering any courtesy. Even among girls, there was a strict hierarchy based on age. Although Lin Yunwan returned from the countryside, being the younger one, she should have taken the initiative to greet her elder sister.

Lin Yunjiao didn't even pay respects to Madam Zheng; she just sat beside her mother, displaying a very casual demeanor.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

A truly spoiled girl; it seemed the Lin couple had indulged her quite a bit!

Lin Yunwan didn't particularly like this unruly behavior, but as she wasn't the real Miss Lin, there was no need for her to discipline Lin Yunjiao.

She bowed to Madam Zheng, indicating her intention to leave. However, Lin Yunjiao, who had been watching her all along, blinked her eyes and spoke with a crisp, girlish voice, "Why are you leaving? Who told you to go?"

Lin Yunwan hesitated for a moment. Fan Mama came in with tea brewed by a maidservant, looking somewhat uneasy upon seeing Lin Yunjiao's presence.

The dilemma was whether to serve tea to Madam first or to the Second Miss. Lin Yunjiao, however, made a nonchalant decision, instructing Fan Mama, "Give the tea to me."

Madam Zheng waved her hand, indicating that she didn't mind. Fan Mama then presented the tea to Lin Yunjiao first before going to brew a fresh cup for Madam Zheng.

Through her veil, Lin Yunwan could vaguely see Lin Yunjiao's actions—a truly pampered young miss, shaped by her parents' indulgence.

Lin Yunjiao took a sip of tea, then holding the teacup, she sat beside Madam Zheng, looking quite content. She asked Linyun Wan with an air of arrogance, "I spoke to you, didn't you hear me?"

Xi Ruowrinkled her brows. Such lack of respect!

She clenched her fist, trying hard to tolerate the impolite behavior of the second miss. Lin Yunwan responded calmly and gently, "You should address me as elder sister first."

Lin Yunjiao was momentarily taken aback.

Dream on! She had grown up in this family, and for over a decade, who had she ever addressed as elder sister? She was the eldest here!

She had no intention of showing respect to this countryside girl who dared to act like a big sister. Instead, she wanted to be the one respected.

"Are you worthy?" she sneered.

Lin Yunwan smiled, "There is an order in respecting elders and juniors. What's unworthy about that?"

Lin Yunjiao blushed at first, feeling embarrassed, but soon she got furious, "You haven't been out for over a decade. Maybe you've forgotten what you've done!"

The more she spoke, the angrier she became. She stood up and stared at Lin Yunwan, "You almost killed me back then! And now you dare to come back!"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Almost killed? Lin Yunwan was shocked. Considering the age of the two sisters, when Lin Yunjiao left the house, Lin Yunjiao hadn't even been born yet. How could she have almost killed this little sister?

"Have you really forgotten?" Lin Yunjiao was angry, "Think about why Father drove you out of the house!"

Though Lin Yunwan hadn't removed her hat, she stood there without moving.

It seems she really has forgotten. 

Lin Yunjiao couldn't help but remind her annoying sister, saying arrogantly, "When you were four years old, you bumped into my mother at night, almost causing me to be unable to be born into this world! Do you know that? You, murderer!"

Lin Yunwan and Xiruo were both stunned. What kind of reasoning is this?

Lin Yunjiao continued, "You were so young, and my mother kindly took care of you. You were truly malicious, deliberately bumping into my mother's belly while she was sick! Do you think pretending to have a headache would prevent my father from punishing you? Hmph! You wanted to prevent my birth, and my father wouldn't let you off so easily."

Ling Yunjiao's words left Lin Yunwan speechless. After all, it was a sick four-year-old child getting up at night, and who bumped into whom was not so clear.

Upon hearing Ling Yunjiao's words, Lian Yunwan felt a sharp pain at the back of her head. She couldn't believe what kind of life Miss Lin had in the Lin family when she was a child.

"Why are you still wearing a veil? Hurry up and take it off!" Ling Yunjiao demanded.

"You, why are you still wearing the headscarf? Take it off now!" Lin Yunjiao was about to reach out and take it off herself. She wanted to see what her sister, who grew up in the countryside, looked like now. She was convinced that the sister couldn't be as pretty as her.

Definitely not as pretty as her!

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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  1. Great, another brainless scheming family.
    Thank you for the chapter-


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