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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 116: 


The steward mama led Lin Yunwan and Xiruo into Madam Zheng's courtyard.

Madam Zheng had a grand demeanor. She was still asleep in her room, and the attendant, Fan Mama, came out and said, "Madam is not ready yet. Please wait, young ladies."

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After speaking, she turned and went inside, not giving Lin Yunwan a proper look.

However, Lin Yunwan was wearing a veil, so even if Fan Mama wanted to look directly, she couldn't see her face.

The mama who brought them here also left.

It started snowing in the courtyard, and even the maids didn't want to stay outside. There were only Lin Yunwan and Xiruo in the corridor.

"Such insolence!"

Xiruo whispered, "Miss, it seems that this madam wants to set some rules for you."

Lin Yunwan nodded.

Having been in charge of household affairs herself, she understood Madam Zheng's intentions.

Xiruo couldn't hold back any longer and clenched her fists, saying, "Miss, let's not meet her. We should wait for Old Master Lin to give us an explanation!"

"Or we can go directly to see Zhao... that works too."

Zhao Jingyi, the young uncle of Prince Huan.

She had a token in her hand, and the people of the Lin family couldn't stop her. Finding Lord Zhao would be easy for her! It's just a waste of the good identity of Miss Lin.

Lin Yunwan shook her head, "It seems that this madam doesn't know my identity. Think about it... this is a good thing."

The fewer people who knew about her affairs, the better.

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After pondering for a moment, Xiruo calmed down.

She whispered, "…But you shouldn't be treated unfairly like this."

Lin Yunwan calmly replied, "It's not about me being treated unfairly; it's about Miss Lin being too wronged. If I want to become her, I not only need to borrow her identity but also bear the same grievances as her to truly resemble her." She lifted the veil, giving a faint smile. "Don't you think so?"

Xiruo hesitated before responding, "Yes."

Looking up at Lin Yunwan's bright and composed eyes, she felt a deep admiration. The Miss had escaped from a life-threatening situation, so she must cherish this opportunity greatly.

In that case, she would follow the Miss' instructions!

Lin Yunwan put down the veil and, based on her feelings, lifted the curtain, saying, "Let's go inside; it's cold outside."

Xiruo suppressed a smile and assisted in arranging the curtain. "Young lady, let me handle these matters in the future."

Lin Yunwan entered first, followed by Xiruo. The mistress and servant duo stayed inside, where a small hall was warmed by a fireplace. It was much cozier than outside.

Hearing the commotion, Fan Mama came out and was astonished to see Lin Yuwan seated with a veil, and her maid by the stove. The housekeeper's eyes widened. This country girl was too audacious!

Frowning, Fan Mama said, "Miss, Madam hasn't instructed you to come in yet."

Lin Yunwan turned her head, and the veil swayed with the movement. She looked in the direction where Mrs. Fan stood and asked, "Did Madam instruct me to wait in the cold wind in the middle of winter?"


Of course not! 

Wasn't that plainly mistreating the legitimate daughter? 

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Madam wasn't a fool, why would she willingly bear such a bad reputation? 

But this country-raised young lady seemed so foolish! She couldn't even understand Madam's intentions, rash and ignorant!

Fan Mama changed her approach and said, "Miss, you may not be aware, but this is the rule in large households."

"Oh? What rule is that?"

Fan Mama raised her eyelids and said, "If the main wife hasn't given orders, the juniors must wait outside until they receive instructions before entering. Intruding into Madam's room without permission is very disrespectful! Any well-mannered young lady wouldn't do such a thing."

Ordinary young ladies in the inner chambers would have long been embarrassed to the point of losing face upon hearing Fan Mama's words.

Fan Mama paused for a moment, then continued somewhat arrogantly, "Miss, since you didn't grow up in the mansion, there are still many rules you need to learn in the future. Let's start with the basics today. Go outside and wait for Madam's instructions."

The small hall remained quiet, with the occasional crackling of the charcoal fire. Fan Mama wore a smug smile on her face.

Unmarried young ladies usually had thin skin, and under that veil, her face might have already turned red, perhaps even shed some tears... but with a timid nature, she dared not cry out loud.

Manipulating a young lady from the countryside was indeed an easy task!

Lin Yunwan chuckled softly.

This Lady Zheng, was she too afraid to take direct action, or was she too lazy to handle it herself? Sending a maid out to scold her stepdaughter, she probably hid in the inner room eavesdropping!

"Why...why are you laughing?" Fan Mama's face turned cold. Was this country girl truly unable to understand her words, or was she pretending to be foolish?

Lifting herself up, Lin Yunwan approached a step closer and asked Fan Mama, "Did you just say that I lack manners?"

Her voice remained remarkably calm, far from someone frightened.

Instead, she appeared quite composed! To those unfamiliar with her background, it would seem she was a well-raised legitimate daughter of the mansion, explaining her confidence.

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Fan Mama felt puzzled. She still couldn't believe a country girl could speak with such authority. She said, "Young lady, behaving in such a manner is a sign of a lack of manners!"

Lin Yunwan calmly replied, "A father's failure in teaching is indeed a problem. It seems like you want to blame my father. Rest assured, I will convey your words to my father. By the way, may I know your name, Madam? I'll make sure to tell my father clearly, word by word, to avoid any misunderstandings."

Was she planning to report this to her father?

Fan Mama's complexion changed drastically, and she stuttered, "Miss, I-I am representing Madam..."

Lin Yunwan coldly remarked, "Addressing oneself as 'I' in front of the young lady, is that the custom here at the Lin Mansion?"

"I've been away for over a decade, and I must ask this esteemed madam when my father decided to change the rules in the mansion."

Lin Yunwan's tone remained calm and unruffled, effortlessly handling the situation. On the contrary, Fan Mama was visibly sweating. The young miss wasn't feigning ignorance; she was articulate and clever!

Isn't she from the countryside? How can she be so eloquent?

Fan Mama stammered, "I-I am the servant..."

"Step aside,"

Madam Zheng, who had been eavesdropping for a while, emerged from the inner chamber. Both Lin Yunwan and Xi Ru lifted their heads, somewhat surprised by the splendid appearance of this lady!

She wore a vermilion floral satin jacket and a dark purple pleated skirt. Her hair was styled in a dignified woman's bun, adorned with two hairpins and one hair stick. While the gold hairpin was unremarkable, the emerald hair stick, in the shade of Zheng Shi's attire, indicated its considerable value.

Not only that, but floral satin fabric itself was a rare material, and not everyone in the capital could afford to wear it. The garment on Zheng Shi was woven with gold threads.

On her wrists, she wore a pair of matching emerald bracelets, identical in color to the hairpin. These accessories were either sourced from the same stone or purchased at great expense.

Lin Yunwan silently remarked, "Old Master Lin must cherish Madam Zheng greatly."

The Lin family could be considered one of the prominent families in Jiang Qian, but Mr. Lin's branch was not the mainstay of the Lin clan. In simple terms, the Lin family was not extremely wealthy. Seeing Zheng Shi dressed in such luxurious attire explained why the original Miss Lin had such a tragic fate.

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