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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 113: 

 Clearing Both Sides

"Yunyi, you've come!"

Old Madam Lu cried sadly and assured him, "Your sister's departure was pitiful. Rest assured, our Lu family will certainly not mistreat the affairs after her. We will make sure to give her a splendid farewell."

"No need."

Lin Yunyi looked at her coldly and said firmly, "My own sister, I'll take her back home myself!"

He was truly disgusted, couldn't help but say, "My elder sister is already dead, who are you pretending for!"

This statement was too straightforward.

Old Madam Lu was a bit stunned, especially considering his earlier statement about taking Lin Yunwan back home. That was not acceptable!

She stopped crying, her face cold, and said, "Little brother, it's a family affair. If you come to mourn, Lu's house welcomes you. But if you come to make trouble, once a daughter is married, she's like water thrown out. Your sister, even in death, belongs to our Marquis of Wu Ding's residence. You can't take her away!"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Lin Yunyi instructed the attendants, "Carry the coffin!"

Old Madam Lu's eyes widened. On what grounds did the Lin family act like this?

Lu Zhengliu stepped forward to stop her, bowing his head and saying, "Grandmother, don't stop them. I've already written the divorce letter. Yunwan... Yunwan is no longer a member of our Lu family."

"You!" Old Madam Lu hammered him with a fist, trembling with anger. "You won't even give Yunwan a decent funeral. Do you know what people outside will say about you and our Lu family?"

Now, they truly had lost face!

Lu Zhengliu lifted his head, staring directly at Old Madam Lu, and said, "Grandmother, let Yunwan go..."

Old Madam Lu was stunned by his gaze.

Lu Zhengliu stopped engaging with her and instructed his own people, "Go help with closing the coffin."

He stood by the hastily acquired thin coffin, looking at the person inside. He closed his eyes.


If he had known it would lead to her tragic end in the Lu family, the annulment letter... what difference would it have made if he had written it or not!

It's all his fault, blaming himself for being unwilling to let her go but also unable to protect her.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Given such a good marital fate by heaven, yet he couldn't grasp it.

Madam Wei came out and asked, "Um, are we still going to proceed with the funeral?"

The main madam died, and after her death, she returned to her maiden family with an annulment. This was really unheard of!

She had just taken over the household not long ago and didn't know how to handle such matters.

Old Madam Lu watched the coffin being taken away, angrily saying, "Who are you arranging this for? Who will come to offer condolences? For you?" 

Madam Wei responded, "Old Madam, why are you cursing your daughter-in-law..."

She was in good health; nobody harmed her. She couldn't die. Now they had to prepare for the funeral.

Old Madam Lu gave her a disdainful look and said, "Hurry up and tidy up all of this." She pointed at the white lanterns and such in the conference hall. "It looks ominous!"

"Yes," replied Madam Wei.

Together with Yuan Mama, they led a group of people to assign maidservants to tidy up items used for the funeral. Old Madam Lu cast a cold glance at Lin Yunyi and, along with Yan Mama, returned to Yu Shou Tang.

Lu Zhengliu said to Lin Yunyi, "I'll join you in sorting out your sister's dowry." Lin Yunyi glanced at Lu Chang Gong, indicating for him to accompany as well.

Lin Yunwan's dowry wasn't extravagant, but after seven years, she managed it well. She also added some items on her own, not to mention the subsidies she provided to the Marquis's residence in the past. All in all, the list was comparable to what she brought with her when she got married.

However, the inventory now differed from the dowry list they had when she first entered the family. 

Presenting a written record, Ping Ye and Tao Ye said, "Young Master Yi, we've finished the inventory. Everything is listed here."

Trusting them, Lin Yunyi glanced through the list and didn't find any issues to dispute.

However... Lu Chang Gong refused to leave. 

He tore off a small portion and handed it over, saying, "Chang Gong, you are my sister's eldest son, and by right, all of these should belong to you. But now... these are what I am leaving for you on behalf of my sister."

Luchang Gong refused. He said, "I already have enough things left by my mother." Lujing Liu also said, "Yunyi, you take everything back. My family doesn't need these things." 

Yunyi didn't speak to him. Seeing Lu Chang Gong insisting on not wanting them, he just left them on the table and stood up, saying, "I'll leave them to you for now. Whether you want them or not, decide for yourself after you come of age." 

"You're still young, but I am your uncle, and I have to be fair," he added.

He said this, and Lu Chang Gong didn't feel it was appropriate to refuse. After the dowry left by Yunwan was moved out of the mansion, there would not many things left related to her... He was willing to keep some of her old belongings.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"Chang Gong, I'm going to take your mother home now," Yunyi said as he left Chui Si Tang, and the servants helped move all the things from Yunwan's dowry.

The screen, small tables, cushions, and boxes were all removed, leaving the courtyard empty. Even Pingye and Taoye were about to leave, bidding farewell to Luchanggong, "Young Master, we take our leave."

They were also very reluctant. Lu Chang Gong watched them and bowed deeply, saying, "Take care, both of you."

The two maids left in tears.

Before leaving, Lin Yunyi said to Lu Zhengliu, "If you truly regret it, take good care of Chang Gong."

Looking at the handsome face of Lu Chang Gong, he continued, "My sister loved him the most when she was alive."

Lu Zhengliu nodded silently.

He knew how much Yunwan cherished Chang Gong.

"I'll escort Uncle."

Lu Changgong followed Luyunyi out. When they reached the main gate of the front yard, Luyunyi wanted to say something several times but held back.

Since his sister had reached this point, saying more would be unnecessary. Lin Yunyi only whispered to Lu Chang Gong's ear, "Chang Gong, take care of yourself."

He had done everything he could for Chang Gong. However, if a horse refuses to drink water, forcing its head won't help. If Chang Gong didn't want to leave, Lin Yunyi couldn't force him to.

"Uncle, take care."

Lu Chang Gong knelt on the ground, bowing deeply towards the coffin and repeatedly knocking his head. As the people from the Lin family gradually left, he remained kneeling, the white mourning cord still hanging from his arms.

"Chang Gong, get up."

Lu Zhengliu approached, bending down to support his shoulders.

When Lu Chang Gong stood up, his knees felt sore. As they returned to the inner courtyard, they saw an elderly figure supporting himself against the wall, kowtowing—it was Qiao Da! 

Lu Chang Gong had knelt for so long, and Qiao Da matched his actions. 

After a long gaze at Qiao Da, Lu Chang Gong stepped into the inner courtyard. His wounds needed to be redressed, and Qianru was there to assist. While looking at the portrait of Confucius on the wall, he instructed Qianru, "Take it down."

Qianru was very clever and immediately asked, "Young Master, what would you like to replace it with?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Lu Chang Gong replied calmly, "Replace it with my mother's portrait."

When his hand healed, he intended to draw a portrait of his mother. Although he was delighted that his mother had left, he was also afraid... afraid that his mother would forget him, and he would forget his mother.

Qianru hesitated for a moment and then lowered her gaze, saying, "Yes."


Lu Zhengliu went to the mourning hall.

Old Madam Lu was still chanting Buddhist scriptures, looking serene and compassionate.

She said, "It's good to have the annulment, so that Chang Gong and Qingge won't have to observe mourning and be delayed in their studies."

However, Lu Zhengliu didn't respond to her words.

Old Madam Lu frowned. Did he resent her now? Back then, she was the one who arranged their marriage. What had he been doing at that time?

Lu Zhengliu calmly asked, "Grandmother, how do you want to deal with Ge Bao'er?"

The jade pendant was missing, and Ge Bao'er had done such a thing. The Marquis of Wuding's mansion couldn't just let it go.

Old Madam Lu asked indifferently, "What do you think?"

Lu Zhengliu's expression was extremely cold.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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