Chapter 114 Part One FCADW? IRTBTMOTMM


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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 114: 

Nostalgia; Pt. 1 

"She is a lowly maid who plotted against the mistress. Strangle her to death."

This was Lu Zhengliu's suggestion.

He seemed different, his tone still cold but with a new kind of indifference, as if he no longer cared about anything.

Old Madam Lu didn't dare to push her grandson too hard. She adopted a more conciliatory tone, saying, "She should have died, indeed. However, we still cannot offend the Duke of Xingguo's mansion."

Lu Zhengliu found it amusing. "Grandmother, do you still expect Xingguo Duke's mansion to acknowledge her?"

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Old Madam Lu sighed, "I didn't mean that..."

"In case she is truly the legitimate daughter of Xingguo Duke's mansion. If they don't acknowledge her, that's their problem. If we dispose of her without asking and it gets known later, how will we handle the offense if they inquire about it? The Lu family is not what it used to be; we can't afford to offend people recklessly."

Lu Zhengliu frowned, "So, you want to throw her to Xingguo Duke's mansion?"

Old Madam Lu stated, "I'm not saying we should let her off the hook. She caused the death of Yunwan, and I know you're not happy about it. Just leave her at the doorstep of Xingguo Duke's mansion. If they acknowledge her, she won't be able to leave our Lu family for the sake of Qing Ge'er. If they don't acknowledge her..."

"Lu family will have disposed of a lowly concubine who plotted against the main wife. It's a good resolution." Her gaze was shrewd and indifferent.

Lu Zhengliu sighed, "Now, even Qing Ge resents Gao Bao'er. Her existence doesn't hold much meaning anymore."

"I'll listen to your decision," he added, leaving for Yue Xing Ting to check on Zhuqing and their child. However, his thoughts weren't entirely on the unborn child. As he looked at Zhuqing's face, memories of Lin Yunwan came to mind.

Softly, he said, "Yunwan... she treated you well before, didn't she?"

Zhuqing's eyes turned red, "Big Madam treated me exceptionally well! If it weren't for her, I'd still be at the manor, not knowing if I'd be alive or dead now."

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Lu Zhengliu said, "Tell me about Yunwan's past."

Zhuqing nodded, "I lived at the manor for several years, thinking that it would be my life. But Big Madam, she..."

Lu Zhuqing interrupted, "Talk about when she first entered the manor."

Lu Zhenglui showed a slight daze, but his eyes quickly softened with nostalgia. 

Zhuqing said, "I was once in the secondary courtyard, and you must remember my previous temperament. When I was young, I was a bit arrogant and often clashed with Big Madam. She had such a good temper and never said anything about it."

"Before, I thought Big Madam was gentle and timid. In fact, she is magnanimous and tolerant. The kindness of Big Madam is something heartless people cannot appreciate."

Zhuqing's words hit home, as he truly had no heart. From the first day she entered the house, everyone liked her. Everyone in the mansion admired her. Except for him...

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." 

Lu Zhengliu couldn't sit still any longer. With red eyes, he left. Watching his retreating figure, Zhuqing sighed and shook her head. She muttered, "Big Madam, you didn't deserve this." 

She had married a man who only cherished his wife after her death.


The Lins organized the funeral for Lin Yunwan.

The Lin family had always been frugal and not extravagant. As it was a daughter returning home due to a divorce, the memorial hall was set up in a side hall. Most of the visitors were female relatives from well-connected families. The government officials, being men, didn't come to pay their respects.

Lin Yunyi accompanied their mother in receiving and sending off the guests, while Tao Ye and Ping Ye assisted in managing the funeral affairs.

Although the funeral was simple, it maintained a decent appearance.

Lady Guo also came to express her condolences and advised Madam Lin, "Sending off a loved one with white hair for black-haired ones is already heartbreaking. But you still have a son, Yunwan's younger brother. You mustn't harbor thoughts of self-destruction! Your family needs you, and you can't let sorrow consume you."

Knowing that Madam Lin wasn't as strong-willed as Lin Yunwan, there was a risk she might not bear the tragedy well and follow her daughter. That would be a double tragedy for the Lin family.

Madam Lin nodded tearfully.

Lin Yunyi approached and said, "Lady Guo, my mother is exhausted. I'll take her back to rest first." Lady Guo agreed.

Lin Yunyi said to Tao Ye, "I'll trouble Sister Tao Ye to keep vigil here."

Tao Ye nodded, "Master, rest assured. I'll take care of the memorial hall."

Wearing mourning clothes, she knelt down to add paper money for Lin Yunwan. The coffin was newly replaced with a good quality board sent by the Huan Prince's Mansion. Ping Ye knelt beside her, crying heartbreakingly.

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Lin Yunyi accompanied Madam Lin back and said, "Mother, your eyes can't cry anymore. Pretend to be ill for these days. Wait until the day 'sister' is buried, then you can show up."

Madam Lin agreed.

She held Lin Yunyi's hand with a bewildered expression and asked, "Is your sister really... really not dead?"

Lin Yunyi whispered, "Rest assured, I didn't lie. Sister is fine now. She has gone to a better place. Be patient, and we'll be reunited with her in the future."

"Now, with all the attention and controversy, sister certainly cannot appear again."

Madam Lin felt like she was in a dream. She murmured, "As long as she's alive, Yunwan, my Yunwan..."

She couldn't help but feel sad again. Even though her daughter hadn't died, the suffering she had endured was real! Escaping from that dangerous situation was a perilous journey, and as a mother, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Lin Yunyi continued to greet the guests.

The Xia family also sent representatives, along with other acquaintances from when they had connections with the Lu family. 

As a guest, Old Madam Xia observed the people coming to offer condolences and remarked, "These families won't have any more dealings with the Lu family in the future."

Their stance was quite clear now.

Lu Jia listened nearby, feeling uncomfortable. However, she didn't dare to contradict her mother-in-law. She hadn't expected Lin Yunwan to die, but she also didn't want the Lu family to collapse entirely.

"You are not allowed to return to the Lu family in the future," Old Lady Xia said ruthlessly. "If you go back once more, never come back again. Don't think I'm just saying this casually. If I dare say it today, I dare to have your husband divorce you!"

Lu Jia bowed her head, twisting her handkerchief. "I understand."

Even if her mother-in-law allowed her to return, she wouldn't dare. Without looking, she knew the situation in the Lu family now. If the Xia family didn't divorce her, she would consider it a blessing. 


Soon, February arrived, and the mourning period for the Lin Yunwan's family came to an end.

All the people sent by the Lu family were beaten back, except for Lu Chang Gong.

The younger generation of the Lu family did not have to observe mourning, but he still changed all his clothes to plain ones. He always had a white rope on his arm, abstained from rich foods, and refrained from participating in banquets and entertainment.

Everyone knew that he was mourning for his mother. People from the Lin family praised him, saying, "This child is filial."

Lu Chang Gong's reputation outside became excellent, and few people remembered the true young master of the Lu family, Lu Chang Zong.

The old lady of the Lu family is feeling a bit anxious.

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