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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 112: 

The Book of Reconciliation and Separation

The death of Yunwan is the fault of the Lu family, his fault.

He won't deny it.

No matter how the Lin family scolds him, he will bear it all.

Clutching trembling fists, Lu Zhengliu goes to the front yard to meet Lin Yunyi.

The hall was already in chaos, despite the Lin family's scholarly background and Lin Yunyi's adherence to the teachings of sages. Yunwan's tragic death had overwhelmed him, making him lose his rationality.


Lu Zhengliu walked in, feeling extremely guilty, and said, "Your sister, she... she..."

He couldn't bear to tell her brother the news of her death.

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Lin Yunyi's eyes were already red, and he rushed forward with a punch, aiming for Lu Zhengliu's face.

"You give my sister back! Give me back my sister!"

The young man's strength suddenly became astonishing, knocking down an adult man onto a chair. He was unwilling to stop, rushing forward and grabbing the other's collar, almost wanting to keep punching until the person was beaten to death!

"Stop it! Young Master Yunyi, please stop!"

People from both families were trying to restrain him.

Lin Yunyi took a step back, veins bulging on his neck, his eyes bloodshot.

"I'm sorry... It's the fault of the Lu family..."

Lu Zhengliu stood up, pushing away those who were helping him.

His face bore red marks; his brother-in-law had been even more ruthless than he anticipated.

Lin Yunyi gritted his teeth and questioned, "You denied favoring a concubine over your wife, and you even sent away that little concubine. Why did you bring her back? Why did you allow her to harm my sister?"

"I heard... I heard that when my sister died... the door was locked... think about it... such a big fire... where could she escape from... why did you bring a concubine back to harm her!"

Liu Zhengliu lowered his head, "Yunyi, filial piety cannot be violated."

It wasn't him who wanted to bring back Gao Bao'er!

He didn't even want to put Gao Bao'er next to Lin Yunwan. By the time he went, it was already too late.

He didn't want it, he didn't want it more than anyone!

"Filial piety? Huh."

Lin Yunyi sneered, "You are truly cowardly. Except for using filial piety to cover your shame, you dare not admit that you killed my sister!"

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"My elder sister married you for seven years, and you neglected her for seven years! When our Lin family wanted to bring back my sister and separate, you made all sorts of excuses. You said you would change, you would cherish my sister. Is this how you cherish her—"

"It's not filial piety that killed my sister, it's you! Bastard! You killed her!"

"If you had let my sister separate and leave, how could she have died! You jerk!"

Lin Yunyi delivered another punch to him.

This time, Lu Zhengliu was stunned, not knowing how to avoid it. It was him, he was the one who caused her death.

Lin Yunyi cried out in despair, "My sister was only in her twenties, so young—If you had agreed to a separate from her, she might have had a husband who truly loved her, children and grandchildren to surround her. Now she's dead in your Lu family!"

"What use is your apology? Can your Lu family compensate for the loss of my elder sister?"

He was so overwhelmed with grief that he couldn't control himself. His head spun, and he had to lean on a long-legged table to steady himself.

The Lin family members helped him sit down.

Lu Zhengliu's eyes turned red, tears streaming down his face. His throat felt bitter, and he couldn't utter a single word.

"You're right..."

If, if he had agreed to the annulment that time, Yunwan wouldn't have died.

The hall fell into a long silence, and no one dared to interrupt.

Lu Zhengliu wiped away his tears and earnestly said to the elders of the Lin family, "Rest assured, our Lu family will give Yunwan a dignified funeral."

"No need!" 

Lin Yunyi stood up, staring at him with determination in his eyes. "My sister's heart died in your Lu family, and now her body is dead too! If you have even the slightest lingering affection for my sister, let her separate!"

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"The funeral will be arranged by my Lin family."

"I only ask for my elder sister—never to return to your Lu family in this life, and may her soul rest in peace after death. In the next life, may she be a peaceful and free soul!"

Someone had already presented writing tools.

"No... It's not possible!"

If he agrees to the divorce, from then on, Yunwan will have no more ties to the Lu family!

"Yunyi, she is my wife."

"I can't let her become a wandering and lonely spirit."

"In the past, I wronged your sister. After her death, I... I want to make amends..."

The head of the Lin clan sighed, "There's no need for further compensation. Yunwan is gone, returning to the Lin family was her long-standing wish. Your marriage fulfilled Yunwan's heart's desire!"

Lu Zhengliu forced a bitter smile.

During the previous discussion of divorce, he also mentioned compensation. How did he compensate then...

Her younger brother wasn't wrong. His weakness and greed led to Yunwan's demise. With a slight movement of his fingers, someone handed him a pen, forcefully placing it in his palm. Lu Zhengliu gripped the pen.

Lin Yunyi placed the announcement paper in front of him, speaking indifferently, "I've already had the annulment letter prepared by the clan head. Once you admit it in front of my Lin clan members, adding your name is enough."

Lu Zhenliu held the pen, hesitating.

Lin clan members urged him repeatedly, "Just write it!"

"Yes, it was also Yunwan's only wish."

Trembling, Lu Zhengliu signed the divorce letter.

Lin Yunyi took the divorce letter, his eyes still red. He said, "Take me to see my sister and her maidservants, including her dowry. I want to take everything with me."

In the case of a annulment, the dowry could be taken back to the bride's family.

Lu Zhengliu nodded mechanically and led Lin Yunyi to the hall in the backyard.

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The two maidservants, Tao Ye and Ping Ye, were already waiting in the hall.

They were the last to hear about Lin Yunwan's death. Upon learning that people from the Lin family had arrived, they supported each other to come out. Kneeling in front of Lin Yunwan's body, they were in tears.

When they saw Lin Yunyi, both of them were choked with emotions.

"Young Master Yunyi."

Lin Yunyi helped them up and asked, "Both of you, when my sister was alive, you were with her in the Lin family. Are you willing to accompany her back to the Lian family now?"

Both Ping Ye and Tao Ye nodded in agreement.

Tao Ye blamed herself and pounded her chest, saying in a low voice, "It's all my fault! I shouldn't have left... I should have stayed with Madam!"

Lin Yunyi comforted her, saying, "Tao Ye, don't blame yourself. Sister's death has nothing to do with you. If anyone is to blame..."

He cast a cold glance at the people from the Lu family.

"Sister had her intentions. I entrust you both to take care of her affairs."

Tao Ye pulled herself together, wiped her face, and said, "Young Master Yunyi, you're right. I've been in charge of Madam's dowry in the storage room. I'm most familiar with it, and I'll personally check and bring everything back."

Ping Ye added, "I know all about Madam's affairs, and I can also help."

Lin Yunyi then approached Lu Chang Gong and whispered, "Chang Gong, your Mother loved you the most and was most concerned about your studies."

"Even though your Mother is gone, we can't let your studies be affected. You can come with me..."

"No need, Uncle."

Lu Chang Gong, with a pale face, said, "Uncle, I'm not going anywhere. I won't go anywhere."

"Chang Gong!"

Lian Yunyi frowned. Before his sister left, she specifically instructed Changgong about something.

Lu Chang Gong calmly said, "Uncle, I won't leave."

His surname was Lu, originally part of the Lu family, and he couldn't escape from that. 

Moreover, he couldn't just watch those who harmed his mother get away with everything. If it weren't for them, his mother wouldn't have ended up like this!

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