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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter : 


Chang Gong is just a child; how could Lin Yunwan possibly go out first and then let him go?

The fire in the Buddha hall began to burn slowly.

She frowned and said, "Chang Gong, you go out first."

Lu Chang Gong supported her to the window and said, "Mother, please hurry. It must have been very difficult to bring about the situation tonight. Don't let your efforts go to waste."

Lin Yunwan wiped a cold sweat.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Not for anything else, but having smoothly progressed step by step to tonight, almost without any setbacks, except for Chang Gong, this child! Yet, this child unexpectedly grasped her weakness with just a few words.

She always knew Chang Gong was clever and filial, but she didn't know that he... had more cunning than she thought.

He was just a ten-year-old child. This made her, as a mother, very worried about her son.

Lu Chang Gong really didn't know where his composure came from. Although his tone was urgent, his actions of pushing Lin Yunwan out were decisive. "Mother, if you don't go out now, the fire will reach your son's heels."

Of course, this statement was an exaggeration. The Buddha hall was more spacious than the average dwelling, and it wouldn't catch fire so quickly.

However, behind them, the flames were soaring, already quite frightening.

Lin Yunwan went out first. As soon as she landed, someone outside the window was there to assist. Lu Chang Gong smiled faintly at her and, surprisingly, closed the window behind her.

"Chang Gong! Chang Gong! What are you doing? Come out!"

"Chang Gong! Come out quickly!"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Lin Yunwan was in a state of great anxiety!

Since her rebirth until now, she had never lost control like this. She pounded on the window, using her identity as a mother to threaten him, "Chang Gong, if you still recognize me as your mother, come out!"

She was afraid that Chang Gong might misunderstand, thinking she was abandoning him. She hastily added, "I won't leave you alone..."

She had naturally considered his future as well!

Lu Chang Gong's palm pressed against the small latch of the window, his forehead against the window. He spoke softly, "Mother, I know you won't leave me behind..."

"But if you 'die,' I'll follow. Your 'death' won't be seamless."

"Mother, I'll be fine. Please go quickly..."

"Chang Gong... Chang Gong! You don't need to take this risk to help me!"

Lin Yunwan anxiously tried to break the window.

But the person inside wasn't responding to her anymore.

"Madam, if you don't leave now, it'll be too late!"

The person behind her continued urging.

Inside, Lu Chang Gong smelled the scent of smoke and gradually couldn't hear Lin Yun Wan's voice.

He couldn't do anything else, but he had to stay in the same room with the "deceased mother." In Yu Shou Tang.


Old Madam Lu had already gone to sleep, but she couldn't sleep well. She got up again to recite scriptures.

"I don't know what happened tonight; I woke up as soon as I lay down."

Yan Mama arranged the wooden fish and sat down, saying, "The weather is too cold."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Old Madam Lu nodded and closed her eyes to recite Buddhist scriptures, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

There was some commotion outside in the courtyard. Yan Mama went out to check, and Lu Zhengliu had arrived, still wearing his outdoor clothes, emanating the smell of alcohol as if he had just returned from outside.

"Master, why have you come?" 

At this time, both gates were locked. How did the master manage to get in?

Yan Mama was puzzled, but Lu Zhengliu didn't speak to her. He glanced at the empty room, walked past her, and went straight to Old Madam Lu, questioning her, "Grandmother, did you send Ge Bao'er and Yunwan to the Ancestral Temple together?"

His face was gloomy, looking very displeased.

Old Madam Lu set aside the wooden fish, looked up at her grandson, and frowned, asking, "She said she wanted to serve the main mistress, and Yunwan didn't send Bao'er back herself. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Lu Zhengliu angrily asked, "Aren't you afraid she might do something to the Big Madam?"

"Do you not know how people outside are cursing the Lu family now? Are you still daring enough to let her stay by Yunwan's side?"

Old Madam Lu snorted coldly, "You're overthinking."

She set down the wooden fish, took off the Buddhist beads from her sleeve, and started to twist them one by one, saying, "If anything happens to the main mistress, the first person who can't escape is her. She wouldn't dare to do anything."

Lu Zhengliu was still furious, but had nowhere to vent his frustration.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Old Madam Lu spoke soothingly, "As for Ge Bao'er's jade pendant, besides her, who else would recognize it? Not even you can find it. It's better to let her give it a try."

"If Yunwan really doesn't come out of the Ancestral Temple, Chang Gong might as well stop studying and stay with her in the temple."

"I don't think she can stay there for long. She'll be back soon. Zhengliu, don't overthink it."

But Lu Zhengliu didn't share the same sentiment!

He turned abruptly, staring at Old Madam Lu and asked, "Grandmother, what if something happens to the main madam of the Lu family at this critical moment? What do you plan to do?"

Old Madam Lu was momentarily stunned.

What if...

If something did happen, she wouldn't have a solution! Lin Yunwan couldn't afford to have any issues at this time.

"I will go and bring her back."

Lu Zhengliu walked away angrily, knowing that he might not be able to bring back Lin Yunwan, but it would be good to bring Ge Bao'er back first.

Yan Mama, watching Lu Zhengliu's angry departure, sighed and asked, "Madam, should I try to persuade him or not?"

"Let it be. What he said makes sense. Let him go and bring her back."

Old Madam Lu still had the jade pendant on her mind, muttering to herself in frustration, "Where did she hide the jade pendant!"

She didn't know if Ge Bao'er had found it.

Yan Mama sighed again and said, "Don't think about it. Go to bed first!"

Old Madam Lu nodded. With her grandson causing a commotion, she did feel a bit sleepy.

Yawning, she half-closed her eyes and went into her bedroom to rest.

Just as she lay down and before falling asleep, a noise came from the second gate.

Yan Mama was startled and said, "It sounds like the Yun Ban!"

Old Madam Lu suddenly sat up, counting the sound of the Yun Ban aloud, "One, two, three, four..."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"Something's happened!"

Yan Mama's hands and feet turned cold. Three sounds of Yun Ban typically signify good news, but four sounds indicate a serious and ominous event.

"I hope Master Lu didn't predict something unfortunate!"

Old Madam Lu's heart sank. She put on her shoes and said, "Quickly help me outside to see what's happening!"

The mistress and servant hurriedly changed into their clothes and rushed outside to inquire about the situation.


Thick smoke billowed from the Lu family's Ancestral Temple, and white smoke wafted from the roof, alarming the neighbors.

Ge Bao'er came over with a bucket of oil, looking dumbfounded at the fire in front of her.

"What's going on..."

She hadn't even had the chance to set the fire, so how did the Buddha hall catch fire?

Could it be that Lin Yunwan accidentally knocked over a candlestick, causing the blaze?

In other words... was even the heavens themselves helping her?

Ge Bao'er was ecstatic, but seeing the bucket of oil in her hands, she felt a bit uneasy.

She didn't need to act on her own right now, but she also couldn't let anyone see her holding the oil.

She had to leave quickly!

Ge Bao'er turned with the oil bucket and came face to face with a cold, grim face.

"Ah Zheng, you... you..."

How could he appear here in the middle of the night?

Lu Zhengliu looked at the bucket in her hands, smelled the oil, and his voice trembled, "Ge Bao'er, what are you doing? Is there someone in the Buddha hall?"

Ge Bao'er opened her mouth but couldn't utter a word.

Of course, there was someone inside. She personally locked the door, not even a fly could escape!

"Water! Water!"

The old and young ladies saw the flames rising, and they sounded gongs and drums to alert the neighbors for help in extinguishing the fire. Relatives living nearby rushed to their feet, searching the house for water buckets upon seeing the ancestral temple on fire.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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