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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 109: 


"Is Yunwan inside?"

Lu Zhengliu looked at Ge Bao'er, asking with a glimmer of hope. How he wished she would say "no"!

Ge Bao'er just smiled, the oil bucket already spilled on the ground, leaving a dark stain.

Lu Zhengliu's gaze gradually turned cold, then red.

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"Help... help... help..."

There was someone knocking on the door inside the house!

Lu Zhengliu rushed over in swift strides. The wooden door was already scorching, and he felt a burning sensation on his skin when he approached.

"It's locked!"

The main door was locked from the outside, explaining why the person inside couldn't get out!

Lu Zhengliu, with all his strength, couldn't break the copper lock. He kicked the door open, and flames nearly reached him.

"Father, father..."

Lu Chang Gong crawled out from the ground, his back already on fire.

"Chang Gong! Chang Gong!"

"Water! Water! Where is the water?"

Lu Zhengliu gritted his teeth, got the child out first, and then Old Nun brought a bucket of water, and with splash of water, extinguished the flames on Lu Chang Gong.

Lu Chang Gong lay on the ground, the back of his hands burnt, shivering in pain.

"Save... save mother... save mother..."

He tugged at Lu Zhengliu's clothes, pleading.

"Yunwan... Yunwan, is she— is she inside?"

Having just opened the door to the Buddha hall, the fire inside had intensified, making it impossible for anyone else to enter!

The old and young women hastily poured water and urged, "Master, please step aside! The fire is spreading!"

Fearing for Lu Zhengliu's safety, they pushed him back.

Lu Zhengliu staggered backward, staring at the gradually burning Buddha hall, in shock.

Ge Bao'er was also in a daze.

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With such a massive fire, it seemed impossible for Lin Yunwan to survive.

She looked at Lu Chang Gong on the ground, pursed her lips in confusion. When she left, Lu Chang Gong wasn't even there. When did he enter?

"Why didn't he get burned alive too?" Ge Bao'er thought to herself.

If Lin Yunwan and her son died together, that would have been the best outcome, ensuring that no one could threaten her little Qing Ge'er anymore.

"She... she's finally dead..."

Ge Bao'er breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face.

Lu Zhengliu coldly watched her, reached out, and grabbed her neck. He didn't even know what he was doing. His eyes seemed like they were about to pop out of their sockets, bloodshot red.

"You wretch! You killed Yunwan!"


Ge Bao'er let out a soft cry, unable to speak. Her delicate face turned purplish-red, almost choked to death!

"I... I... I am... the legitimate daughter of the Duke of Xingguo..."

"A' really strangle me..."

Xingguo Duke's Mansion?

Lu Zhengliu snapped out of it, slowly releasing his grip in disbelief.

When did Ge Bao'er learn about her own identity?

Did she attack the main madam, relying on her yet-to-be-confirmed status?

"You wretch!"

"You despicable woman! Setting fire to the main madam—"

Lu Zhengliu fiercely slapped her.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Ge Bao'er, dizzy and disoriented, fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood. It wasn't clear whether she bit her tongue or if the blood came from her throat, but her mouth was filled with the taste of blood.


Old Madam Lu and Yan Mama rushed over together. Upon hearing the sounds of Yun Ban and seeing smoke from the temple, without asking what had happened, they hurried to the scene.

Something really happened!

"What conspiracy to harm the main madam? Zhengliu, calm down!"

Madam Lu pointed to the oil bucket nearby, saying, "Can't you see? The oil hasn't been poured yet! The fire started from inside!"

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She spoke while catching her breath.

The Lu family's relatives were arriving quickly. If they were to be labeled as conspirators plotting against the main mistress...

Just thinking about it made her anxious.

How could this happen? Ge Bao'er was indeed audacious!

Old Madam Lu glared angrily at Ge Bao'er lying on the ground.

Ge Bao'er, seemingly unfazed, got up from the ground. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and sneered, "Master, instead of venting your anger on me here, why don't you go and look for the jade pendant?"

"Now, with so many people around, if someone secretly picks up the jade pendant and hides it..."

The Lu family might end up with nothing. Old Madam Lu's heart skipped a beat, putting aside accusations for the moment, urgently telling Lu Zhengliu, "You should hurry and help extinguish the fire, find people, find the jade pendant. Whether alive or dead, there must be witnesses—"

Lu Zhengliu's attention perked up at the mention of the word "dead," and he turned away.

Old Madam Lu whispered to Yan Mama, "Tie her up and bring her back for me!"

She then looked at Lu Chang Gong on the ground and said, "Help the young master back to see the doctor."

Hearing Lu Chang Gong murmuring "Save mother" over and over, her heart sank.

The Buddha hall had been burning for so long. Could her daughter-in-law still be alive?


"At least it's extinguished."

With the combined efforts of neighbors and the Lu family members, they managed to put out the fire in the Buddha hall. The whole street woke up, and the commanding officer leading the patrol, along with his soldiers, also arrived. 

It wasn't until dawn that the unrelated people left.


Lin Yunwan sat in the carriage leaving the capital, her face also showing signs of exhaustion.

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She had no idea that Chang Gong would suddenly appear, nor did she anticipate his actions.

The coachman stopped the carriage on the official road for a break. Before long, A'Fu and his men rushed over, exchanging a few words with Qi Lingheng in another carriage.

Qi Lingheng nodded at the words, got off the carriage, and said to Lin Yunwan, "Madam, don't worry. Your adopted son is safe now."

The men A'Fu sent had blended in with the people putting out the fire. They personally witnessed the Lu family taking Lu Chang Gong away. They also saw the injuries on Lu Chang Gong's body, which were not life-threatening. Additionally, they observed him becoming the living evidence that "Lin Yunwan" had supposedly killed.

It was truly a perfect addition to this massive fire. With his testimony, no one would doubt that the deceased person wasn't Lin Yunwan. After all, no son would mistake his own mother, and no one would question the words of a ten-year-old child.

Lin Yunwan closed her eyes and silently recited "Amitabha Buddha." Fortunately, Chang Gong was unharmed!

She opened her eyes and couldn't help but talk to Qi Lingheng, "That child is really too audacious!"

Qi Lingheng smiled and said, "Courageous and resourceful, he's a rare child."

Lin Yunwan forced a smile. If someone else's child had courage and resourcefulness like this, she would undoubtedly praise them. But when it came to her own child, it was truly an uncomfortable feeling.

"All right. The child is fine, Madam, you can rest assured and go to Jiang Qian."

Lin Yunwan said, "Thank you, Lord."

Qi Lingheng nodded and hesitated before saying, "Time is tight, and there's no time to find a more suitable identity for Madam. For now, we can temporarily use the Lin family's legitimate daughter. Madam, please bear with it."

Lin Yunwan hurriedly said, "How can I talk about bearing with it! If it weren't for you, how could I still be alive openly and aboveboard? I'm grateful to you, even that is not enough."

Qi Lingheng said gently, "If Madam has any matters in Jiang Qian, you can ask my maid, Xi Ruo, to find my uncle. I cannot accompany Madam for the farewell as I have not bid farewell to my father and mother yet."

Miss Yunwan didn't want to trouble him any further, saying that she could go on her own, asking him not to worry. However, she still had something on her mind.

"I wonder, Prince, what favor do you want me to help you with?" As an inner chamber lady who had lost her identity as the legitimate daughter of the Lin family, what could she offer to Prince Huan?

Prince Lingheng smiled without saying a word.

Miss Yunwan suddenly understood; the prince never really intended for her to help with anything. He probably said that just to make her feel appreciated at the moment.

"Miss Lin, until we meet again," Prince Lingheng smiled faintly, congratulating Lady Yunwan on her new identity as Miss Lin, an unmarried maiden of mature age.

Miss Yunwan, full of gratitude, bowed to him before bidding farewell.

Xi Ruo let down the carriage curtain, instructing the coachman to continue along the official road.

Lying inside the carriage, Lin Yunwan pinched the purse around her waist. Escaping from the Lu family, leaving the capital, she took nothing with her except the jade pendant with the leopard's tail. Even if she "died," she couldn't allow the Lu family to rise again with the support of the Marquis Xingguo's mansion!

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  1. I feel, the prince will ask for favor in the future... wiggle eyebrows
    Thanks for the chapter


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