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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 274: 

How Can It Be Them?

Hei Mao, upon hearing this, became furious and immediately lunged forward, intending to bite the man.

They had underestimated him, feeding him tainted meat. He wanted to bite him!

Murong Lingran hurriedly exclaimed, "Hei Mao, no biting!"

Hei Mao's teeth had just touched the man's calf when he immediately halted.

Murong Lingran signaled Hei Mao to sit down, patted its back, and then approached to examine the five.

Seeing that all of them had thick layers of ash on their faces, Murong Lingran fetched a basin of water. Murong Zong quickly took it and tore a piece of cloth from one of the men, roughly wiping off their disguises one by one.

No joking, how could these people deserve his sister's personal face washing treatment!

Murong Lingran brought the lantern closer and carefully examined their faces. When she saw the appearance of three of them, she suddenly raised an eyebrow.

Murong Zhe also approached and examined them, frowning, "Why are these two here?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

The three brothers came forward to look as well, recognizing only two of them. Murong Zong said, "Father, these two are from our village, and the other three, I've never seen them before. They must be from another village."

Murong Lingran opened her mouth but didn't reveal the identities of the remaining three.

Murong Kuan, thinking that these people were the ones who stole his money and caused him embarrassment, went forward and kicked them several times.

Feeling still unsatisfied, he began hitting their faces until he got tired, then stopped, saying angrily, "To collude with outsiders to steal from their fellow villagers, truly despicable."

"But they are also quite foolish. Uncle Qinghe deliberately spread the news, and sure enough, at noon, some people followed other villagers here. Dad just hinted a bit, ridiculed them, and they took the bait. Today, I've truly learned what it means to be incredibly foolish."

Murong Zong and Murong Xuan nodded simultaneously, "Exactly, quite foolish indeed."

When A’Ran explained her plan to them, they initially thought it was too obvious, like inviting the thieves into their trap, assuming that the thieves wouldn't be so foolish.

However, in this vast world, anything could happen. Before the night completely settled over Lihua Village, these thieves couldn't wait and willingly walked into their own trap.

Did they not bother to inquire whether their father was a doctor before?

In the afternoon, under their father's guidance, they quickly prepared antidotes for the smoke and sleeping drug. The smoke blown into the rooms had no effect on them, as they had taken the antidotes.

Moreover, they weren't even in the rooms at that time; taking the antidotes was merely a precaution against any potential sneak attacks. Unexpectedly, these intruders turned out to be so incompetent, and they were easily subdued in just a few moves.

Murong Zhe knew that no one is perfect, and while some may favor their family, there would undoubtedly be those who harbor resentment, especially since hiring people for work had offended some individuals.

As newcomers, they had been quite fortunate, earning a considerable amount of silver in a short time. This success likely stirred jealousy and animosity. "Let's proceed with the original plan."

The three brothers nodded simultaneously, "Yes, Dad."

Murong Lingran glanced at Hei Mao "Hei Mao, we'll leave the rest to you."

“Woof!" Understood.

The next day, just as the day was breaking, a group of people gathered under a large tree not far from Murong Lingran's house, pointing and discussing.

Upon closer inspection, the five individuals captured at their house the previous night were all hanging upside down from the sturdy branches of the tree. Their heads were only about half a meter above the ground, faces turned outward, and they were still in a deep slumber.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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