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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 275: 

Revenge in Anger

News spread rapidly, and many curious villagers gathered under the tree upon hearing about it.

Hei Mao stood guard on the side, intimidating anyone attempting to approach.

"Why are these people hanging here?"

"I don't know. I heard those who stole from the Murong family yesterday were five people, and now there are five people hanging near the Murong house. Could it be them?"

"Oh, Hei Mao has been guarding here. You might have guessed right. They succeeded once yesterday, thinking they could return easily at night, but it turned out differently."

The villagers suddenly realized.

As more people gathered, Murong Zhe led his family over slowly.

Upon seeing Murong Zhe approaching, Li Zhuang asked, "A’Zhe, I heard about it when I came back yesterday. Are these the thieves who broke into your house for silver?"

Murong Zhe nodded, "Uncle Zhuang, it's them."

The villagers started discussing again.

At that moment, as if awakened by the commotion, one of the men, seemingly still half-asleep, shouted irritably, "Stop the noise! Shut up, or I'll tear your mouths apart if you keep disturbing me!"

The crowd first fell into a moment of silence, then burst into laughter.

"Haha, it seems these thieves are not aware of their situation."

"Yeah, truly foolish. Otherwise, they wouldn't have fallen for it a second time."

"Exactly, they are too dumb. No wonder the master scolded them as useless yesterday in front of us. I was wondering how our usually dignified master suddenly started scolding people. It turns out he deliberately provoked them, hoping they would take the bait at night."

As people continued to mock, one of the men close to the hanging thieves suddenly recalled, "Now that you mention it, I remember too. The master set the trap, and they willingly fell into it. There are indeed thieves dumb enough to do that."

"Haha... Haha..."

Hearing the taunts, the five hanging individuals immediately snapped back to reality. Thinking about the events before they passed out last night, each of them wore an extremely unpleasant expression.

Before they lost consciousness last night, they had realized the situation. Was it necessary to remind them again?

"Let me go! How dare you treat me like this! Once I'm free, I'll take your lives!"

“Exactly! Do you know who we are? Daring to be so disrespectful to us, are you tired of living?”

“If you don't release us soon, get ready for disturbances around your homes in the future!”

The three outsiders shamelessly began to threaten.

Ordinary folks generally wouldn't easily provoke thieves, fearing repercussions. After all, these thieves hadn't committed heinous crimes like murder or arson, and according to the laws of Xuanqing Kingdom, they typically wouldn't be sentenced to death. At most, they would face some severe non-lethal punishment in prison.

“Locked up in prison for a few months or several years, they'll be released eventually, and they'll surely seek revenge then.”

Murong Lingran smiled, approached them, and teased, "Hello there! Long time no see. Surprised to see me? Do you still recognize me?"

The three men were momentarily stunned upon hearing her familiar voice. This devilish voice was something they would never forget. It was because of this person that they were only just released from prison, having endured hardships.

One of them, a chubby guy, instantly lost his previous arrogance, looking at her with flattery. He said, "Miss... Miss, what a coincidence to meet you again."

The taller one added, "Miss, what brings you here?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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