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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 273:

Heads Might Get Bitten Off

All four whispered simultaneously, "We've been ready for a while."

The man distributing the smoke bombs nodded, steadying the ladder in the moonlight and motioning for them to climb up first.

The person who spoke first had just touched the ladder when a sudden realization struck him. His face turned fearful, "I just remembered they have a completely black dog. It might have been out during the day and is likely to come back home at night. If we enter like this, with its black fur, we might not notice it hiding in the dark. What if it ambushes us?"

The dog was fat, robust, and exceptionally large and fierce. A single kick from it could send them flying.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

If it managed to bite them, one bite might take off their heads.

The group hesitated as their earlier eagerness waned.

One of them suddenly smirked, "Even if you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn’t have forgot. Don't worry; I've been prepared to deal with it for a while."

After speaking, he took out a cloth bag hanging from his waist and let everyone smell it.

One of them guessed his plan, "Did you poison the meat? You really are something. Did you use the two taels of silver I gave you this afternoon to buy the meat?"

"Am I a fool? This is rat meat I found in the woodpile at home this afternoon. There were ten pups. I just cooked them. It did cost me a bit for the sleeping drug, though, so you guys better split the cost with me later."

"Got it, stingy. Let's move quickly."

They each threw some rat meat over the courtyard wall, and to make sure it was safe inside, they even tossed several small stones in as a precaution.

Dogs are vigilant animals, and upon hearing any disturbance in the yard, they would surely start barking immediately.

After returning to their previous positions and waiting for a while without hearing any noise, they thought the dog had really eaten the prepared meat and was now unconscious. That's when they climbed over the wall.

Having visited in the morning, the five knew which rooms were occupied, and since there were five occupied rooms, each person took charge of one.

After blowing knock-out smoke into their respective assigned rooms, the five conspirators stealthily approached a house with an untouched lock during the day.

"You two, go pick the lock on the left side, and you two, pick the one on the right. As for the room here, I'll handle it myself."

All four whispered simultaneously, "Alright."

The five almost simultaneously reached for the locks on the three rooms, intending to pick them. Suddenly, they felt something flash before their eyes. Before they could react to what it was, their bodies were violently dragged to the center of the courtyard, colliding with each other.

Their backs were instantly sore from the impact. Before they could even exclaim in pain, several figures swiftly appeared before them, circling around them.

By the time they realized it, they were all securely bound together.

Even the most foolish among them understood that they had fallen into a trap. Just as they were about to shout, a sudden pain at their necks caused them all to faint.

Murong Lingran, seeing her brothers had everything under control, came over with Hei Mao, carrying four lanterns. She distributed three of them to her brothers.

Hei Mao sniffed each person on the ground. When it smelled a pocket on one man's waist, it immediately crouched down, revealing sharp fangs.

Murong Zong approached, picked up the pocket, sniffed it, and then sniffed the pieces of meat they had collected in the courtyard earlier. He nodded, saying, "It seems this person wanted to drug Hei Mao."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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