ROTCGIS, Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 226: 

Definitely Won't Happen

"At that time, I lost my mind and knew I would be blamed when I returned home. I wanted to try my luck, see if I could turn things around. But the people at the gambling den insisted that I wager two things before they would lend me money again. I had nothing valuable, so I... I..."

"You pawned Murong Xue to them, didn't you? In the end, you lost again, didn't you?" Murong Zhe couldn't help but roar in anger.

Murong Qi shrank back under his big brother's furious roar, his voice lowering a few notches, "Yes, and my legs too."

Although Murong Liang had heard it all just now, hearing it again couldn't suppress his anger. He swiftly stepped forward and fiercely kicked him again.

Madam Liu, witnessing this, quickly used herself as a black in front of her youngest son, pleading, "Old man, didn't you hit him enough just now? He's covered in injuries; if you keep hitting him, he might really lose his life."

Murong Liang pulled her aside, pushing her towards Chen, and continued to kick Murong Qi several times. "I'm his father. I gave him his life, and I can take it back! "

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Murong Liang was truly angry this time. He didn't show any mercy with his kicks. Murong Qi knew he had made a grave mistake, and with his big brother watching, he dared not resist.

But after a short while, seeing that his big brother showed no signs of pleading, he couldn't bear it either. He quickly started begging, "Dad, I was wrong. Don't kick me anymore. I was beaten by the people at the gambling den yesterday. I still have injuries on my body."

Murong Liang was stunned for a moment, then stopped the beating.

Madam Liu rushed forward to lift his clothes and indeed saw bruises all over his body.

Such obvious bruises couldn't have been caused just now by Murong Liang. Madam Liu felt distressed and started wailing again, "How could those damned people beat you like this? Can you get money by beating someone? It's too much!"

Murong Qi endured the pain and said, "Mother, I really know I was wrong. Please let big brother help me. I won't dare to do it again."

Murong Zong, covering his sister's eyes since Aunt had pulled open his uncle's clothes, removed his hands after his uncle had dressed. He frowned and said, "Uncle, you've been talking about debts, but you haven't mentioned how much money you owe. You even mortgaged your daughter and legs to them, and a brothel of all places?"

"Yeah," Murong Zhe added, "How much money do you owe exactly? Letting them mortgage your daughter and legs, is it worth it?"

"Not... not much."

Murong Zhe looked at his dodging eyes and frowned, "How much is 'not much'?"

Murong Qi looked at the trembling Murong Xue and, with a complicated expression, said, "Just... just two... two thousand taels of silver."

Murong Zhe was shocked by the amount of debt. "Two thousand taels of silver! Murong Qi, why didn't you just bet your own life? What kind of father are you to pawn your daughter and sell her to a brothel for a measly two thousand taels of silver?"

Murong Lingran, listening intently, was also surprised. He always knew her uncle was reckless, but he never expected him to be so audacious as to lose two thousand taels of silver.

They had worked hard for so long, and even though they were more financially stable than before, they wouldn't easily spend such a large sum of money.

When Mrs. Chen heard the huge amount, she knew that Murong Zhe's family definitely wouldn't be able to come up with that much silver. She blacked out and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Mom!" Murong Xue and Murong Qing quickly rushed forward to help her, anxiously shaking her frail body.

Murong Zhe sighed, "A’Xue, press your mom's acupoint."

"Yes, Uncle."

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