ROTCGIS, Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Nine


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 199: 

Turn into a Forest of White Bones

The big black dog ignored her reproachful gaze and looked up at the sky.

Murong Lingran felt a surge of frustration; she was actually ignored by a dog!

Wait a minute.

Xiang Zishu? Why did that name sound familiar?

Surprised, Murong Lingran asked, "Is Xiang Zimo your brother?"

Xiang Zishu nodded softly. "Yes, sister. He is my elder brother."

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"Xiang Zimo is your brother?" Murong Lingran couldn't help but smirk. It's a small world; even when saving a child, it turns out to be someone she knows.

"Yeah, sister. Do you know my brother? How did you meet him?"

Murong Lingran stood up, putting the rope back into her bag, and casually said, "It's a bit complicated. I can't say much about it. You should go home and ask your brother."

Even though she knew the child's family was looking for him, he mentioned encountering a wild boar, and to prevent them from facing that danger again, Murong Lingran had no choice but to say, "This place is not suitable for staying long. Come with me to my home; it's not far from here, just down the mountain."

Xiang Zishu agreed, "Okay."

Murong Lingran was about to reach out for his hand when Xiang Zishu's face turned red. "Sister, I'm a boy, already seven years old."

Murong Lingran sighed helplessly. She had slapped herself in the face. She forgot that in Xuanqing Kingdom, boys and girls were not allowed to share the same seat after the age of seven.

"Sorry, I mistook you for my little brother." Murong Lingran touched her nose apologetically. "Let's go. Follow closely."

"Yes, sister."

After a few steps, Murong Lingran heard a sound from behind, turned around, and looked at the casually lying big black dog. "Why are you following me?"

"Woof, woof, woof." The big black dog barked three times, glanced at her, and then looked down the mountain.

Murong Lingran frowned, "You're well-fed and clean, and it seems like you have an owner. What will your owner do if you follow me?"

The big black dog immediately made a pitiful expression.

Seeing its eyes, Murong Lingran felt an urge to touch it again. She had no resistance to these long-haired animals.

In this forest, there were more ferocious animals like jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards. Leaving the dog alone here, it would surely turn into a forest of white bones by tomorrow if it didn't find its owner.

Although it had grown larger and looked intimidating, it was, after all, a dog. Temporarily taking it home shouldn't cause panic, and when its owner found it, she could return it.

"Well, you can follow me, but you're not allowed to scare people, understand? Otherwise, I can eat dog meat at any time."

The big black dog obediently nodded.

Murong Lingran sighed. Well, no matter how you looked at it, it was a life.

Besides, it seemed well-trained by its owner, understanding human language. It shouldn't cause her trouble.

Xiang Zishu was shocked by the interaction between them. This sister was amazing; even the big black dog listened to her.

The two, along with the dog, quickly descended the mountain. As Murong Lingran had expected, because it was just a dog, it didn't cause much panic.

Moreover, the people who saw them were mostly workers in her fields. Out of trust in her, they would at most ask, "Where did this big black dog come from?"

Murong Lingran replied casually, "Met it on the mountain. It insisted on following me back; I don't know why."

The villagers didn't ask much. Some dogs would actively seek someone and follow them home; they didn't find it strange.

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