ROTCGIS, Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Seven


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 187: 

Ultimate Purpose

Mourong Zhe explained, "Later, their owners found out and felt guilty, so they compensated with a bit of silver."

Mrs. Liu hastily asked, "How much did they compensate?"

Mourong Zhe's expression turned cold, "How many times do I have to say it? Once you separated us from the family, you have no right to inquire about our affairs."

"I'm your birth mother!"

"Birth mother?" Mourong Zhe scoffed, "Where were you when our family was besieged? Why didn't you come to protect your own child then? When I have money, you're my birth mother; when I don't, you're a stepmother, letting us fend for ourselves?"

Mrs. Liu was momentarily silenced and had nothing to say.

Mourong Lingran rolled her eyes, "Grandma, I understand your intentions. Regardless of how much compensation was paid, it's already gone now."

"Gone? I don't believe it!"

Mourong Lingran helplessly shrugged, "Believe it or not, Grandma. If you want money, just say it. But as I mentioned last time, finding my brother is a favor we're asking from others. It requires at least a hundred or more taels of silver a year. Even if I still have some now, I need to save it."

Mourong Liang, still unaware of the situation, was shocked, "A hundred or more taels of silver a year?"

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"Yes, or else why would I buy land? If I don't earn money quickly, if we can't find him in a year, where will I get the silver to continue searching?"

Mrs. Liu, with a distressed expression, said, "Can't you find them yourselves? A hundred and twenty taels, just like that, easily given to outsiders, squandering children, squandering children."

Mourong Lingran's face darkened, and she narrowed her eyes slightly. "Find them ourselves? Who will take care of the land at home?"

"Give it to your youngest uncle's family; they're idle anyway." Mrs. Liu suggested without much thought.

Mourong Lingran sneered, "So, Grandma, this is your ultimate goal? Grandpa, are you thinking the same way? So, you came here today to ask for land."

"Sure, we almost lost our home and lives to get the money. Yet, someone hears a rumor and rushes over to grab it. Not only that, their ambitions are not small. They come wanting to take over all our land."

"When my dad and third brother were in trouble, where were you? Where were you when I was unconscious and short of money? When our family was besieged by a dozen strong men, where were you?"

"When there's a benefit, you're eager to come. Grandpa and Grandma, I can understand. But why did Auntie and her family come? Afraid we didn't know that Grandma wanted land and money for her? I really want to go find an arbitrator; is there such a relative in the world?"

Mrs. Chen, Mourong Xue and Murong Cai, all except for Mourong Qing, had their faces changed immediately. They deliberately waited for everyone to leave before coming; this troublesome girl wanted to escalate the matter.

Mourong Liang, seeing her showing signs of going to find someone, hurriedly stopped her. "A’Ran, don't misunderstand; Grandpa doesn't think that way."

After that, without mercy, he slapped Mrs. Liu, "You old thing, I said you're not allowed to ask A’Zhe for money. Yet, you even dare to covet their land. Did you forget my words again?"

Mrs. Liu, covering her slapped face, said grievously, "I... Is what I said wrong? Wouldn't it save money for them to find them themselves?"

"This way, it's easy for your youngest son to completely take over their land, right? Even seize their house, making them homeless again, right?"

"I... I didn't think that way."

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