ROTCGIS Chapter One Hundred and Sixty


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 160: 

 Regretting Deeply

"Spending silver on outsiders' food and drinks, but not a penny for me, a bunch of unfilial spendthrifts!"

"Mother hasn't had meat for months, yet he serves it generously to outsiders, truly heartless!"

Mrs. Liu's intention was clear—to tarnish the image of Murong Zhe's family in front of Wei Yushan.

However, her table was quite distant from the main one, and amidst the lively courtyard, her voice only reached the adjacent table, not beyond.

Mrs. Xia's table, conveniently close to Liu's, chuckled, "Aunt Liu is quite the storyteller. Everyone knows that a warm feast is a significant event in one's life. Naturally, you must present the best to guests, ensuring joy and prosperity. It's a tradition to pass down good family values and enhance luck."

"Even if it's not for oneself, for the sake of future generations, even if there's no silver, one would borrow to arrange a table full of delicious dishes."

Looking at Mrs. Tian, Xia added, "Isn't that right?"

Mrs. Tian, feeling guilty for not defending Murong Lingran when she was thrown out by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Gao, quickly agreed, "Exactly, the warm feast is a big deal, and it shouldn't be taken lightly."

"And, Aunt Liu, how can you claim to have gone meatless for two months? Every time I pass by your kitchen, I smell meat. There's no need to exaggerate your situation; everyone knows how you treat your eldest son's family. No need to tarnish his reputation."

Mrs. Xia continued, "Indeed, back then, you heartlessly drove your eldest son and sick granddaughter away. Others still consider you somewhat decent. Now, asking for money? Shameless!"

Mrs. Liu was taken aback, glaring at Mrs. Tian and Mrs. Xia.

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Truly, anyone connected to Murong Zhe was deemed unworthy.

After Mrs. Xia spoke, Mrs. Tian suddenly burst into laughter.

Mrs. Liu impatiently frowned, "What's so funny?"

Shaking her head, Mrs. Tian said, "Nothing, I just thought, if I were you, I would be deeply regretful now. Why did I split such a talented son's family? If you hadn't, all of this would be yours, right?"

"Actually, I once heard a saying: kind people will surely have good fortune. Even the heavens are watching. Isn't the Murong family a perfect example? What do you all think?"

Murong Qing, being young and not wanting to intervene, focused on eating to alleviate her embarrassment.

Murong Cai, a man, didn't want to argue with several women and, like Murong Qing, chose to eat voraciously.

But Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Chen, and Murong Xue all had faces as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Who knew how Murong Zhe's family could be so fortunate? Even with a disabled hand, they still managed to acquire so much silver.

Living in a new house without inviting parents—what kind of kind people were they?

Certainly, they must have deceived the heavens!

Murong Liang sternly glared at Liu, "If you can't keep your mouth shut even with food in front of you, then go home immediately!"

Ever since Mrs. Liu was slapped last time, she had been somewhat afraid of Murong Liang. After all, where there's smoke, there's fire; if he dared to hit her once, he might do it again.

Afraid he might actually do it, and not wanting to lose face in front of many people, Liu reluctantly began grabbing food to eat.

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