ROTCGIS Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Nine


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 159: 

Marriage Matters

"A’Ran, endure it for today," Murong Zong advised.

Murong Lingran clenched her fists angrily, "Big brother, if she behaves, I can pretend she never came today. But if she dares to act out here, I won't be polite."

Murong Zong patted her head, "Big brother understands."

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It's not surprising that Murong Lingran harbors such deep hostility towards Fei Xiaocai. When Murong Zhe was still a physician, Fei Xiaocai worked as Murong Lingran's personal maid.

During her time as a maid, she was involved in some shady dealings.

After Murong Lingran lost some valuable items a few times, Mrs. Xiao decided to dismiss her.

Unexpectedly, Fei Xiaocai harbored resentment. When their family suffered and was exiled, she managed to bribe the guards escorting them, causing numerous troubles on the way.

She often denied them food and water and even whipped them frequently.

Although Xiao Man'an had been living a comfortable life for over a decade, her health wasn't great.

Suddenly exposed to the harsh conditions of sleeping outdoors and subjected to the guards' intentional harassment, her life was in jeopardy several times.

Fortunately, Murong Zhe, being a doctor, had a habit of collecting medicinal herbs. He fed her medicine in time, preventing her from succumbing to illness on the way to Saiyuan Prefecture.

After most of the guests had arrived, Murong Zong, having set off firecrackers, led his sister back to the main table. He then instructed the women to start serving the dishes.

Murong Lingran took the opportunity to tell her father and brother everything about Fei Xiaocai's arrival.

Their attitude, like Murong Zong's, was that today was a big day for their family. As long as Fei Xiaocai behaved herself today, they wouldn't actively seek trouble.

The Murong family was always generous in entertaining guests. With some extra money on hand and the significance of the house warming event, the dishes served today were all exquisite, with a variety of meats such as chicken, duck, and fish, and the portions were generous.

In Xuanqing Country, there were no rules about separating men and women at tables. Every table had a jar of good white wine, and both men and women could drink.

As each dish was brought to the table, the guests were all smiles. Most of them praised the Murong family for their generosity and hospitality.

When Mrs. Liu entered earlier, she wanted to sit at the main table, but Murong Zong told her that it was reserved for distinguished guests.

As the Murong family's grandmother, why couldn't she accompany the distinguished guests?

Furthermore, Li Zhuang was helping them, and she was still angry even before having her meal.

Now, seeing Murong Lingran and her family sitting with an obviously wealthy young lady, she felt uncomfortable.

That young lady didn't look ordinary. If she brought A’Cai over to show her face, perhaps A’Cai's marriage could be settled, and she wouldn't have to suffer in the future.

About to get up to say hello, Murong Liang, who had been watching her every move, coldly warned, "Many people today. Don't think I won't dare to deal with you!"

Mrs. Liu was stunned and had to restrain her thoughts. She impatiently rolled her eyes and said, "I know, I won't go then."

At this point, the dishes were being served, and watching the increasing variety of meat and vegetables on the table, Mrs. Liu immediately shifted her attention.

She sharply said, "Look at him, look at your good son. Does he know what kind of days we've been living? He actually treats everyone with such lavish dishes!"

"All the money spent on buying so much meat and fish, if it were given to me, our family wouldn't have such a hard time."

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