Chapter 24: Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"


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Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"

 Chapter 24: 

Facing Death

Pei Qing had always been gentle and demure. Even when the concubines in the harem spoke harshly, she never took offense or commented negatively about them in front of Xiao Jing.

As a result, the palace rumored that the gentle and magnanimous Empress Pei was a model of grace and virtue.

But those within the palace knew that although the young Empress Pei was similar to the elder Empress Pei in many ways, she was not Pei Wan. As empress, Pei Qing prioritized the Emperor and the prince, but as a woman, her heart did not belong to the Emperor. She never involved herself in the disputes over the Emperor’s favors among the concubines, remaining indifferent and composed due to her lack of jealousy.

Yet the Pei Qing standing before them now was someone they had never seen before, nor had Xiao Jing.

She was filled with grief and determination.

Xiao Jing coughed twice and, calming himself, asked her, "You’ve come to see me. What is it that you want?"

"I want to open the palace gates," she replied without hesitation.

Xiao Jing looked at her. "Do you know what will happen if you open the palace gates?"

Pei Qing knew all too well. Opening the palace gates would mean surrender. The army outside coveted the throne and sought to kill Xiao Jing. Opening the gates would mean handing over what they wanted on a silver platter.

This would certainly lead to Xiao Jing's death and the throne falling into the hands of others.

But it would give the Southern River army outside a brief chance to breathe. In just a moment, with Xiao Yuan's abilities, whether he withdrew his troops or scattered and fled, he would definitely survive.

Pei Qing remained silent, her head lowered. Xiao Jing did not respond with anger but instead smiled.

When the rebellious forces led by Prince Yu and Prince Yun attempted to storm the palace, he had believed they were in a dire situation. Yet, at that time, Pei Qing had never once shown any intention of surrender. What sustained her was not so much the plea for help but her trust in that man. She believed that as long as Xiao Yuan arrived, they would be safe.

But now, Xiao Jing did not consider their situation as hopeless. As long as the Southern River army fought to the death, protecting the palace was not entirely impossible. Yet his empress was determined to open the palace gates and surrender.

The matter concerned the life and death of that man outside, and it had made her lose all her usual gentleness and calm.

Xiao Jing stared at Pei Qing.

It turned out that his empress could be so resolute and ruthless. Though she shared a similar face with Pei Wan, her nature was entirely different. The obedience she had shown before now seemed to be merely a result of indifference.

Although he knew her reasons for entering the palace, he could not suppress the surge of anger that rose within him.

Xiao Jing stood up, and his emaciated yet tall figure moved in front of Pei Qing. He leaned down, his pale hand, streaked with veins, grasped her face, forcing her to look up.

"If I do not permit it?"

Pei Qing looked into his deep, dark eyes, filled with a menacing glare. It was the first time she had seen Xiao Jing like this. The current Emperor was known for his benevolence, and throughout the realm, there was no one who did not know of his kindness. He governed with wisdom and never abused cruel officials or engaged in private punishments. He was never harsh in speech, nor was he ever so aggressive.

At this moment, his handsome face remained unchanged, yet Pei Qing felt an icy chill pervade the entire hall.

Another loud explosion sounded outside, causing her to shiver.

But her gaze became even more resolute as she spoke firmly, "Your Majesty is seriously ill. As the Empress, I have this authority."

Xiao Jing's eyes darkened immediately, and red marks appeared on Pei Qing's face where he had gripped her. However, he then released her and, without saying a word, sat back down by the bedside. Pei Qing noticed he was still barefoot on the cold floor, and she recalled all the care he had shown in the past.

"Rest assured, Your Majesty. Ji'er has already been escorted out of the palace by the Southern River army and will be safe." She paused, her voice trembling, "After opening the palace gates, whatever the consequences, I will stay by Your Majesty's side."

Xiao Jing was taken aback by her words.

"I know I am selfish, but... I really don’t want him to die." Her long-suppressed tears finally fell, "I have wronged him, hurt him, and recklessly dragged him into this cruel conflict. Xiao Yuan is a good man; as long as he lives, he can still protect the country and the people. He is useful. As the Empress, there will never be another chance for me and him. I... I have nothing else but my life, to repay the kindness of my brother-in-law and honor my sister’s spirit in heaven. So, in this moment of life and death, I will not let Your Majesty face it alone. I only ask that Your Majesty allows him to live."

The large hall echoed with her tearful voice.

After listening to Pei Qing, Xiao Jing was silent for a moment before he chuckled softly, "I never knew that the Empress I married was such a resolute person."

Seeing that all her tears had fallen to the ground, leaving a large wet patch, Xiao Jing said, "Get up."

Pei Qing did not understand his meaning.

"Go and pour two cups of wine. Consider it a farewell for this life. After you drink, I will immediately issue the order to open the palace gates."

"Thank you, Brother-in-law. Thank you, Your Majesty!" She quickly wiped her tears and stood up.

Pei Qing quickly brought the wine, and Xiao Jing coughed a couple of times. She immediately turned to move the charcoal closer. When she turned back, Xiao Jing was looking at her with a slight smile.

She blinked in surprise, "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing," Xiao Jing said, handing her a cup of wine.

After ruling for over a decade, Xiao Jing found himself unable to fully understand this person, or rather, this woman. Despite the fact that she was sacrificing his life to save the man outside, she was still concerned about him being cold.

Pei Qing took the wine and softly apologized.

Xiao Jing smiled and drank the wine in one gulp. Pei Qing bit her lip and finished her drink as well.

"Pei Qing, how much do you admire him?" Xiao Jing set the cup down.

Pei Qing lowered her gaze.

"If you were truly selfish, you would have killed me directly. The things you brought, I would never have tested for poison," he said. "After I die, you can be with whoever you want. But you, because you’re the Empress by title, must die with me. Are you selfish or foolish?"

Xiao Jing’s voice was soft and pleasant, but for some reason, Pei Qing, so close to him, could barely hear him clearly.

She looked up at him, but her vision was blurry. She shook her head, suddenly remembering the wine she had just drunk.

"Pei Qing, allow me to be selfish just this once."

This was the last thing she heard before she fainted.

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