Chapter 22: Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"


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Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"

 Chapter 22: 

The Decision

Pei Qing was jolted awake by a series of urgent knocks on the door.

She sat up and looked outside; it was still dark. The knocking grew increasingly frantic, and Pei Qing hurriedly put on her outer garment. Unsure if that was sufficient, she added a cloak for good measure.

When she opened the door, she found Chu Li’s tear-streaked face. Pei Qing was taken aback. “General Chu, what’s wrong?”

Chu Li wiped the sweat and tears from his face. “Your Majesty, Duke Lu, who controls the military camp in the suburbs, and General Cao Ruiji of the Lu'an army have secretly colluded. Our scouts have discovered that the two armies plan to converge today, and they will join forces with key locations within the city, such as fire protection and water resources, intending to encircle the Southern River army and seize the palace! If they manage to form a siege, it will mean certain death for everyone inside the palace. Last night, the Prince made arrangements at the Eastern Palace and ordered an immediate preemptive strike at dawn. The troops are to be split into two routes to confront the Lu and Cao armies and capture key officials, but—”

Seeing Chu Li's expression, Pei Qing's face went pale. "But what?"

Chu Li’s voice quivered. "Not only is the army divided into two routes, but even combined, the Southern River forces don’t match half the strength of the Lu and Cao armies. Moreover, we have to divert troops to attack fire defenses! This isn’t a usual case of fighting fewer with more; it’s clearly a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds! Last night, I insisted on staying by the Prince’s side, but he had someone drug me and left me here in the palace!”

Chu Li, tall and burly, choked up at this point, pressing a note into Pei Qing’s hand. “The situation is dire. Your Majesty, you must come with me now!”

Pei Qing unfolded the note, which had bold, swirling characters:

Chu Li, protect her and the child. I trust only you with this task.

Tears fell onto the note, blurring the ink. The image of that carefree face flashed before her eyes, causing a sharp pang in her heart. Pei Qing gripped the door frame tightly, forcing herself to stand firm.

Taking a deep breath, she looked up and asked, “What about the Imperial Guards? They should at least be able to assist the Southern River forces!”

Chu Li shook his head. “The Prince has issued a death order—eight thousand Imperial Guards are to defend the palace gates and annihilate the remaining traitors attempting to breach the palace. Your Majesty, we have been digging tunnels to the outside for the past few days, and this is our final escape route. Prince Nan Chuan doesn’t trust that the Imperial Guards can truly withstand the rebels, so he ultimately decided that you and the child should escape through the tunnel. But please forgive me, Your Majesty, the South River troops only follow the Prince's orders, and with our limited numbers, we cannot protect the Emperor. Life and death are in fate's hands.”

Pei Qing understood immediately from Chu Li’s words. She asked, “When he made these arrangements... what were the odds of success?”

Chu Li choked up again. “If reinforcements arrived, there would be a thirty percent chance of success.”


“Last night, we received news that the old Prince’s former troops were willing to come to our aid, but for some reason, all communication was cut off this morning!” Chu Li said. “Without the reinforcements, the Prince and our men won’t be able to hold out for long, and yet he still did not take me with him!”

The mention of not holding out for long caused Pei Qing’s heart to snap. If reinforcements did not arrive, then his efforts would only serve to buy time for her and the child.

Thinking of this, Pei Qing said, “Troubling General Chu to take the child and leave.”

Chu Li was astonished. “Your Majesty, aren’t you coming?”

Pei Qing did not say much. She knelt on the ground and performed a deep bow. “No matter what, the child is innocent. You are the one he trusts most. I beg General Chu to take the child out through the tunnel.”

“Do you know how the Prince will react when he finds out?”

Pei Qing’s voice trembled. “He must first be alive to be angry.” Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. “I didn’t write that letter asking him to die.”

Chu Li paused for a moment, then bowed deeply. “If Your Majesty has any way to save the Prince’s life, Chu Li will certainly cooperate! Rest assured, even if it costs my life, I will ensure the safety of the young Prince!”

After Chu Li left, Pei Qing walked back into the hall in a daze. She didn’t know how she managed to put on her empress’s robes piece by piece, how she styled her hair, or how she walked out of Han Ning Palace.

The overnight blizzard had turned the imperial palace into a snow-white, desolate beauty. Pei Qing stepped into the snow, leaving a long trail of footprints behind her.

What she had feared was finally coming to pass. How to die, and for whom to die—this was the choice he made.

The biting cold wind was no match for the coldness in her heart. Pei Qing knew that at this moment, she had truly reached the edge of despair.

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