Chapter 2: Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"


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Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"

 Chapter 2: 

Dead End


The sound of war drums outside the palace grew louder each day.

Aside from her daily visits to the Yangju Palace to pay respects to Emperor Xiao Jing and attend to his medicine, Pei Qing spent her time with Xiao Ji’an in Han Ning Palace, reading and practicing calligraphy.

Recently, Zhi Lan’s reports had become more frequent. At first, they were about palace eunuchs and maids sneaking out with treasures. Pei Qing said nothing; after all, in the face of imminent disaster, who would willingly be implicated and die?

But in recent days, the reports had been more significant. Although the emperor was not lecherous, the harem was still complete with consorts. Those with maternal family support had come with their own invitations, but they did not ask for Empress Pei Qing's approval and took it upon themselves to leave the palace. Pei Qing could not stop them and had no intention of doing so.

However, some of the consorts from families with little influence had resorted to secret dealings with the guards to escape, causing chaos in the palace and fleeing on their own. This was a blatant disregard for the emperor and empress. Although Pei Qing understood that they were only trying to save their own lives, their actions were indeed excessive, so she had to consult Xiao Jing before taking any action.

In the afternoon, while soothing Xiao Ji’an to sleep, Pei Qing instructed Zhi Lan to add more charcoal to the fire and to stay by the prince’s side to prevent him from kicking off the blanket and catching a cold.

Zhi Lan nodded, reluctantly bringing her the thick cloak and escorting her to the entrance of Han Ning Palace. She watched as Pei Qing walked alone through the snow toward Yangju Palace, without even a sedan chair.

Indeed, those with connections in the palace had already fled, leaving no one with the inclination to serve this empress who had no powerful family connections and no heir.

As Pei Qing arrived at Yangju Palace, the sky was growing dim, a sign of the approaching blizzard.

"Greetings, Empress!" The commander of the imperial guards at Yangju Palace, Meng Chuang, who had a sword at his waist, stepped forward to salute her upon seeing her arrival.

Pei Qing nodded slightly, "Commander Meng, is His Majesty awake?"

Meng Chuang nodded, "Replying to Your Majesty, His Majesty just had someone bring a book and is currently reading."

Pei Qing understood and carefully climbed the steps into Yangju Palace. Inside, the familiar smell of medicine greeted her. As she walked further in, she heard a few coughs.

"Brother-in-law," she called out, quickly moving to pour a cup of hot tea and hand it to Xiao Jing.

He took a sip of the tea, stopped coughing, and a smile appeared on his handsome but pale face. "Where is Ji’an?"

Pei Qing, while moving the brazier closer to the bed, replied, "He’s taking his afternoon nap. After studying for half the day, he fell asleep as soon as he hit the pillow. He’ll need to practice martial arts again in the evening."

Perhaps because the heater was closer or because there was an additional person in the room, Xiao Jing felt less cold. He took another sip of the hot tea and handed the cup back to her. "I actually have something to discuss with you in private, and it’s fortunate that you came alone."

Pei Qing took the tea cup with both hands, somewhat surprised by this.

"You may speak first. What is it you wanted to discuss with me?" Xiao Jing set aside the book he had been holding and looked at her gently.

"It’s about... Consort Yu and the guards secretly contacting each other. They were caught attempting to escape with palace treasures through a hidden exit. The Imperial Guards stopped them. Since this is a inner palace matter, it was reported to me first."

Pei Qing glanced at Xiao Jing, who indeed had no visible reaction. She continued, "Consort Yu has been in the palace for a long time, and she has been with you the longest. So, I came to ask for your thoughts on this matter."

Xiao Jing smiled, seeing her enter with a serious expression, thinking something major must have happened. In times of great peril, even birds in the forest fly away. Moreover, Consort Yu is merely a concubine, not a wife, so she doesn’t matter much. Let her escape if she wants.

"What I want to discuss with you is also about this matter," Xiao Jing said, looking at Pei Qing. "After having held out in the palace for so long, it’s time for us to leave."

Pei Qing, who had been bowing her head, suddenly looked up upon hearing this.

"I know my health. The physicians have done their best. Ji’an is still young, and if I die, you won’t be able to withstand those outside the palace. They are desperate for the throne and won’t care about the hierarchy of birth. As long as I am still alive, if they attack, they will inevitably come to me to force some decree or testament. I can buy you some time and distract them from other matters."

Listening to this, Pei Qing was already in tears, but she did not respond.

Once they leave the palace, Ji’an will no longer be a revered prince and will have to live in hiding, never experiencing a peaceful day.

"I’ll leave Meng Chuang and his trusted men to you. After escorting you to safety, they will each go their own way."

At this point, Pei Qing choked on her words and retorted, "Brother-in-law, Meng Chuang may not follow these orders."

Xiao Jing laughed, "You understand his stubbornness well. He has followed me for many years, from a young attendant to the commander of the imperial guards, enduring many hardships and acquiring many skills. At nearly thirty, he is still unmarried. If he dies in the palace in the end, it would be my fault. Don’t you think so?"

Pei Qing’s tears continued to fall, but she wouldn’t agree to his proposal.

"The tiger seals can’t mobilize the troops, the court officials are busy forming factions for their own gain, and the clan members are trying to seize power in the chaos. Pei Qing, we are at an impasse."

Xiao Jing suddenly began to cough uncontrollably, and even black blood seeped from the corners of his mouth.

Pei Qing quickly used a silk handkerchief to wipe his mouth, and in her panic, she blurted out, "I wrote a letter for help, Brother-in-law. I sent a letter to Prince Nan Chuan. He still has troops. If, if..."

But she lacked the courage to finish her sentence. The letter had been sent seven days ago, but there had been no response.

"Prince Nan Chuan..." Xiao Jing pondered, "He is unlikely to concern himself with such matters."

Pei Qing lowered her gaze, knowing this all too well.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar from outside, and the room was soon engulfed in flames.

"Intruders have entered the palace and are killing people! Intruders are killing—" The eunuch's cries outside abruptly stopped, replaced by the deafening sounds of sword fights and chaos.

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