Chapter 17: Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"


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Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"

 Chapter 17: 


“Ji’er!” Pei Qing rushed in and immediately picked up Xiao Ji’an, shielding him behind her.

Seeing her shocked, frightened, and defensive expression, Xiao Yuan’s anger flared, “Get out of the way.”

After what happened last night, Pei Qing was afraid to wake him in the morning and didn’t know how to face him. But seeing him brandishing the sharp dagger at the child, all her shyness and embarrassment were forgotten. She refused to back down, and as snow began to fall in the courtyard, the two of them stood in a tense standoff.

“Your Majesty, your son is the one who tried to stab me. A prince who breaks the law is punished just like any commoner. Do you intend to cover for him?”

“What?” Pei Qing looked down at Xiao Ji’an upon hearing the words.

Xiao Ji’an's gaze showed no signs of evasion. He held Pei Qing's hand tightly, looking up at the tall man in front of him and said, “You’re the one who’s bullying my mother. When she came to see me this morning, her eyes were red and swollen; she must have been crying! Even my father never made my mother cry!”

Mentioning Xiao Jing, Xiao Yuan snorted coldly and looked down at him from above, “You want to avenge your mother? Hiding behind her isn’t brave. If you have the guts, then stab me. But if you can't hurt me, don’t blame me for cutting you into eighteen pieces and using you as medicine for your sickly father.”

Behind her, Zhi Lan was visibly frightened and quickly gave Pei Qing a meaningful glance. After hearing the exchange between the two, Pei Qing began to piece together what had happened. She softened her previously stern demeanor and tried to ease the tense atmosphere.

Seeing that Xiao Ji'an was about to retort, Pei Qing quickly asked, "Ji'an, have you finished warming your books for today?"

Xiao Ji'an promptly replied, "Not yet."

Xiao Yuan continued to play with the dagger, expressionless as he watched Pei Qing to see how she would handle the situation. Pei Qing then assumed a stern tone, "You should never slack off. Finish your tasks for today before coming back."

Xiao Ji'an glanced at Xiao Yuan, but before he could respond, Pei Qing gently patted his head, "Mother is the Empress; no one would dare bully her. You misunderstood your uncle because of last night's late sleep."

"Really?" he asked.

Pei Qing smiled and nodded, "Zhi Lan, please accompany Ji'an back to Xuyang Palace to continue with his studies."

"Yes," Zhi Lan quickly took Xiao Ji'an's hand and led him out, not daring to hesitate, as if afraid someone might change their mind.

Once they had left Han Ning Palace, Pei Qing turned to Xiao Yuan, specifically addressing the dagger in his hand, "That thing is dangerous. Wouldn't it be better if you put it away?"

As she reached to take the dagger, Xiao Yuan unexpectedly grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the hall. The dagger clattered to the ground beside Pei Qing's feet, and she jumped back in shock, losing the defiant attitude she had earlier.

"What's this, Your Majesty? Planning to let this matter go just like that?"

Pei Qing shook her head, "Of course not. Ji'an was in the wrong. But... are you injured?"

Xiao Yuan expected her to argue that the child was too young to be held accountable. Instead, Pei Qing’s concern shifted his anger, and he looked at her, puzzled by her genuine concern.

Seeing him silent, Pei Qing became anxious and started examining him, wondering if he had been hurt by Ji'an’s dagger.

"What are you staring at?" He stepped closer. "A dignified Empress spying on her subordinate? What’s the meaning of this?"

Pei Qing quickly looked up, "No, I wasn’t spying. I was just checking if you were hurt. Ji'an has been diligent in his studies and martial training since he was young."

"Ha!" Xiao Yuan scoffed, "That’s not real skill. What can he learn from the palace tutors? Without solid basic training, using a weapon is just asking to get people killed on the battlefield."

Pei Qing, unfamiliar with martial matters, found Xiao Yuan's words quite alarming. She gently tugged at his sleeve, "Please don't be angry."

Xiao Yuan looked down at the hand holding his sleeve, noticing its delicate and smooth texture. Memories of her holding him last night flashed through his mind. His gaze gradually moved up, skimming her waist, passing over her full figure, and lingering on her exposed collarbone and neck, finally settling on her flushed lips.

His gaze was intense and filled with an alternative kind of heat that even Pei Qing could feel. Her face flushed, and she quickly let go of his sleeve.

Xiao Yuan's expression darkened immediately.

The unspoken anger seemed to fill the entire chamber. Pei Qing, worried he might take his frustration out on the child, thought carefully. Although she had let go of his sleeve, she reached out and held his hand instead.

The cool touch of her hand was just right to calm his anger.

Pei Qing pointed to the stacks of strategies and military documents sent by Chu Li early in the morning. "Let me grind the ink for you. I’m quite good at it."

Xiao Yuan allowed her to pull him to the desk and took a seat. She thoughtfully laid the documents out before him, and he caught a whiff of her hair’s fragrance.

Pei Qing dipped the brush in ink and handed it to him, her voice soft, "Chu Du Tong said these are records of fire prevention and lookout points within the city. There are quite a few. If we need to deploy defenses, we should review and issue orders as soon as possible."

Xiao Yuan looked at the brush handed to him, "Do you dare to enslave me?"

Pei Qing was taken aback, "Then... we won’t look at it."

The man furrowed his brows, "Go get a cup of tea."

"Certainly." Pei Qing stood up and went to fetch the most precious set of jade teacups. The fragrance of the tea masked her own scent, allowing him to focus on the documents. The surroundings were quiet; there was the sound of ink grinding, tea pouring, and soon, a plate of sweet, soft pastries appeared.

Xiao Yuan was being served comfortably. After a moment, he snorted, "That sickly man married you just to have you serve him. You handle these tasks as if you were a maid."

Pei Qing didn't understand why he suddenly brought up the matter of the emperor while reviewing the military documents. She remained silent. Xiao Yuan also ceased speaking, his unpredictable moods making him hard to read. Pei Qing decided to sit down by the bed, keeping her distance from him.

Xiao Yuan felt a gaze persistently fixed on him. He raised his eyes arrogantly and met her gaze directly. The woman by the bed seemed to want to say something but hesitated. She tried to hold back, but eventually spoke.

"Um... the safety talisman that was by the bed last night seems to be missing."

The man paused, putting the brush down with a snap. "What do you mean? Are you going to take it back?"

Seeing his expression, Pei Qing realized where the talisman had gone. She had indeed said she would give it to him, but Xiao Yuan had looked so disdainful that she assumed he wouldn't want it.

As long as it wasn’t lost.

With that thought, Pei Qing smiled. "What would you like for dinner? I'll go prepare it."

Her smile was captivating, making it hard for anyone to ignore. Yet, her smile was as enchanting as her tears were troubling.

Xiao Yuan averted his gaze. "Whatever."

[Author’s Note:] Xiao Yuan, keep quiet. Perfection in the world, haha!

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