Chapter 14: Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"


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Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"

 Chapter 14: 

Words and Tongue

Pei Qing was stunned by the casual remark, incredulously lifting her head. "Wh-what?"

Xiao Yuan stared at her soft, red lips and repeated in a hoarse voice, "Just like before."

The room was filled with the scent of alcohol, and the only sounds were the man's heavy breathing and the woman's soft sobs.

Pei Qing came from an unremarkable background and had endured many hardships and sufferings before her marriage, including insults and physical punishments. She had faced all kinds of injustices.

Her mother had died early, her father was biased, and her stepmother was domineering. Pei Qing had never cried, knowing that, despite everything, there were still one or two people who cared for her. Her sister Pei Wan was one, and once, Xiao Yuan had been another.

But now, his eyes were filled with mockery and humiliation. Hot tears fell one after another, yet they did not elicit any compassion or leniency.

All she received was his impatient command: “Chu Li, bring that bastard from Han Ning Palace to me!”

Chu Li, who thought he was done for the night, was startled by the sudden shout and quickly responded, “Yes, my lord!”

“No!” came the sound of the woman’s crying from inside. Chu Li hesitated. The Empress was crying?

He pressed his ear to the door and listened again. Inside, Pei Qing said, “The prince is joking; there’s no need for you to trouble yourself.”

Chu Li waited for a while, but since there was no further movement from the prince, it seemed he no longer needed to go to Xuyang Palace to get the little prince. Holding his sword, Chu Li tilted his head outside the door, pondering that he should tell the prince tomorrow that calling the young prince a bastard was truly inappropriate, as trouble often arises from careless words.

Inside the hall, by the edge of the soft couch, Xiao Yuan played with a strand of Pei Qing’s long hair, observing her tear-streaked face as she, looking utterly aggrieved, held his most intimate part with her delicate hands.

“Hmm.” The man’s abdomen tightened, and the touch of her cool, gentle hands was inexplicably soothing.

The warmth made Pei Qing’s heart shiver, and she could distinctly feel the throbbing veins in her palm. As her hands barely hold it, she closed her eyes, slightly parted her lips, and extended her tongue, just like before.

Xiao Yuan's throat continually moved, and a tingling sensation spread through his body. Unlike him, Pei Qing furrowed her brows, struggling to hide her shame and dislike for the situation.

Her tongue barely touched once and then quickly retreated, not daring to make a second attempt.

Feeling the familiar anger rising in the man, Pei Qing hastily lowered her head. Xiao Yuan's expression darkened, and his large hand moved along her hair to the back of her head, not giving her a chance to lift it.

“Hmm—” Pei Qing felt a powerful force pressing down on her, leaving her unable to speak. Shock and suffocation overwhelmed her in an instant.

In that moment, Xiao Yuan experienced an overwhelming pleasure that clouded his senses. Driven by instinct, he involuntarily moved.

The more terrifying intrusion and suffocation terrified Pei Qing. She struggled by pushing against the man’s thigh, but her meager strength was futile against him. Instead, her struggling and shaking head only brought him a nearly uncontrollable, lethal pleasure.

Xiao Yuan wanted to push further but suddenly met Pei Qing’s tear-filled, fearful eyes. He was momentarily stunned.

Some women seem destined to destroy men. Even disheveled and pitiable, engaged in the most seductive and degrading acts, their eyes can still be so pure and captivating, filled with tears that soften one's heart.

He loosened his grip on the back of her head and withdrew slightly.

Xiao Yuan, unusually patient, said, “Move your tongue, don’t bite. Start from below and don’t keep it in the same place.”

He completely released his hold and wiped away the tears from the corner of Pei Qing’s eyes. “If you do well, I won’t need to do it myself. Empress, this is my last act of respect.”

[Author's Note:] This chapter was also heavily edited, haha.

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